Journey to the East Part 2

*It’s morning time in Japan and Nitsuj has just arrived. But not in the city he wished*

(Nitsuj): Traveler’s log, morning. I have successfully made it to Japan but not in Tokyo. One of the passengers was pregnant and her water broke so we had to make an emergency landing in India. The next flight to Tokyo wouldn’t be for another 4 days. Not wanting to wait that long I decided to hop on a boat to Japan and now I’m on the Okinawa islands. My boat for the mainland will leave in 2 hours so I guess I’ll take in the sights, get something to eat, and mingle with the locals. And with this translator I created to look like an earring everything the locals say will sound English to me and with the voice emitter program on my phone I can make all my sentences sound like Japanese. End log.

*As Nitsuj walks and takes in the sights while looking for a place to eat he starts to get hot from the beating sun and realizes he’ll need a hat to keep himself cool. He manages to come across a hat stand and goes to ask for a hat*

(Nitsuj): Excuse me, I would like to purchase that strawhat please.

(Hat owner): No.

(Nitsuj): Don’t worry, I have money if that’s the issue.

(Hat owner): It’s not, now get lost. I don’t sell merchandise to your kind.

(Nitsuj): My kind? What the-

(Hat owner): Americans. I don’t sell stuff to Americans. You Americans make me sick. You have no manners and you think you can walk over everyone.

(Nitsuj): No we don’t. Okay well some of us do but not all of us.

(Hat owner): Don’t make me laugh. You come to our islands and expect us to treat you like royalty. Well you’re not getting it from me.

(Nitsuj): Look sir I may be an American but I’m a still a tourist. Now I admit my country has problems but not all of us are bad. I’m not trying to start any trouble here I’m just looking for a hat to beat this sun.

(Hat owner): We’ll then I suggest you look somewhere else Mr. American. Now get out of you. You’re obstructing my business.

*Not wanting to start any trouble Nitsuj walks away still hot and beginning to sweat. As he walks he finally spots a restaurant up the road and begins walking towards it. As he walks towards he gets blasted with dirty water from a lady shop owner*

(Lady shop owner): Whoops. Sorry, didn’t see you there.

*Nitsuj could clearly tell that the lady was lying and did this on purpose but continued on his way where a couple of kids laughed at him and a few adults gave him the death stare. When he finally reaches the restaurant a man sitting outside spits in his direction but Nitsuj dodges the spit in time. Just when Nitsuj is about to fight he stops himself remembering his promise not to cause trouble and goes inside*

(Nitsuj): Goddamn you Isis.

*Once inside Nitsuj goes to the bathroom and changes shirts. He then goes back to the dining hall, sits down, and orders some food where the old chef named Tobi gives him a glass of water*

(Nitsuj): Thanks.

(Tobi): You looked as if you needed it.

(Nitsuj): You’ve no idea. Let’s just say I haven’t been having the best day.

(Tobi): Yeah I saw you coming down the road and getting harassed. Sorry about all that you’ll have to forgive everyone they don’t take kindly to Americans.

(Nitsuj): If you don’t mind me asking why the hate?

(Tobi): We’ll it all has to do with those U.S military troops.

(Nitsuj): U.S troops?

(Tobi): You know how you got troops stationed here right?

(Nitsuj): Yeah, we set up a base here sometime in the 70s.

(Tobi): Right, well a large number of folks really don’t like them being here. There have been many allegations such as rape, dumping of illegal chemicals in the water, and some instances of violence. For the most part they’re good but we get some who come around here and just cause all kinds of trouble for the locals such as extortion, loud noise, and property damage.

(Nitsuj): I get it now. That explains the harsh treatment I received earlier. I had heard there was resentment about our forces being stationed here but I had no idea it would be this bad. Is it like this on the other islands?

(Tobi): A little, not nearly as bad as they are here. There’s a number of troops here who come around from time to time and cause trouble. We’ve complained about it on a number of occasions but those guys cover their tracks and with no proof we can’t really do nothing about them.

(Nitsuj): Damn. Sorry to hear that. What about you? What’s your take on me? You’re the first person to treat me nicely. Why?

(Tobi): Well I admit I’ve had my tussles with Americans in the past but you seem like a genuinely good person. I saw how you had the chance to punch that one guy out but stopped yourself. In my eyes that makes you a good person in my book. You may be American but you’re still you and we should see you as that. Not to mention it be stupid to pass up profit and a big tip.

(Nitsuj): *Chuckles* Can’t argue with that logic.

*Nitsuj and Tobi continue to talk to each other and tell stories about their lives and what bought Nitsuj to Japan*

(Tobi): So you’re here as a tourist trying to get to Akihabara. Can’t say I blame you, that place is a must for tourists.

(Nitsuj): Yep. It’ll be a long road to get there but I intend to stop along the way and smell the roses. Well, I should get going, my boat to the mainland should be coming soon and I don’t want to scare customers away. Nice talking to you Tobi.

(Tobi): Same here. Take care now and enjoy the country.

*Nitsuj pays Tobi for his meal and gives him a big tip. As he’s leaving Tobi calls out to him*

(Tobi): Hey wait. You never told me what you do.

(Nitsuj): Me? I’m just a guy who likes anime and enjoys reviewing it. See ya.

*As Nitsuj walks out he felt happy that he had a chance to talk to a kind Japanese man. As he was walking to the spot for his boat he began to feel hot again*

(Nitsuj): I should of asked Tobi for a hat.

*As Nitsuj continues to walk he spots a few U.S troops causing trouble for the hat owner from earlier*

(Hat owner): Damn it! I told you guys to stop bothering me!

(U.S officer): Sorry. I can’t understand a word you are saying. Can you translate for me Mark?

(Mark): Of course Jim. He says he wants us to tip over his stand.

(Jim): Okay. Sammy, Kev, give me hand please.

*Jim, Sammy, and Kev tip over the stand knocking the hat owner’s merchandise all over the ground. They all laugh at their deed until the hat owner has enough and punches Jim across the cheek*

(Jim): That was a big mistake.

*Jim punches him in the stomach and he falls to his knees as Kev and Mark grab his arms to hold him in place*

(Jim): I’ve heard you Japanese like to play football. So do I. Let me show you some of my skills.

*As Jim winds up to punt him right in the head Nitsuj gets between him and the hat owner*

(Nitsuj): Leave now.

(Mark): Oh a tourist. And an American one at that. Don’t worry sir, we’re just handling civil disobedience.

(Nitsuj): Really? Looks more like a pack of bullies ganging up on a student. I won’t say it again. Leave now.

(Jim): You’ve got a lot of nerve talking to a U.S officer. Stuff like that could get a person hurt.

*Jim takes a swing at Nitsuj but he dodges it and trips Jim*

(Nitsuj): Hmm~, not as quick I used to be but still my basic training is more than enough to handle someone as slow, weak, and stupid as you, Jimmy.

*Jim gets back up and takes multiple swings at Nitsuj who continues to dodge all of his attacks with ease*

(Nitsuj): Man you are slow. What are they teaching you? But I can’t blame the instructors, it’s obvious that the student is at fault here. Or should I say students as I’m sure these guys are nothing special either.

*Mark, Sammy, and Kev take offence to Nitsuj’s comment and join Jim in trying to attack him where Nitsuj once again continues to dodge all of their attacks even making them run into each other a few times*

(Sammy): Watch it!

(Mark): You watch it! I almost had him!

*After much moving around Nitsuj manages to wear them out and gets them to line up*

(Nitsuj): Pool shot thrust.

*Nitsuj uses the case of his sword to thrust at his opponents knocking them all down*

(Nitsuj): 4 clowns in the side pocket. A new personal record.

(Kev): Now you’ve done it. You just attacked a U.S officer which means you’re in serious trouble now.

(Nitsuj): Excuse me? You attacked me first.

(Mark): Our word against your word. Let’s see who wins.

(Nitsuj): I say it’s me.

*A kid walks up to Nitsuj and hands him a phone*

(Kid): Here you go mister. I taped it just like you said.

(Nitsuj): Good work.

(Sammy): What is that.

(Nitsuj): Oh this. Footage of four U.S officers attacking a tourist. I’m sure your commander would love to see this.

(Jim): What are your demands?

(Nitsuj): Leave and don’t ever cause trouble for the locals again.

(Jim): Fine. Let’s move out.

(Mark): Jim you can’t be serious.

(Jim): I said move out.

*Intimidated by Jim’s harsh tone Mark and the others quickly follow after him and leave. Nitsuj walks over to the hat owner to see he’s okay and drops a flash drive in his lap which contains the video of Nitsuj getting attacked by the U.S officers*

(Nitsuj): Here. If anymore U.S officers cause trouble for you guys just show this and threaten to show it to their superiors.

*After Nitsuj says his piece he heads on his way to the docks*

(Hat owner): Hey wait!

*The hat owner tosses Nitsuj’s a strawhat*

(Hat owner): It’s hot today. Not safe to walk around without a hat.

(Nitsuj): Thanks. But I thought you don’t do business with Americans.

(Hat owner): I don’t. But I do business with interesting tourists like yourself.

*After hearing this Nitsuj smiles and heads to the docks where he gets on his boat and heads to his next stop which is the Shikoku islands*

To be continued

Author’s note: Hey guys thanks for reading. Just to give you guys a heads up you can expect to see the next part of The Journey to the East every Wednesday from now on. This is the longest story to date for me so I hope you all enjoy it.

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