00 Otaku Part 15

*A few days have gone by and the group is in San Antonio. Nitsuj is preparing for his panel in his room with the AI girls while going over their plan to attack the weeaboo base*

(Danny): Alright. Here’s what we know, the weeaboos have a based located beneath the city of San Antonio. After interrogating those AI sisters last night we confirmed that the base is in fact beneath the city just a few miles from the AT & T center. Normally, I would send a squad in to seize it and take control of it but we need to keep an eye on the con so I’m leaving it in your hands. Have you decided on the team who will be infiltrating the base?

(Nitsuj): That would be the team of Yin-Yang, Shizuku, Seras and Mira. I would have joined them but I’ve got a panel to go to this morning and the person we’re investigating can only be investigated by Ashlyn and the girls.

(Danny): Why?

(Ashlyn): She’s doing a panel in No Man’s Land.

*Danny blushes slightly and coughs a little*

(Danny): I. . .I see. This is definitely a task best suited for Ashlyn and the others. *Clears throat* Anyway, the best way to enter their base is to sneak into AT & T center. Head down into the basement and look for a trap door down there. It’ll lead you to their base and from there you know what to do. Hack their files and see if you can find who has the flash drive or any valuable information you can think of. As for the base itself, make it unusable for them.

(Seras): Okay. Leave it to us.

(Nitsuj): There’s sure to be a counter-attack and possibly an AI guard waiting there for you so be careful.

(Yin-Yang): That’s what I’m hoping for.

(Isis): Just don’t do anything rash Yin-Yang.

(Yin-Yang): I won’t. Complete the mission and then I’ll have my vengeance.

(Shizuku): Alright. Let’s get a move on.

*Shizuku, Seras, Yin-Yang, and Mira get their gear and head out to do their mission. They arrive shortly at the AT & T center where they easily infiltrate the building*

(Shizuku): Man, so much prestige. To think this is where one of the greatest NBA teams of all time plays.

(Seras): I wonder if they’re on the court practicing right now. Let’s go see.

(Yin-Yang): Wait!

*Yin-Yang’s ears tingle a little bit*

(Yin-Yang): Someone’s coming. Hide.

*The AI girls quickly hide as security guards walk by doing their daily walkthrough. Once the coast is clear the girls come out of hiding*

(Mira): Well one thing’s for sure, this place is well guarded. Let’s make our way down into the basement.

*Everyone nods and follows Mira who leads them down to the basement door. The door has a security lock on it and requires a code in order for it to be opened*

(Seras): No problem *takes out scythe*. I’ll slice it open.

(Mira): No! It’ll make too much noise. Let’s try a more tactful approach. Shizuku, if you would.

*Shizuku walks up to the door, takes a deep breath, and punches the door down with ease*

(Seras): And you think my way wasn’t tactful?

(Mira): Alright Yin-Yang, use that nose of yours to find the entrance.

(Yin-Yang): So you assume that just because I’m an animal I can track their scent back to the entrance? That’s a little racist.

(Shizuku): Well if you can’t do it we’ll-

(Yin-Yang): Damn straight I can do it! It’s underneath that bin of souvenir balls.

*Shizuku and Seras remove the bin and see the entrance. Mira opens it and the girls head down into the passage way. After walking for about a minute they come to a steel door and a security lock*

(Shizuku): Want me to punch it down again?

(Seras): This door might be a bit too much for your fist and I doubt my scythe could cut it.

(Mira): Step aside, this is where I come in.

*Mira begins to hack into the security lock*

(Mira): Impressive. Whoever designed this security system does good work. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.

*After fiddling around for a bit, Mira manages to hack the lock and opens the door for everyone to enter. Once inside the base Yin-Yang takes out a weeaboo by walking on the ceiling and dropping down on the weeaboo slamming his head into the ground. Shizuku also takes out a weeaboo by leg sweeping him off the ground and into the air where she punches him and knocks him out. Both Yin-Yang and Shizuku steal their security cards and give them to Mira*

(Mira): Alright, I’m going to hack into their servers using the laptop the weeaboo dropped. Have fun wreaking havoc in the base.

(Seras): Oh you know we will.

*Mira logs into the laptop*

(Mira): Oh God, why does he have furry porn sites under his bookmark tab?

*Mira ignores what she sees and continues into the server of the weeaboo base*

(Seras): Well ladies, we have a rare opportunity to go berserk on stuff. Let’s make the most of it.

(Yin-Yang): Hey guys, check it out.

*Yin-Yang points to a door and Shizuku and Seras go to check it out where they see bombs and a detonator. Their eyes widen*

(Shizuku): I’ve always wanted to blow something up.

(Seras): You’re not the only one.

(Yin-Yang): Find a body and move it up top.

*Seras, Shizuku, and Yin-Yang quickly get to work taking out all the weeaboos in the base. Thanks to Nitsuj’s programing they can’t kill them however they can hurt them to the point that they pass out. Despite the weeaboos attempt to fight back, they’re no match for the trained expertise of the AI girls. After an hour of fighting, The AI girls manage to round up all the weeaboos, tie them up and put them in carts. They then load the weeaboos up into the elevator and send them up top for AIA agents to come and pick them up. Once the last load of weeaboos has been sent up Mira comes out of main computer in the headquarters and is reunited with the others*

(Yin-Yang): Hi Mira, how’d it go in there?

(Mira): Rough. Whoever designed the security system for this base did a good job. It took me quite a bit to crack all of the firewalls but I succeeded.

(Yin-Yang): Great, did you find anything of value in there?

(Mira): Well the bad news is I didn’t find any information on who our transporter is but the good news is I did find something of value for this case. The weeaboos are working with someone.

(Seras): Say what now?

(Mira): Check out this recording.

*Mira plays the recording for Yin-Yang and Seras*

(Weeaboo): Me and my associates still say you should have let us destroy the flash drive. Anime dubbing has become great this past year. If this keeps up dubbing will have a strong foothold in the western market. This dub needs to be destroyed.

(???): No! Destroying the dub won’t do. We need to nip this problem on the bud and what better place to do it than on a grand stage such as a con. Rest assured, we will destroy the art of dubbing here in the west and through it we will make certain that it is us that benefit the most from this change. As for the flash drive, my associates were very peculiar on keeping it safe no matter what. Once the flash drive is in their hands so too will your dreams be realized. You have my word.

(Weeaboo): Very well. Me and the other weeaboos will continue to watch over your transporter and help them reach the final destination. You just better keep your end of the bargain.

(???): I always do. With my newest discovery and the grand stage we’ve setup, dubbing will be no more. Soon, the anime market of the west will be within our grasp.

*Recording ends*

(Yin-Yang): Woah, that’s some heavy stuff.

(Seras): They’re joking, right? They can’t just destroy dubbing.

(Mira): I don’t know what they have planned but they sound very confident in their plan. We have to tell Nitsuj and the others.

(Seras): Alright, but let’s make sure this base becomes obsolete.

(Mira): Do you have a plan for that?

*Shizuku comes in with a box of explosives*

(Shizuku): Okay, who’s ready to blow shit up?

(Mira): This is your plan, blowing up the base?

(Yin-Yang): It sounded good in our heads.

(Mira): Brilliant! Let’s get started.

*Everyone takes a handful of the explosives and heads out to plant them throughout the base. But as they head out they run into a huge bull-like figure*

(Shizuku): Woah! Big!

(Sebastian): Boa tarde.

*Sebastian grabs Shizuku and pushes her back into the room with the others*

(Sebastian): Well this is a surprise. I came here because I was told they had a mission for me. But when I arrive nobody was here to greet me and now I see why. A couple of ratos snuck in and cleared the place out.

(Seras): An AI from Les Renegades.

(Yin-Yang): You’re that Sebastian guy. Where’s Miguel?

(Sebastian): Ah~, you must be the cachorro he’s been talking about. Sorry but I don’t know where the hell he is. If we wait around long he might show up. Unfortunately, you guys don’t have long to live.

(Seras): The same can be said for you.

*Seras takes out her scythe, leaps into the and tries to slash Sebastian but he just stands there with his mouth open and catches the blade of the scythe with his teeth. He then bites down and completely crushes the blade like nothing as Seras lands on the ground*

(Seras): Damn.

(Sebastian): Thank you, I needed my recommended dose of iron. You will not find me as easy to defeat like the others you’ve come across so far.

*Sebastian knees Seras in the chest and hits her in the back of the head with a chop which sends falling to ground with force*

(Shizuku): Woah! He just took out Seras in two moves.

(Sebastian): Now, who’s next?

*Just as he finished his sentence Seras sprung back and wrapped her legs around his neck*

(Seras): Who says we’re done? Skull hurricanrana!

*Seras does a hurricanrana which sends Sebastian flying and crashing through a table but Sebastian gets back up like nothing happened*

(Sebastian): Well that was unexpected.

(Mira): Nothing seems to hurt this guy.

(Shizuku): I’ll handle this. You guys plant the explosives.

(Seras): You can’t be serious about taking this guy on yourself. Let me help.

(Shizuku): You’ll only just hold me back. Trust me, I got this.

*Shizuku activates Amazon Rage and steps right in front of Sebastian looking up into his eyes where she smiles and throws a punch at his face which connects. Sebastian retaliates by throwing a punch as well which connects and the two begin trading rapid punches with each other. As they do this the others head out and begin planting the bombs throughout the base. After trading enough punches Shizuku takes out her hammer and hits Sebastian with it. He falls back a little bit but regains his footing and spears Shizuku through the wall*

(Mira): This is the first time I’ve seen someone last this long against Shizuku’s strikes. Will she be alright?

(Yin-Yang): Don’t worry, with the training she’s been doing that bull doesn’t stand a chance against her.

(Seras): What training?

(Yin-Yang): Let’s just say Shizuku hasn’t been helping me with just my training to increase my speed. That training was also used to help her out as well.

*As Yin-Yang and the others talk, Shizuku continues to fight against Sebastian. Both have been beaten up pretty badly but despite the pain neither one is letting up*

(Shizuku): Hammer drop!

*Shizuku leaps into the air while doing a flip to gain more force with her hit. But Sebastian blocks the attack and begins to glow green*

(Sebastian): Time to end this. Bull rush!

*With one mighty roar, Sebastian blows away Shizuku’s hammer and begins unloading a series of strong punches on Shizuku who is unable to block them. After punching her many times Sebastain grabs her from behind and begins suplexing her. He does 10 German suplexes and then finishes up with a rolling German suplex. He lets go of Shizuku where she lays motionless*

(Sebastian): Ultra combo! All done? Good talk. You put up a pretty good fight there. Hopefully your friends can provide me with more entertainment.

(Shizuku): I doubt it.

*Shizuku sits back up with a smile on her face*

(Shizuku): Nice series of suplexes. Good thing I tucked my neck or that would have been bad.

(Sebastian): Que diabos!? You should not be standing right now. You-

*Shizuku runs up to Sebastian and punches him in the stomach where he falls to his knees writhing in pain*

(Shizuku): Now I know what you’re thinking, how is she standing, I just hit her with everything I had, and did her punches get stronger? Well to answer the second question first, yes, my punches did get stronger. As for the first question, the answer is endurance. You see a while ago my boss told me the secret to using Amazon’s Rage full power.


(Nitsuj): You’ve really adjusted well to using Amazon’s Rage but you have yet to unlock the true power of Amazon’s Rage.

(Shizuku): True power?

(Nitsuj): Thanks to Amazon’s Rage for each hit you take you get stronger. However, this only applies when you’re still conscious. If somebody were to knock you out you’d be at their mercy.

(Shizuku): So what do you suggest I do?

(Nitsuj): You need to increase your endurance. Take all the hits possible and still stay conscious so that you can unleash your rage on your opponent.

*Flashback ends*

(Shizuku): Ever since he told me that, for last 5 months all I’ve been doing is endurance training. I’ve been training my body to endure just about anything. It was hard. I mean extremely hard but in the end I became stronger and was finally able to bring out the full power of Amazon’s Rage. And what we have here is a rare opportunity for me to finally cut loose and test out the ultimate power of Amazon’s Rage. Allow me to show you what a real ultra combo feels like.

*Without warning Shizuku punches Sebastian in the face and he goes flying through two rooms. Shizuku walks through the rooms with a red aura completely covering her body*

(Shizuku): Burning Tiger.

*Shizuku begins unloading punches and kicks on Sebastian landing 350 hits rendering him unconscious on his feet as he refuses to fall to Shizuku. Shizuku than takes her claymore and slashes through Sebastian like a piece of paper and dissolves into thin air*

(Shizuku): Now that, is what you call an ultra combo.

*Shizuku sits down as the other AI girls show up to check on her*

(Mira): Impressive Shizuku. I didn’t think you were one for strategy.

(Shizuku): Yeah I figured I’d give it a try and see what happens. I’m going back to the old ways.

(Seras): I guess some things never change.

(Yin-Yang): I planted the last of the bombs, let’s get out of here.

(Shizuku): Hey wait. Let’s set them off now while we run away from the explosion. It’ll be awesome.

(Mira): No it won’t. Besides there’s no one around to see us do it.

(Shizuku): We’ll know how cool we were.

*Shizuku grabs the detonator and presses the button starting the timer on the bombs*

(Seras): Oh shit!

*The AI girls help Shizuku up and rush to the nearest computer where they log into the system*

(Yin-Yang): Are you insane!?

(Shizuku): Is that a rhetorical question?

(Seras): Mira, find us a safe area before we get destroyed with their system.

(Mira): I’m searching! I’m searching! There! A restaurant down by the River Walk. Let’s go.

*Everyone jumps into the wormhole and as they do they look back to see that the bombs have reached zero but haven’t gone off*

(Shizuku): Where the kaboom?

(Seras): Must have been defective bombs.

(Shizuku): Ohhhhh~.

*The AI girls continue down the wormhole to reach their destination on the River Walk*

To be continued

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