Record 36: The Court of Fire

(Ryuuji): At the knight academy, I believe every graduating class will have at least three students who will define them. For my class, we had five. The Court of Fire. That’s what they called us back in school because we all used fire magic. We were a diverse group. Each coming from different walks of life and competed against each other. But it was through that competition that we became friends and came to respect one another. There was Kaiser Siegfried the Burning Swordsman whose strength was said to match that of the gods. The elf Brigit Conley known as the Radiant Gambler whose fortune never went bad. The Inferno Rabbit, Ember Blaise, whose prowess in battle burnt as bright as the sun. The Firedust Genius Ashe Tetsuya aka Constantine, a genius of strategy and deduction and one of the smartest men I have ever met in my life. Finally, me, Ryuuji Kazuchika, the Blazing Knight himself. The fighting prodigy who mastered all 500 techniques of the Fire Grid. The five of us would often hang out together. Training, studying, and even do a few academy missions from time to time delivering some impressive results that caught the eyes of higher-ups. After graduation, we all went our separate ways. Kaiser, Brigit, and me would join the Red Vermillion Order. Kaiser left after a dispute with a noble and I would leave after the Rebellion to join the Black Tortoise Order and be closer to my family. Brigit is still in the order and worked her way up to vice commander. Ember joined the Blue Dragon Order where she became the leader of her own division within the order. Last I checked she was in charge of guarding the western front against invaders and Eclipses. Constantine joined the White Tiger Order and was one of the men who helped form Caspian, a special detective unit within the order that specializes in forensics and investigations. Some of the hardest cases in the kingdom were solved by this unit. Despite going to different orders and taking different paths from one another, the Court of Fire still has a strong bond and continues to serve the kingdom in their own ways.

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