Journey to the East Part 6

*In an interrogation room Nitsuj is being interrogated by the weeaboos*

(Nitsuj): *Laughs* You’ll never get me to talk.

(Security guard): Oh yes I will baka. Now tell us who sent you, who are you working for?

(Nitsuj): Like I told you I have no idea what you’re talking about, I didn’t even know this was a weeaboo operation. I’m just a tourist.

(Security guard): Really? Well sumimasen for not knowing all tourists were allowed to carry swords.

(Nitsuj): Yeah I guess you guys missed the memo. I can show you it. Along with the go fuck yourself memo as well.

*Guard punches Nitsuj*

(Security guard): Shut the hell up. Hey Trey pass me his sword.

(Trey): You got it Nate.

(Nitsuj): I wouldn’t do that if I was you. That sword doesn’t like being touched by strangers.

(Trey): Yeah right.

*Trey goes to reach for the sword and gets shocked so bad that he goes flying to a wall*

(Nitsuj): I warned you.

(Nate): Holy crap! Medic satto satto!

*The medics come in and take Trey away*

(Nate): Baka mistake. I’m gonna- woah, what’s going on here.

(Nitsuj): Hmm~?

(Nate): The room it’s closing in on us. Where’s the door, the door’s gone! Oh man we’re all gonna die! I don’t like tight spaces! Someone get me out of here!

*Nitsuj takes advantages of this situation to grab Nate and throw him through the table knocking him out*

(FZ21): Good work. I didn’t think you would catch on.

*The TV behind Nitsuj comes on to show the fox girl*

(Nitsuj): Now I see. You hacked into the TV monitors.

(FZ21): A simple trick I learned to do a long time ago. Now go. Use this chance to escape.

(Nitsuj): What about you?

(FZ21): I’ll cover your escape. Once they find out they’ll no doubt see this as an irregularity in my program and clean it. The personality that I developed will cease to exist and I’ll become a blank slate once again. Although our time was short I really did enjoy meeting you. If we ever get the chance to meet again do be so kind as to say hi to me.

(Nitsuj): Than the escape will have to wait.

(FZ21): Huh?

(Nitsuj): You saved me so I’ll save you. After all we still have to eat ramen together. Now which way is it to your mind?

(FZ21): It’s in the basement. But you’ll need Sanchez’s badge in order to access the computer that holds my mind.

(Nitsuj): Alright. Than Sanchez must go down. But first *grabs sword* I need get my stuff.

*After Nitsuj exits the room and makes his way down the hall to the lost and found area where some of the guards are playing with Nitsuj’s gadgets*

(Security guard 1): Sugoi! These things are amazing Sanchez-sama.

(Security guard 2): Man camera bots! Is this guy really just some blogger?

(Nitsuj): No.

*Nitsuj uses the back of his sword to knock out the security guards*

(Nitsuj): I’m an anime blogger.

(Sanchez): Blake? David? What’s going on? What was that sound?

(Nitsuj): *Imitating one of the guards* Sumimasen! Sumimasen! No kawaii desu desu!

(Sanchez): What!

(Nitsuj): Sorry, allow me to translate normally, we just got our asses kicked boss.

(Sanchez): You. How did you get out of the interrogation room?

(Nitsuj): A little fox let me out. Which speaking of foxes I’ll be taking her with me so if you don’t mind handing over the key to her brain you be saving me a lot of trouble beating up all your guys and whatnot.

(Sanchez): You are crazy if you think I’ll hand our project over to you! In case you forgot you’re going up against 165 trained weeaboos. Do you really think you stand a chance of getting to me?

(Nitsuj): 165 weeaboos against one anime blogger. Let’s even these odds up. Yippie ki yay mother fucker.

*Nitsuj turns the radio off, gathers his things and leaves the room. While he does that Sanchez goes to the security camera room to track Nitsuj*

(Sanchez): Get me a location on where he’s at.

(Security guard): He just left the lost and found room and is going down hall 5. That leads back to the exhibits.

(Sanchez): Clever bastard he’s trying to blend into the crowd thinking we won’t take action. All units on the floor be on the lookout for a man carrying a sword and a backpack. He must not escape.

*Nitsuj exits back out into the exhibits where he does his best to avoid the security cameras*

(Security guard): Suspect was last spotted in the outer sanctum. Begin searching that area first.

(Security guard 2): It’s incredible. He’s avoiding all the cameras. It’s almost like he knows where they are and where their blind spots are. But that would be crazy, he’s only been here for a couple of hours there’s no way he could have figured where all the cameras are located.

(Sanchez): Keep in mind we’re not dealing with some average tourist here. There’s something more to him than he lets on. Give me a report on him. I want to know who he is, where he comes from, everything and anything I want to know about post haste.

(Security guard 3): Yes sir!

*Nitsuj avoiding all the cameras makes his way to the inner shrine area*

(Security guard): He’s gone into the inner shrine.

(Sanchez): Get all of our guest out of there and close off the area. Units 2-4 move in and capture him.

*Within a minute the inner shrine is closed off and the guests are lead out of the area*

(Security guard): No sign of Nitsuj in the crowd. Which means he must still be in the temple.

(Sanchez): All units move into the temple.

*The guards go into the temple cautiously looking for Nitsuj and not finding him*

(Nitsuj): Before I come out. If anybody wants to leave, you might want to do it now.

*None of the guards leave as they prepare their nightsticks for battle wondering where Nitsuj was hiding. After the guards shut the front and rear doors Nitsuj drops from the ceiling behind one of the guards and takes him out with a leg sweep. This alerts the other guards who attack Nitsuj who draws his sword and begins fighting off everyone taking them down one by one. Through the fighting many of the decorations and walls gets destroyed and one of the guards goes flying out of a window and another goes flying through a door. Nitsuj emerges from the temple totally fine while leaving a bunch of guards laid out*

(Nitsuj): Amateurs.

*Nitsuj waves to the camera and then proceeds outside to the bamboo maze*

(Security guard): He defeated all the guards.

(Sanchez): Fuck! All available units go after him. Permission to harm him granted. Use deadly force if you have to. Who is this guy? The way he fought just proves there’s something abnormal about him. What do we know about?

(Security guard): Uh nothing sir.

(Sanchez): What!

(Security guard): I have done multiple searches on him but all I can find is his blog page, which are quite fun to read. It’s as if the man never existed at all.

*Back in the bamboo maze the guards continue to search for Nitsuj not finding him at all until Nitsuj slashes through a couple of bamboos revealing himself and attacking the guards while also using the bamboo as a weapon to fight. He takes out a number of guards until one is left standing*

(Security guard): Please don’t hurt me. I give up! I don’t even want be a weeaboo anymore.

(Nitsuj): Tell me where the camera room is.

*The guard tells Nitsuj and Nitsuj knocks him out with the bamboo to get his security card key. He then exits the maze and makes his way into another exhibit where he pulls the fire alarm causing panic to occur as everyone exits the temple. During the confusion Nitsuj slips into a security station and hacks into their system. After his hacking is done he leaves the room*

(Security guard): What was he doing in there?

(Sanchez): Nevermind that, just keep following him. There’s no doubt he’s heading this way soon. All guards make your way outside the camera room. When he shows up we get him. He’s coming for me.

*Sure enough Sanchez was right, Nitsuj was making his way to the camera room as the monitors showed and all the guards were out there waiting for him to show*

(Sanchez): Where the hell is he, he should have been here by now?

(Security guard 1): Sir, he’s showing up in the ground areas.

(Security guard 2): No, I got him in the jade hall area.

(Security guard 3): What are you guys talking about he’s right out the camera room trying to break in.

(Sanchez): You idiots he’s hacked our cameras.

(Security guard 1): He must have done it when he broke into the security station.

(Sanchez): Then where the hell is he?

(Nitsuj): Hey there Sanchez. I heard you guys have a spectacular firework show on Saturday nights here at the temple. Now I know it may be Friday but why don’t we give everyone a show that they’ll love.

*Nitsuj presses a button and fireworks soon begin to go off all throughout the temple which Nitsuj placed while all the guards were gathering outside the camera room. Soon the whole temple begins to catch fire*

(Sanchez): My temple! My temple!

*All the security guards soon disperse and begin going around the temple to put the fire out. Shocked at what just happened Sanchez also exits the camera room to go help but as soon as he opens the door Nitsuj blasts him with the fire extinguisher*

(Sanchez): AHHHHHHHH~!

(Nitsuj): Fire! Fire! Stop drop and roll! Stop drop and roll!

*After Nitsuj gets done blasting him with the fire extinguisher he uses this chance to grab Sanchez’s security card key and begins to make his way down to the basement where the fox girl’s brain is being kept*

(FZ21): You’re late.

(Nitsuj): Sorry to keep you waiting. I figured I’d check out the exhibits. Gotta say, not really that impressed. Alright time to download you to my phone.

*Nitsuj hacks into the computer and uploads the fox girl’s mind into his phone*

(Nitsuj): And done. Now to leave this place stage left.

*Using an emergency escape door Nitsuj escapes the burning temple just as the fire department was coming*

(Nitsuj): Nailed it.

(FZ21): Indeed. I’m finally free and it’s all thanks to you. But I must ask why can’t I leave your phone?

(Nitsuj): Now that you’re no longer bound to the temple you don’t have a droid body anymore.

(FZ21): So you mean I’m stuck in your phone forever?

(Nitsuj): Of course not. You just have to materialize your body. It’ll take a few days but once it’s complete you’ll be able to materialize in this world with ease. Until then remain patient and I’ll keep you safe.

*As Nitsuj says this he walks away from the burning temple not paying it any attention. Back at the temple Sanchez has been carried out to safety though not by the police but by secret agents*

(Sanchez): Get your hands off of me. Do you have any idea who I am?

(Agent): Yeah. You’re a no good weeaboo sucking the joy out of anime. Now get in the car.

(Sanchez): I knew it. I knew that man was working for you guys. Mark my words the Age of the weeaboos is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

(Agent): Blah blah blah. Get him out of here.

*One of the agents watching the security camera footage of Nitsuj smiles and chuckles*

(Agent): And here I thought you were retired.

To be continued

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