Chapter 67: The Scholar’s Apprentice or The Hero’s New Disciple

*At The Wall in Brister, the members of Shadow Eye had arrived just outside. Dust and Hibana were the only ones missing. Amarti was wearing a dark blue shirt with a brown hooded cape over it and brown pants. Zia wore short-short jeans, some black combat boots, and a no sleeved strapped green top with brown gloves. Sanada traded in his traditional kimono for a short-sleeved kimono cardigan that was emerald green and had white birds flying on it. He had on a white undershirt, black shorts and black sandals. Gael was also sporting a short-sleeved kimono cardigan except his was black and had white trees on it. He was also wearing a white undershirt, blurt shorts, and white shoes. Raika had a black top with black jeans, black shoes, and her blue ranger jacket with sunglasses on top of her head. The group entered The Wall where they were greeted by knights from the Red Vermillion and Blue Dragon orders. They walked over to the receptionist desk which was being run by a male elf with cyan eyes and yellow hair*

(Amarti): Hello. We’re here to meet Commander Arslan. We have an appointment.

(Elf receptionist): Ah yes. He’s waiting for you on level 5. Take the elevator on your left. I’ll let him know you’re here.

(Amarti): Thank you.

*Amarti and the others enter the elevator and arrive at the fifth floor. Once they step out of the elevator they’re immediately greeted by Arslan, Kurai, and a female elf whose short hair was a mixture of red, black, and white. Her eyes were red and she wore an outfit that made her look like a dealer at a casino. Pants and shoes were black with a red vest over a white shirt, and a loose checkered tie that was red and black. She was smiling mischievously as they exited the elevator and leaped in the air to hug Ryuuji*

(Female elf): Ryuuji!

(Ryuuji): Brigit!

*Ryuuji returns the hug*

(Ryuuji): It’s so good to see you again. I heard you were on an expedition out west.

(Brigit): I finished about a month ago.

(Gael): Is that Ryuuji’s old girlfriend or something?

(Raika): You idiot, that’s Brigit Conley. The Lucky Flame and member of the Court of Fire.

(Gael): Court of Fire? That some kind of rock band or something?

(Morgan): Ha! They wish. They were an elite group of fighters who went to the academy together. They’re considered some of the strongest students to graduate from the academy and they ironically each used fire magic. Ryuuji and Brigit were two members of the group. She was also a bridesmaid at his and Le Fay’s wedding.

(Brigit): Hiya Morgan! How’s your life? Still a cold king I see.

*Brigit winks and smiles at Morgan*

(Morgan): And I see you’re still an active ball of energy.

(Brigit): My oh my. Are those the new recruits I’ve been hearing so much about? Never thought I’d see the day Ryuuji would be taking someone under his wing. Nice to meet ya! I’m Brigit Conley, a vice commander of the Red Vermillion knights. I look forward to working with ya!

(Morgan): Wait, you’re going to be joining us?

(Kurai): She is familiar with the area and from reading your report, this mission might tie into an investigation she’s been conducting as well.

(Ryuuji): What investigation?

(Arslan): There’s been reports of smugglers in the area. We’re not entirely sure what they’re smuggling but there’s a chance it could be that Smile drug you mentioned in the report. If it is we’ll be killing two birds with one stone. If not, then the smugglers could help lead you to the source.

(Amarti): Sounds good to me. We’ll be out that way so helping out with Brigit’s investigation shouldn’t be a problem.

(Kurai): Excellent! Now with that said I do have a special request for you guys. Would it be all right if Sera joined you?

(Zia): You sure you want her to join given her circumstances?

(Kurai): She’s been doing missions around Brister, but I want her to get back out in the field and explore different regions. Since you guys rescued her I’d think she’d be more comfortable heading out with you.

(Sanada): And she’s okay with this?

(Kurai): She’s the one who requested it. She said she won’t be a hindrance to the mission and as far as she knows this mission is just to help Brigit with her investigation.

(Sanada): Hmm~, I’m okay with it. I do want to help her out in any way possible. Amarti, please allow her to join us. I’ll take responsibility and look after her.

(Raika): Your samurai chivalry is on full display Sanada.

(Amarti): Very well. She can join us.

(Sanada): Thank you, Amarti.

*Sanada bows to Amarti*

(Arslan): Your hummer is down below. Got to admit I was shocked when I saw it.

(Zia): We had Jin and Hibana do a few modifications to make it better.



*The group arrived back in Brister after returning from Carnivale. The hummer was taken to a garage that Amarti owned. As everyone was leaving, Amarti stopped Jin and Hibana and pulled them off to the side*

(Jin): You wanted to talk to us Amarti?

(Amarti): Yes. Seeing as how the king was gracious enough to give us this hummer I was hoping you guys could work together and brainstorm some enhancements for it.

(Hibana): I’ve got a few ideas that could make it better, but it won’t be cheap.

(Amarti): Do a little brainstorming for a day or two and let me know what you come up with.

(Jin and Hibana): Sure.

*Two days later, at Amarti’s office, Jin and Hibana came in with their plans for the hummer and presented it to Amarti*

(Amarti): Well you two seem excited. Let’s see what you came up with.

*Amarti examined their proposal where he was impressed with what they suggested and came up with. What he wasn’t too happy about was the materials they would need and what they would cost*

(Amarti): Are these prices set in stone?

(Jin): I could substitute for cheaper materials but if you want the best you’re gonna have to spend.

(Hibana): Just think of it as a long-term investment.

(Jin): You said you wanted to see what my skills could really do. Well, this is your chance to see them.

(Amarti): *Sigh* All right kids, you win. I’ll get you what you need. Just make every credit count.

*Jin and Hibana smiled and high-fived each other excited that their proposal went through*

*Flashback ends*


(Amarti): If you were shocked by it, you should have seen me. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

*As Amarti and Zia were chatting with Arslan, Alita was standing by and observing them, the others went off to do their own thing. Ryuuji and Brigit were catching up with each other while Kurai was showing Raika, Sanada, Jin, and Gael their new ATVs*

(Raika): Sweet rides.

(Kurai): Like what you see? We just got them in not too long ago. Good for off-road traveling, excellent speed, four-wheel drive, and high durability.

(Gael): Oh yeah, I like it. I think I’ll take one for a ride.

(Kurai): Oh no you don’t. You’re a little too young to be driving. Speaking of vehicles, you guys gonna have enough room with Sera joining you?

(Raika): We should be fine. Luckily, Dust is bringing his own car for the mission to give us more room in the hummer.

(Jin): Dust, has a car? I wonder what kind of car he drives?

*Kurai’s phone beeps signaling a message*

(Kurai): Why don’t you go see for yourself? We just got word that he and Hibana are pulling in as we speak.

*Kurai leads the group toward the elevator where they head down into the vehicle hangar. They see various cars and models including their hummer which was now black thanks to Hibana’s spray job. A car pulled in which was gun grey and parked next to the hummer. The windows were tinted black so they couldn’t see who was inside. The passenger door went up and out came Hibana. She wore green cargo pants, a black t-shirt with a picture of a stacking block puzzle on it and was carrying a laptop and bag. Dust got out on the driver’s side where he was wearing his normal black clothing except his jacket was off and had on black sunglasses. Looking inside the car everyone could see it only seated two people*

(Dust): Sorry we’re late. This one overslept from playing too many games last night.

(Hibana): I was facing the final boss! There’s no way I was gonna stop playing!

*Dust rolls his eyes humorously while Jin and Gael stared in disbelief at Dust’s car*

(Jin): Woah! Cool car! It looks like. . .it’s a Koretta Sharkfang! Ohh~, I used to dream about owning one of these cars as a kid. I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this from us.

(Dust): Not really hiding it. I can get around the kingdom with my wires a lot better, so I keep it parked in my garage and only bring it out for special occasions. Since we’re heading out, now seems like a good chance to put some miles on it and let it soak in the sun.

*Jin inspects the interior where the seats are black. He was impressed with how clean, neat and organized the car was. Not one speck of dust or garbage could be seen*


*Back on the upper levels, Morgan and Jade were watching members of the Red Vermillion order spar with each other. Morgan noticed how bored Jade looked*

(Morgan): What’s got you feeling so down? Normally, watching people spar puts a smile on your face. You’re not tired from all these delegations are you? I keep telling you not to overdo it.

(Jade): No dad, I’m fine. I just. . .feel like we’re getting left behind by the others.

(Morgan): How so?

(Jade): Well, think about it. Dust and Ryuuji have Jin, Sanada and Raika have Gael, and even Amarti and Zia have Alita. They’ve all got knights or squires working under them and I guess I’m a little jealous.

(Morgan): Yes. I can’t deny I’m a little jealous too. I remember watching Jin in the desert and being proud of him even though I wasn’t his main instructor. Even though I praised him it seemed like he was happier to receive praise from Ryuuji and Dust than myself. I wouldn’t mind having someone like that to call my apprentice.

(Jade): Apprentice? They’re going to be my disciple. But it can’t just be anyone.

(Morgan): Agreed. It needs to be someone who’s sharp, strategic, and willing to learn.

(Jade): Someone who’s strong, courageous, and won’t back down from anyone.

*As the two were discussing this, a young knight holding a hammer with light short red hair and hazel eyes wearing a white tank top, red sweatpants, and black shoes hit the wall below them. He fell to the floor struggling to get up and lifted his head to look forward where he saw Scarlet walking toward him with her spear in hand. The spear was emitting flames that were slowly dying. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, she wore a black top, with red sweatpants, and white shoes*

(Young male knight): Lucky shot. Ugh.

*The young male knight collapsed to the floor as everyone around Scarlet cheered*

(Rabbit knight): Nice work, Scarlet! That’s nine victories in a row today!

*As everyone cheered for Scarlet, Jade was completely focused on her. Her nose had picked up a scent she hadn’t smelt for a long time, but was very familiar*

(Jade): Who is that girl?

(Morgan): If I’m not mistaken that’s Scarlet Helios. The little sister of Leon. She was one of the top students to recently graduate from the academy. She’s also a descendent of Ingrid Argo. Someone you’re very familiar with.

(Jade): You don’t say?

*With a mischievous grin. Jade leaped over the guard rail and landed on the level beneath her. She got everyone’s attention and pointed directly at Scarlet*

(Jade): You there, fight me! I won’t accept no for an answer.

*Seeing things about to get out of hand, two veteran knights who were both human got between Jade and Scarlet*

(Veteran): I’m sorry ma’am, but only Red and Blue Knights are allowed in this area.

*As the knights approached her, Jade took out her macuahuitl and swung it at the knights. She smacked both of the knights upside the cheek and they both fell to the floor from the hits. Jade then pointed her macuahuitl at Scarlet*

(Jade): Like I said, I won’t accept no for an answer.

*A few more Red Knights stepped in between Jade and Scarlet*

(Scarlet): Everyone, it’s all right. I accept your challenge.

*Scarlet walked over to the mat. The Red Knights stepped aside and allowed Jade to walk over to the mat. Once the two were standing across from each other they waited for the signal to start. Scarlet gripped her spear hard and was slightly trembling with both fear and anticipation. While she could sense no malice coming from Jade, she couldn’t help but be a little afraid of facing her. She was strong. If she wanted to she could have gone through all of the Red Knights in her way with ease but chose not to. She held back, and Scarlet was excited to fight against such a strong opponent. The Helios family way always encouraged its descendants to seek out the strong, fight them, and learn from them. Use what you’ve mastered to protect the weak and continue to keep getting stronger. One of the veteran knights that Jade smacked made it to the mat to act as a referee*

(Veteran knight): All fighters ready?

*Jade and Scarlet were silent*

(Veteran knight): Begin!

*Before Scarlet could charge forward, Jade beat her to the punch and charged first. The spear and macuahuitl collided with each other and the two knights were at a standstill. The two pushed off each other and charged forward where their weapons collided with each other multiple times. Sparks could be seen flying from the collision of their weapons. Everyone was mesmerized by Jade and Scarlet’s movements as they slashed and spun around each other trying to gain the advantage but neither one could. Even the veteran knight who was acting as the referee was stunned by what he was watching*

(Morgan): *Inner Thoughts* She’s doing a good job keeping up with Jade. But how long can she keep this up is the question?

*As the two ladies continued to fight, Scarlet went for a leg sweep with her spear only for Jade to jump and dodge it. Scarlet used the other end of her spear to block a downward attack from Jade. The two entered a deadlock once again trying to gain the upper hand from each other. Desperate to gain the upper hand, both ladies do the unthinkable and drop both of their weapons to catch the other by surprise. This time it was Scarlet who struck first and delivered a kick to Jade’s right side, but the kick was blocked by Jade using her arm. Jade goes for a punch only for Scarlet to block it. Jade tried to sweep Scarlet’s legs but she stepped back to avoid the attack. Scarlet lunged forward trying to deliver a thrust kick but Jade swatted it away. Scarlet followed up with punches but Jade either dodged or blocked. On the last punch, Jade caught Scarlet’s arm and went to deliver a judo toss only for Scarlet to land on her feet, twist Jade’s arm and then sweep her legs to bring Jade to the mat. Before Scarlet could make her next move, Jade kipped back up to her feet and delivered a kick to the side of Scarlet’s head. Slightly dazed, Jade untwisted her arm, twisted Scarlet’s arm, and swept her legs to bring her to the mat. As Jade was making moves to lock in the armbar, Scarlet recovered from the kick and leg sweep and managed to push Jade off her with legs. Scarlet kipped up to her feet and then charged at Jade who also charged at Scarlet. Both ladies delivered a jumping boot to the chest of each other which pushed them both back. Scarlet landed by her spear and picked it up while Jade landed by her macuahuitl and picked it up as well. Scarlet was the first to grab her weapon and charged at Jade who stood still and smiled*

(Jade): I give.

*Just when it seemed like Scarlet was about to strike Jade she stopped and ran past her. Everyone was surprised by this turn of events. Especially when it seemed like Jade could have easily defended herself against the attack*

(Jade): You lasted five minutes. Not bad.

*At first, Scarlet was confused but then started to chuckle as she quickly caught on to what was going on*

(Scarlet): A standard 5-minute exhibition bout. Me and my brother used to do this all the time back home.

(Jade): Unfortunately, I wasn’t keeping score.

(Scarlet): Me neither. Let’s go for another five minutes. Come on, five more minutes.

*Scarlet could feel her blood pumping. It was the first time since arriving in the order that anyone got her this excited for a fight and she wanted it to continue.

(Jade): Love to, but I’ve got to get going. But if you’re so desperate to go another round I do have a proposal for you.

*Jade walks over to Scarlet and puts her arm around her as they walk over to the steps and go up them. Scarlet listened intently at what Jade was saying*


*About half an hour later, the members of Shadow Eye were in the vehicle hangar getting ready to head out*

(Ryuuji): Alright, all supplies loaded up. Just waiting on Sanada, Raika, and our guest of honor.

*The elevator opened and out came Sanada with Raika and Sera who was wearing short blue jeans, brown strapped sandals, and a matching blue jacket over a maroon shirt*

(Amarti): There she is. Hello your majesty. I am Amarti Cloudsfalls. Looking forward to working with you again.

*Amarti shakes Sera’s hand*

(Sera): Thank you for having me. I’ll do my best to contribute to this mission.

*Sera heads over to the hummer to load her baggage*

(Zia): Now all that leaves is Morgan and Jade. Where are they?

(Brigit): Last I checked they were watching the knights spar.

*Another elevator opened and out came Morgan, Jade, and Scarlet to the surprise of everyone. Scarlet had changed her clothes and was now wearing knee-high combat boots that were brown, black short jeans, a white long-sleeved blouse with a red vest that had the emblem of the Red Vermillion order on it and brown gloves*

(Scarlet): Scarlet Helios reporting for duty. I’ve been given special permission to accompany and assist on your mission.

*Amarti looked at Morgan and Jade*

(Morgan): Don’t look at me, this was all her.

*Morgan pointed at Jade who smiled and waved*

(Amarti): Hmm~, what do you think Brigit?

(Brigit): It’s fine by me. Scarlet is a great fighter and I’m sure she’ll be a valuable asset on this mission. Plus, she and Sera are good friends. I think having her on the mission will ease Sera’s anxiety.

(Amarti): Well if it’s okay with you it’s okay with us. Glad to be working with you again Ms. Helios.

*Scarlet smiled and walked over to the hummer where Ryuuji loaded her luggage. She was gushing meeting the legendary Blazing Knight himself. Ryuuji was flattered and shook her hand. As she went to get into the hummer, Jin offered her his hand to help her up*

(Jin): Careful, that last step is a tricky one.

*Scarlet smiled seeing Jin again. She accepts Jin’s hand and slowly entered the hummer. On the last step Dust grabbed her foot which caused her to slip and fall on top of Jin with their faces inches from each other. Both of the knights were blushing a heavy shade of red*

(Scarlet): Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?

(Jin): Yeah, are you?

(Scarlet): Yes! I’m fine!

*Scarlet quickly got off of Jin and took her seat next to Sera. Jin sat in the seat behind her next to Gael. Both Jin and Scarlet were still blushing. It was the first time Jin had ever been that close to someone of the opposite sex that wasn’t his sisters or mom. While Scarlet had close interactions like this with her brother during their sparring sessions she had never felt that embarrassed or flustered before. While it was brief she got a good whiff of his body odor. He smelled like vanilla and she liked it. Jin also got a whiff of Scarlet’s hair. It smelled like fresh flowers*

(Gael): You alright there, Jin? Your face is all red.

(Sera): As is yours, Scarlet.

(Alita): I am also detecting rising body temperatures in both. Are you experiencing a fever perhaps?

*Neither one could talk as they were both too embarrassed to speak. Outside of the hummer, Dust smiled knowing he helped Jin in his pursuit of romance. He entered his car with Ryuuji in the passenger’s seat ready to go*

(Dust): Alright, so we’re meeting your informant near Roppango. You sure he’ll be there?

(Ryuuji): He’ll be there. He gave his word and he’s never been one to go back on it.

(Dust): Also, why are you in my car? Can’t you fly now?

(Ryuuji): Yes, but I still want to enjoy the comforts of riding in a car.

*The hangar door opened and the vehicles took off into the wild where their next stop was Roppango*

Author’s Notes: Shadow Eye is hitting the road again. How about Dust’s car? I based it on the 2024 Corvette Stingray. One of the coolest cars I’ve ever seen. We also get to meet the new character, Brigit and see a page into Ryuuji’s past. While I never had any plans to make her a member of Shadow Eye I liked the idea and concept of the character and wanted to bring her into the series. Brigit’s personality and character was largely inspired by Hakos Baelz from Hololive who may just be my favorite EN member now that think about it. I love her energy. I love personality. I love her character model. I love her reactions and a lot of the games she plays are games that I’ve played. Along with Brigit, we also get the return of Sera and Scarlet. I wanted to return to Sera’s story about returning back to the field while also dealing with the trauma from her last outing. Some things aren’t as simple as sitting down and moving on. Some things stick with you and I think it’s important to face them in order to move on. As for Scarlet, this was an idea I’ve been sitting on for quite some time. We got the other members of Shadow Eye taking other knights under their wings so naturally Morgan and Jade would get jealous and want a knight of their own. I also think it’s ironic that the teacher and the wolf who runs her own “legit” dojo are the only ones who aren’t training a knight. In my eyes, they’re the most capable people when it comes to teaching others. Morgan a master strategist and Jade a legendary hero who saved the world. Whoever catches their eye has to be a knight who is truly talented and gifted and I think Scarlet is that knight they’ve been looking for. She’s got the blood of a legendary hero in her, she’s smart, and strong. Well, that’s all I got for now. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time.

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