Disneytoon-cember Part 13: Mighty Ducks

Duck rocks! Remember that saying? If you don’t, don’t worry because nobody said it. Mighty Ducks was the last show to be featured on the Disney Afternoon show and the most bizarre out of all of them as it had nothing to do with the original movie whatsoever. The only thing they had in common was hockey. Much like Quack Pack this was a show I remember watching quite a bit as a child and as I look back on it as an adult I recognize a lot of the mistakes I didn’t recognize when I was younger. But unlike Quack Pack where I can still find joy in it the Mighty Ducks was a show I can’t find joy in anymore.

So the story of the Mighty Ducks goes like this. In a faraway galaxy there’s this planet ruled by ducks where hockey serves as the center of their life. One day the planet is attacked by their arch nemesis the Saurians led by Dragaunus and his henchmen. However a small rebellion attacks his base and chases him off the planet to our planet where both parties get stranded on our planet. Here, the ducks become professional hockey players all while searching for Dragaunus and defeating him once and for all. For a series that has a somewhat epic story going they sure do drop the ball big time. First off this show was obviously a rip-off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and they even had all the team archetypes the leader, the hot head, the brain, the smart one, the muscle, and the comic relief. Of course around this time the archetypes were dated and this show didn’t add anything new to them. Each episode was pretty basic. Dragaunus was trying to find a new fuel source to get off our planet and each time the ducks would stop him. Why didn’t he just try to conquer our planet? I mean he’s here so why pass up an opportunity to expand your empire in the galaxy. If he would have been trying to do that instead of looking for a fuel source that would of made the show a little more interesting. There really was no creativity in this whatsoever and given how strange and bizarre of an idea this show was its quite disappointing. The only thing in this show that was awesome was Tim Curry being the voice of Dragaunus and his second in command Wraith voiced by Tony Jay. That was the only thing of valuable in this show having those two voice the villains. Everything else just failed. This show was just Disney getting lazy on us and throwing out something completely lazy and uncreative.

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