Record 33: Faven the Goddess of Light

(Zia): Faven, the Goddess of Light. She is often seen as the leader of the gods and is known for her beauty, wisdom, and grace. Her contribution to the world was giving them the sun. She accomplished this task by gathering a hundred stars and encasing them in a ball of light. She was a lover of literature and would often share stories, fables, and parables with the people of Rein in disguise. Many people have portrayed her to be an elf of astounding beauty. It was even believed that she fell in love with a normal elf and gave birth to what we know as a Celestial elf.

Out of the gods, she was said to be the one that interacted with the world the most. She helped society establish rules, kingdoms, and culture. She was like a caring mother who wanted to teach her children everything and make them happy. It’s because of her loving nature for the world that the Followers of Faven is considered the largest religious group in Rein whose members spend most of their time helping out others in need. Just like Faven serves as a beacon of light to the world, her followers wish to shine just as brightly as her.

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