00 Otaku Part 1

*In Washington D.C two agents are going into a secret building. They get stopped by the guard*

(Guard): Names and IDs please.

(Agent 1): Agent Ashlyn Renee aka The Elegant Sword.

(Agent 2): Agent Brian Lamark aka The Iron Fists.

(Guard): All good. *Opens the gate* Welcome to the Otakugon.

*Ashlyn and Brian head inside where we see a bunch of other agents walking around and doing work. The two take an elevator up to floor 7 where they walk down the hall and enter a meeting room where 4 other agents are waiting for them*

(Agent): Agents Ashlyn and Brian thank you for joining us, please be seated.

*Ashlyn and Brian take their seats*

(Agent): I’m sure you two are familiar with our guest. We have Danny Vida executive officer of agents, Melissa Squatz coordinator of Con Relations, Brent Woods COO of Otakugon, and me Dean Gram of office relations here at Otakugon.

(Brent): I thank you all for meeting on such short notice. As we all know a piece of value was stolen from the Otaku Community and new evidence has been bought to light.

(Danny): Agents Ashlyn and Brian were put on the case to retrieve this valuable treasure but I am afraid to say that we were too late. The weeaboos got to it first and in our efforts to retrieve it they themselves lost it as well.

(Melissa): Which leads us to the current situation that the stolen item will be making its way on the con circuit we have planned all throughout the summer.

(Brian): Than we have failed. Retrieving it now seems impossible.

(Ashlyn): Not quite. We still have a chance to save the con.

(Danny): What are you suggesting?

(Ashlyn): We have an agent go undercover and join the con’s circuit as part of the show. Someone who has an extensive knowledge and love of anime and who won’t attract any attention while investigating.

(Brent): A good idea. But who can we choose? It would have to be a reviewer or critic of anime that everyone is familiar with. If it’s a newcomer they’ll suspect them immediately.

(Ashlyn): Which is why I propose we ask him for help.

*Ashlyn slides a file over to Brent, Melissa, and Danny to see and Danny’s eyes widen in both shock and anger*

(Danny): No! Anyone but him! Under no circumstances are we bringing him back into this mix!

(Brian): We need him Danny. He’s more than qualified.

(Danny): I would rather marathon Yumeria than ask him for help. Surely there must be other reviewers who be willing to help us.

(Brent): Now is not the time to be picky. Time is of the essence and miss Ashlyn here has given the best candidate as of now.

(Danny): But sir his record is-

(Brent): I am well aware of his record and I trust that you and Agent Ashlyn will keep him in line during the mission. Let’s bring him in.

*We then cut to Nitsuj in his house sharpening and cleaning his swords*

(Nitsuj): Hmm~ *Nitsuj is inspecting his sword to make sure he didn’t miss a spot*. Perfect.

*Nitsuj takes a swing with his sword to see how it feels*

(Nitsuj): Nice! Yami no Period is all good to go. Alright, Hikari no Nenrei you’re next.

*As Nitsuj prepares to sharpen the sword he hears his cellphone ring and goes to see who’s calling him*

(Nitsuj): A phone call from Washington? Guess he heard I wasn’t a Trump fan.

*Nitsuj chuckles at his own joke and answers the phone*

(Nitsuj): Hello?

(???): Is this the Dark Samurai?

(Nitsuj): No one’s called me that in a long time. Who is this?

(???): The seven dragonballs have been gathered and we now want to make a wish to the almighty dragon.

(Nitsuj): State your wish?

*As Nitsuj talks on the phone the AI girls are relaxing and watching TV in another room*

(Yume): Hey guys there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. What exactly does Nitsuj do?

(Yin-Yang): What do you mean? He reviews anime.

(Yume): Yes, I know that but I mean financially wise. In the months that I’ve been in this house I haven’t seen Nitsuj do anything job wise that would earn him money.

(Mira): You know, now that you mention it, it does seem odd. I’ve been keeping track of his bank account and surprisingly he has a good amount of cash in the bank and it steadily increases over time.

(Yume): Exactly! Isn’t that weird? He doesn’t have a job that we know of and yet he still has a steady income. On top of that, what did he do before he started reviewing anime?

(Seras): That’s another good question. I’ve never once heard Nitsuj talk about his past. Even my Nitsuj barely spoke about his past and when he did it was usually about his experiences with anime.

(Chibi Isis): I did ask Nii-chan once about his past such as where he learned all that jutsu and sword style but he changed the subject.

(Yume): So let me get this straight, you mean to tell me that all the time you guys have been with Nitsuj none of you never once asked him about his past or what he does to earn money?

(Yin-Yang): Hey, he could have been getting that money from Santa or the moon men on the Moon. As long as there’s a roof over our head and food on the table, I’m not gonna ask questions.

(Isis): I think what Yin-Yang is trying to say is that we never really asked these questions before in the past because we didn’t really care about his past. He may be a little crazy, perverted, and nonsensical at times but when it’s all said and done we trust him and know that there’s a good reason for all the secrecy and madness he does.

*As Isis finishes her sentence Nitsuj breaks down the door and walks in like nothing*

(Shizuku): Boss, that door was open.

(Nitsuj): I know. I just wanted to show you guys I could do that. Anyway, pack your things ladies we’re going on a trip.

(Isis): A trip? Where to?

(Nitsuj): Miami, Florida. We’ve got some business to take care of down there.

*After about an hour and a half of packing and getting ready, Nitsuj loads up the car and they all get ready to go to the airport*

(Nitsuj): Alright, just so you guys know, I only have enough money to pay for one plane ticket so you’ll all be riding in my cellphone.

(AI girls): Okay.

(Baron): Alright, let’s go.

(Corbin): Surf’s up.

(Nitsuj): Baron! Corbin! What are you guys doing here?

(Corbin): We saw you trying to sneak off without us. How dare you try to go on a trip without us.

(Nitsuj): Guys I’m not going down there for fun. I’ve got some important business to take care of and I can’t be bothered watching you two.

(Baron): Oh come on! You’ve gotta let us come. We haven’t been able to leave the city ever since we got to this world.

(Corbin): Heinz finally gave us permission to leave the city. We’ll pay for all our lodging and expenses so please let us go with you.

(Nitsuj): Alright. I suppose you guys could come in handy.

(Corbin): Great! Do it Baron!

*Baron presses a button and soon their house explodes and catches fire*

(Nitsuj): What the hell are you guys doing!?

(Baron): Leaving no evidence.

(Mira): You guys do know we’re coming back right?

(Corbin): We are? Well shit.

(Yin-Yang): That house is burning awfully fast. How much gasoline did you guys use?

(Baron): A lot. About 10 gallons worth. We also put some in your house in case you forgot to erase evidence.

(Nitsuj and the AI girls): WHAT!

*Suddenly Nitsuj’s house explodes and catches fire*

(Yume): Oh my God.

*Seras and Shizuku jump out of the phone and attack the Jack Bros.*

(Jack Bros.): AHHHHHHHHH~!

(Nitsuj): I’ll deal with this when we get back. Keep them alive for now ladies.

*Nitsuj starts his car and drives off towards the airport as he watches his house burn in the distance*

To be continued

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