Nitsujcember Part 18: One Piece Film Z

As you all know I’m a huge fan of One Piece so it only makes sense that I would look at one of their movies. Since Film Z was the latest One Piece it only made sense to look at that movie. In the movie the Marines are at war with the Neo Marines a group of radical Marines led by Z a former Admiral of the Marines who trained a majority of the current Marines acting as their hero and who they all aspired to be. In the movie Z plans to destroy the New World by destroying the Final Points, 3 islands that when destroyed will pretty much destroy the New Word. After Z attacks the Starwhats they soon get involved with Z and go after him hoping to make him pay for attacking them and also stopping him from destroying the New World.

The best aspect of this movie besides the fight scenes which play out like something out of Dragonball Z is the main antagonist himself Z. This guy just makes the movie for me. He’s one of the deepest characters to ever appear in the One Piece universe canon or non-canon. He’s really not a bad guy, he just feels that the Marines have lost their way in upholding justice in the world (and in a sense he’s right). Like I said in my review you really do come to understand and feel sympathy for this guy as he’s lost so much yet still continues to go on in the name of justice. He’s a very well-respected man who everyone respects from Luffy to Akoji to the foot soldiers of the Marines who shed tears at the very end of the movie as they’re being ordered to kill a man not only they respect but admire. The Starwhat crew still remains the same so no worries there but one thing that really bothers me about this movie is the story. I still don’t get how destroying 3 islands automatically destroys the New World and if these islands are so valuable and important than why are they so unguarded by the Marines? If it was me I would have stationed a whole army on each island with an Admiral stationed on each one 24/7. Now a lot of people have called this to be the best One Piece movie and no I don’t think so. Don’t get me wrong it’s good in terms of characters but story wise it leaves much to be desired. On top of that at times it didn’t feel like a One Piece movie but more like a cross between Naruto and Dragonball Z. The reason for this is mostly due to its story and fight scenes. I gave Film Z a 7.5/10 and yeah I think I would change it to a 7/10 if I was reviewing it today. In the end it’s a good One Piece Movie that any fan of the series can enjoy with its great use of lovable and deep characters but don’t expect to be blown away with the story aspect of the movie.

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