Chapter 63: The Wolf’s Howl For A New Moon

*As all the rock animals were beginning to crumble, everyone sat down to catch their breath. Hibana landed the plane nearby and got out with Raika to hand water and food to everyone. Morgan, Ryuuji, and Jin chomped down on their food like maniacs as everyone watched them*

(Dust): Hungry much, you guys?

(Morgan): Oh don’t you start. We went a whole night without eating and had to walk through the desert to make it back to the city.

(Ryuuji): If not for Morgan’s ice to keep us hydrated who knows what would have happened to us.

(Dust): Alright, fair enough. Chow down you three.

(Amarti): I have to admit Jin, you gave us quite the scare with that missile of yours.

(Hibana): Yeah that was a smart move letting Alita take the shot.

(Jin): Well I figured that if I shot it he would have just moved out of the way. So to take him out I wanted the shot to be as close to him as possible.



*When Alita and Jin had taken out the rock birds Silas sent after them they were flying back to the giant rock bear. During the flight Jin reached into his utility belt and pulled out a small missile*

(Jin): Alita, take this.

(Alita): What is that?

(Jin): A small missile that I created. It’s strong enough to blow up five city blocks. I’m not saying we’ll have to use it, but just in case the first plan doesn’t work we need a backup plan.

(Alita): But even with this missile, it means nothing if I miss my mark.

(Jin): I’ve thought about that. You have infrared vision, right?

(Alita): Of course.

(Jin): Perfect. I know just what to do. I’ll help you find where Silas is. Just make sure you’re ready to take the shot.

*Flashback ends*


(Jin): And so that was the plan we came up with. Of course at the time I didn’t expect Gael and the others to show up and help out. That did make things easier for us.

(Zia): That was a very smart plan.

(Jade): Yeah, thanks for giving me the opening I needed to take him down.

*Jade came walking over to the group with the Blade of Aitanna in her hand and sat down next to Morgan*

(Morgan): You okay?

*Morgan handed her some food and water which she accepted with a smile on her face*

(Jade): Yeah. I was prepared to do this when we arrived, but it was still hard. So, what do we do with the blade now?

(Morgan): Well we were ordered to bring the blade back to Brister, but with this massive battle it wouldn’t surprise me if the blade went missing. Don’t you agree guys?

(Raika): Of course.

(Amarti): Definitely.

*Everyone agreed to make Jade smile even more*

(Jade): Thanks, guys. You really are the best.

(Sanada): Then we should make haste and deliver it to Carnivale.

*Before the group could get up and prepare to leave they heard the sound of helicopters with the Blue Dragon emblem on it. Five helicopters circled around the group in the sky before they landed. Blue Dragon knights exited the helicopter heavily armed with weapons and magic ready to fight. Bradley exited out of one of the helicopters with a grin on his face knowing he had Shadow Eye where he wanted them*

(Bradley): Well, you guys sure seem to be enjoying your picnic. I guess grand theft auto works up an appetite.

(Ryuuji): What are you talking about?

(Hibana): In order to get here faster than normal, we may have stolen a Blue Dragon helicopter without permission.

(Ryuuji and Morgan): WHAT!

(Dust): Ha! Nice!

(Bradley): Stealing Brister properly is punishable by law you know. I never gave authorization to-

(Dust): Hey! We just saved a settlement from getting destroyed by a bunch of rock animals and stopped Silas’s ass from committing genocide. Hell, we even took him down.

(Bradley): I don’t care if he was planning to take down the moon. You guys are all under arrest for stealing Brister property and I’ll be taking the Blade of Aitana back as well. Men.

*Two soldiers approached Jade to retrieve the blade but were knocked back by a wall of ice created by Morgan*

(Morgan): I don’t think so. This blade is being returned to the demihumans of Carnivale. It was theirs in the first place and thus it should be returned to them.

(Jade): Morgan, what are you doing?

(Morgan): Having your back, obviously.

(Amarti): I concur with Morgan. The blade should be returned to Carnivale.

(Bradley): You can’t be serious! You want to give it back to those filthy animals? Arrest them! They’re traitors of the kingdom!

(???): That is not for you to decide, Bradley.

*As soon as Bradley heard that voice a chill went down his spine. Bradley quickly turned around and saw four armored vans that had the emblem of a golden dragon with a crown on top of its head. The knights approaching the group were heavily armored with the same emblem branded on their armor. Two knights were leading the way while two more were behind them. In the middle of the four knights was a man not wearing armor. When the knights reached the group the two knights in front stepped to the side to reveal the man in the middle. He was a middle-aged man with green eyes, black hair that was medium length with a clean lineup, and a black mustache/beard combo that were connected to each other. He wore a golden crown on his head and wore a long-sleeved dark navy buttoned shirt with grey pants, dark navy boots, and a dark navy cape that was medium length. As soon as everyone saw him they all bowed their heads aside from Gael who was confused on what was happening. Sanada and Raika quickly pulled him down*

(Gael): What’s going on?

(Raika): Quiet! We’re in the presence of royalty.

(Gael): Royalty!? Does that mean-

(Jin): That’s Sirius Brister. The current king of Brister.

(Bradley): Your majesty! What an unexpected surprise. What are you doing here?

(Sirius): We were on our way back from delegations in the west when we received a message about some of our knights in the area needing help. Since we were the closest in the area I sent one of my personal knights to scout ahead. Imagine my shock when they reported that a large group of stone animals was heading to a settlement but were stopped by some of our knights and one helicopter belonging to the Blue Dragon order. I had come to offer any assistance to the Blue knights, but I see the battle is over and it was a different order of knights who were fighting.

*Sirius approached the members of Shadow Eye who stood still*

(Sirius): So, what have my troublesome order of knights been up to?

(Ryuuji): Nothing much your majesty. We’ve retrieved the Blade of Aitana, stopped the leader of Blood Moon and killed him from unleashing a genocide that would have seen him wipe out every human in the world.

(Amarti): It’s been a slow week.

(Sirius): I see.

*Sirius looks around at all the rubbles of rock*

(Sirius): Excellent work.

(Bradley): Your majesty, these traitors stole a helicopter from Brister and were planning on giving the blade back to Carnivale.

(Sirius): So I’ve heard. I also heard you denied them the helicopter in the first place despite them having a good reason to use it for a top-priority mission.

*Bradley began to sweat nervously*

(Amarti): Your majesty, I accept full responsibility for the stolen helicopter and surrender myself to punishment.

(Sirius): Is the ship still in working order? Any damages?

(Royal Knight #1): No sire. Even from here, I can tell that ship doesn’t have a scratch on her. And our scout can confirm that the ship landed properly without any issues.

(Sirius): Well considering the ship is still operational, sustained no damages, and was used effectively in this operation to get good results, I believe no punishment will be necessary.

*Bradley was in shock and angry at this announcement but hid it to not get in trouble. Lupin then turned his attention to Jade who was holding the Blade of Aitana. Sirius and Jade stared at each other for a few seconds before Sirius smiled*

(Sirius): There is no need to be so defensive, madam. I have no intention of taking the blade. I’ve had a long time to think about the recent events that have transpired in Brister and I must say I am tired of it. I am tired of demihumans being discriminated against for no reason in my kingdom. A kingdom my forefathers founded in the hopes of creating a home where all are welcome. As of lately, we haven’t done a good job at that and on behalf of Brister, I apologize. By my royal decree, I wish for the blade to return to the demihumans of Carnivale, immediately. Will you accept this mission?

(Jade): I accept.

(Sirius): Very good. I leave it to you then. Feel free to take one of the hummers on your mission. Commander Bradley.

(Bradley): Yes sire?

(Sirius): Would you kindly escort me and my knights to the Lavencore settlement? I have business to attend to with the Wallsworth Federation before returning to Brister.

(Bradley): Of course! We’ll be ready to leave when you are your majesty!

*Bradley quickly got to work ordering his men to prepare for take-off*

(Sirius): *Sigh* You guys never cease to cause trouble wherever you go.

(Amarti): Thanks for saving us back there your majesty.

(Sirius): Don’t thank me. Thank your commander. It was a personal favor he asked of me and after everything that man has done for Brister, there’s no way I could turn him down.

(Jade): Hey, were you serious about returning the blade to Carnivale?

(Sirius): Yes. I’ve been thinking of doing this for quite some time. These recent events have just given me the evidence I need to back up my decision. However, my decision comes with a personal request. I wish to have open talks with Carnivale and I want your help in making it happen.

(Dust): Ah~ a quid pro quo? Now I see what’s going on.

(Jade): I’m sure I can work something out.

(Sirius): Very good. I look forward to hearing the good news from you.

(Morgan): Forming a possible alliance with Carnivale? I imagine some people in Brister won’t like this decision.

(Sirius): Oh, don’t worry about them. I’ve got them under control. Also, I see you have some new knights within the order.

*Sirius turned his attention to Jin, Gael, and Alita. Jin was nervous from meeting royalty. Gael was nervous because he could sense the aura of Lupin and it was massive. While Sirius may not look strong physically, he was formidable mentally. He carried an aura that could bring even the strongest of people to their knees and make them follow him. Alita on the other hand was calm. If anything she was intrigued by Sirius’s crown*

(Sirius): Might I ask your names?

(Jin): J-J-Jin Hephaestus. It’s an honor to meet you your majesty!

(Gael): Gael Tristin. Nice to meet you sir. I mean majesty.

(Alita): Please call me Alita. Might I ask to try on your crown?

*Sirius laughs at Alita’s request while Jin and Gael stared at her stunned by what she just said. The other members of Shadow Eye quietly snickered at the request*

(Sirius): I like this one. She’s quirky. Another time, young madam. I sense great promise in all three of you. Continue to grow and learn under these knights. You couldn’t ask for better mentors. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

(Jin, Gael, and Alita): Yes!

*Jin, Gael, and Alita bow as Sirius turned and started walking away followed by his knights*

(Gael): I’ve never seen those kinds of knights before. They’re giving off a different aura from the other orders.

(Raika): They’re Golden Knights. Members of the Golden Dragon Order. Their primary responsibility is to watch over the royal family of Brister.

(Gael): So the king has his own personal order?

(Jin): I wonder how much they make?

(Dust): More than you, that’s for sure. Come on, we’ve got a mission to do.

*The members of Shadow Eye hop into the hummer that Lupin left for them. It was black with the Golden Dragon emblem on the hood of the car. They then drove off and headed back to Carnivale*


*Once the group arrived back in Carnivale, the demihumans were shocked to see humans enter their city. Ryuuji, Morgan, Raika, Sanada, and Jin were a little nervous being stared at and some demihumans were giving them death stares but they ignored it and instead started to focus on helping the injured, repair buildings, and help in any way they can. Jade presented the Blade of Aitana to Andrade and many political figures within Carnivale where she went into a speech saying it was time for change. It was time for them to stop hiding from the world and open their doors up for everyone*

(Jade): Yes, discrimination exists and it is our job to fix it, not hide from it. We need to show the world who we are and not let guys like Silas speak up for us and dictate what we all believe. This blade that was once held by humans is now willingly being returned to us as an olive branch of goodwill and a door to have open discussions. I say we accept that invitation.

(Morgan): The acts of one shouldn’t dictate that of an entire race. As a teacher my lessons are meant for all races. Whether they’d be humans, demihumans, elves, merfolk, or anyone in between. Jade is not just my partner, she is my friend. Though we may not always agree with one another, there’s no other person or demihuman in this world that I consider my most trusted friend and someone I can count on to have my back.

*Many of the demihumans were moved by the friendship displayed between Morgan and Jade. There were still doubters but after recent events they were willing to take a chance and trust humans*


*After many talks and hard work, night had settled in and everyone was celebrating. While the city was still in shambles, everyone was smiling and looking forward to the future. In a quiet secluded area, Jade was alone on top of building staring out at the lake where she pulled out a small orb she found within the body of Silas. This orb was the power source of The Stampede. Whoever possessed it could restart The Stampede at their will. Jade hid the orb from the others and now she was unsure of what to do with it. If she gave it back to the council of Carnivale there’s no doubt that someone would use it to attack other settlements and kingdoms and if she gave it to Brister who’s to say they won’t use it for their own reasons. As Jade sat there wondering what to do she sensed the presence of someone and smiled*

(Jade): I’ve been waiting for you.

*Bond soon appeared from out of the shadows with a pleasant smile on his face*

(Bond): So this is where the great savior of Carnivale is? Things are certainly going to get busy from here moving forward. Andrade has taken over Blood Moon again and talks between Carnivale and Brister are being set in motion. What an interesting time to be alive.

(Jade): Yeah. The future is looking pretty bright huh, Midori?

*Bond smiled and started to glow green. When the light finally died down Bond was gone and Midori stood before Jade smiling happily*

(Midori): You knew it was me all along didn’t you?

(Jade): From the moment I first met you. You can change your appearance, but you can’t hide your scent and I never forget a scent.

*Jade and Midori chuckle*

(Jade): So, how much of this have you been planning?

(Midori): Since the moment I fed you the apple. Oh, but I did want you to live, honestly, and I did nothing to manipulate those around you. The gods work in mysterious ways, but even we know not to overstep our boundaries and manipulate the world to our design.

(Jade): Is that why it took you so long to come back for this power?

(Midori): I wanted to make sure that when I came back for it that its departure would be used to help move demihumans and the other races in the right direction. I didn’t count on it taking this many years.

(Jade): Hey, it wasn’t all boring. I’ve lived a pretty fun life.

*Jade hands the orb to Midori who absorbs it back into her body*

(Midori): Indeed you have, and now the request all those years ago is over.

*Midori materializes a golden apple and offers it to Jade*

(Midori): I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done, Jade. Please, accept this apple to regain your mortality.

*Jade stares at Midori and the apple for a few seconds*

(Jade): Nah, I’m good.

*This move shocked Midori. She was sure that Jade would accept the apple and regain her mortality*

(Jade): Hey, you said it yourself, demihumans and the other races are moving in the right direction, but they haven’t reached their destination yet and I want to keep them on the right track. I don’t know how many years it’ll take for them to reach their destination, but I want to be there when they reach it. I can’t do that if I’m mortal. So, keep the apple for now and ask again once demihumans and the other races reach their destination.

(Midori): You still wish to continue living like a firework?

(Jade): Not just any firework. The brightest firework you could ever imagine. One that lights up the darkest of nights and gathers all the races to come and check it out.

*Midori chuckles*

(Midori): You truly are the greatest spectacle I’ve ever seen.

*Midori soon vanished just as Morgan showed up*

(Morgan): There you are. What are you doing here?

(Jade): Nothing much. Just saying hello and goodbye to an old friend.

*Morgan could tell Jade was hiding something from him, but choose not to pry into the matter*

(Morgan): Well if you’re finished they’re about to shoot off the fireworks. I know how much you love fireworks and these are special ones designed by Jin and Hibana. I think you’ll be amazed at what they’ve made.

(Jade): You had me at fireworks. Let’s go!

*Jade grabbed Morgan and jumped off the building. Morgan screamed as they landed on top of another building and then another followed by more buildings until they reached the street level and made it to the lake just as the fireworks were about to be shot off. Jin and Hibana shot off the fireworks which exploded into images of various animals. The crowd was amazed and applauded the spectacle they were witnessing. The final image was the one that stuck with everyone the most. The image of a wolf howling at the moon*

(Jade): Now that was one spectacular firework show.        

(Morgan): You definitely have your work cut out if you want to shine brighter than these.

*Jade looked at Morgan who gave her a smug smile and she smiled back at him*

(Jade): I’ll take that challenge. Keep your eyes on me. You won’t be disappointed.

Author’s Note: And with that the Carnivale arc is over. Like I said this arc was originally meant for volume 2 but due to add-ons I had to move the story to volume 3. I am proud of the end result of this arc. It felt like Shadow Eye moving in the direction I wanted to move it in from the beginning. We also got to meet the king who instantly takes an interest in Alita. I look forward to having those two interact more in the future. If I had to name my favorite it would be Jade and Midori chatting with each other and Morgan coming to get her. Did he hear them talking or was it just him thinking along the same lines as them? I can’t say, I can only speculate.. I like open-ended questions like these where you’re not sure if a character is eavesdropping or not. All you can do is speculate and come up with an ending that satisfies you the reader. Next week a new arc begins. Look forward to it. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time.

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