Record 35: The Golden Dragon Order

(Morrison): Remember how I said there were four orders within the kingdom of Brister? Well, I technically lied. In truth, there are five orders. The fifth order is the Golden Dragon Order. Also known as the Golden Knights, this is a special order within the kingdom of Brister. The order’s primary responsibility is to protect the royal family of Brister. Serving as their bodyguards, attendants, advisors, and guards in the castle. Nobody is sure when the order officially established itself. Some say it’s been around longer than the White Tiger order. Others say it’s been around since King Lowry Brister, the fifth king of Brister.

Unlike the other four orders, knights from the academy can’t apply for this order. The order chooses its candidates itself. Sometimes they’ll be knights from the academy or within an order, and other times they’ll be candidates outside the kingdom. Their criteria are very mysterious. The only thing more mysterious than that is the commander of the order. Me as well as the other commanders have never met the commander of the Golden Dragon Order. They never come to our meetings/gatherings nor have they reached out to us. Even members of the order haven’t met their commander. Reportedly they’ve only received their orders via text message or vice commanders. Some believe there is no commander or the king himself is the commander. In their defense, he was quite the famous prankster back in his day. Whether there is a commander or not, the loyalty of the Golden Knights remains strong and they protect royalty with their lives.

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