Chapter 68: A Reunion with the Past

*About two hours had gone by since the group left Brister. The trip had been pretty uneventful as they didn’t run into any Eclipses along the way and were doing good on time*

(Zia): We’re entering Roppango territory. Our destination isn’t too far off.

(Jin): So what exactly is Roppango like? I’ve never been there or seen pictures of it.

(Hibana): It’s a pretty standard settlement. Small businesses, good shops, and affordable living arrangements. Nothing too major.

(Brigit): But nighttime is when the settlement comes alive. Lots of clubs, parties, and gatherings for you to unwind and relax. The motto of Roppango is: Work hard during the day and have fun during the night. I think you kids will like it. Just be careful. There are a few shady people who like to take advantage of newcomers.  

(Raika): There’s the village up ahead.

*The hummer and Sharkfang drive up to the village and park just outside. Everyone exits their vehicles and enters the village. They see that the place is pretty rural with normal-looking houses, some fields to grow crops, and a nearby riverbank to fish. Once inside the village they get approached by an elderly man wearing a straw hat, glasses, and blue overalls over a red shirt with brown boots. His eyes were brown while his hair was black with strands of grey hair. He also had a scruffy beard that was black with strands of grey hair as well*

(Elderly farmer): If y’all are fixin’ to ransack the village you’re out of luck. Harvest doesn’t start for another three months.

(Ryuuji): At ease good sir. We’re knights of Brister just passing through.

*Everyone takes out their knight licenses to show the farmer*

(Ryuuji): We’re following a lead on some drugs and meeting an informant in the area. Anyone out of the ordinary passed through here as of late?

(Elderly farmer): That depends on your idea of the ordinary. We get mercenaries and all kinds of colorful folk pass through this here village. As long as they don’t cause trouble no one pays attention to them. But you’re welcome to check the diner down that there road for your informant. If you’re looking for someone out of the ordinary that’s where they’ll be.

(Ryuuji): Thank you. We’ll be sure to do our best not to cause trouble.

*Everyone nods reassuring Ryuuji’s statement and the farmer turns to take his leave*

(Ryuuji): Okay, Amarti, Zia, Brigit, and I will check out the diner for our informant. The rest of you search the village and see if you can find any information pertaining to any suspicious activity.

*As Ryuuji, Brigit, Amarti, and Zia walk to the diner the rest of the group splits up to investigate the village. Sanada, Raika, and Gael go left while Jade, Morgan, Alita and Scarlet go right. Dust, Jin, Hibana, and Sera go to investigate the area outside the village*


*Ryuuji, Brigit, Amarti, and Zia entered the diner where they see a number of colorful individuals from various races. A few of them stop eating to look up at them before they return to their meal*

(Zia): It would appear that the farmer wasn’t kidding when he said out of the ordinary could be found here.

(Brigit): We’ll fit right in.

*As Ryuuji scans the room he spots a peculiar man eating soup in the corner of the diner alone and smiles*

(Ryuuji): Ahh~, I believe I’ve found our man.

*Ryuuji starts making his way to the corner of the diner followed by Brigit, Amarti, and Zia. As they drew closer to the man Brigit began to smile*

(Brigit): BAHH~! Nahbrass con byo! (What are you doing here!)

(Kai): Yo. I was wondering when you guys would gahh-

*Before Kai could finish his sentence Brigit jumped into his lap and hugged him*

(Brigit): Kai! It’s really you!

(Kai): Hello Brigit. I see you’re still clingy as ever.

(Brigit): I can’t help it. We haven’t seen each other in so long.

(Ryuuji): It’s been a while, Kai. I’m glad to see you’re still doing well out here.

(Kai): It’s nice to see you too Ryuuji. Ah, I see you brought Amarti and Zia. Guess that means the others aren’t too far behind.

(Zia): A pleasure to be working with you again, Kai.

(Amarti): Yes, thanks for agreeing to this request.

(Kai): Hey, you guys are paying me top credits. Of course I’ll come. Didn’t think Smile would reach all the way to Brister though. Don’t like the idea of those drugs in my kingdom.

(Ryuuji): Same. Were you able to find us any leads on your end?

*Kai gets up and motions for everyone to follow him. He leaves his tip on the table and makes for the exit with everyone following him. He leads them outside the village and to a truck*

(Kai): On the way here I checked in with some of the local mercenaries. They heard about Smile but most of them didn’t want to take it due to the nasty side effects. However, one guy, in particular, was acting strange about it. So I followed him to have a little one-on-one conversation. Led me down an alleyway and attacked me with his razor claws. I managed to knock his ass out before he could do any damage. According to the locals he’s not really that strong so I figured the guy’s gotta be on something. So I checked his body and look what I found.

*Kai reaches into his pocket and tosses a small tablet bottle to Amarti who catches it and sees the purple liquid inside*

(Amarti): Oh yeah, this is Smile all right. What was the name of the mercenary you took this from?

(Kai): Guy named Zancon. A loudmouth and a show-off. The fact that he was able to survive this long amazes me.

(Ryuuji): Were you able to interrogate him on the whereabouts of the supplier?

(Kai): Why’d you think I asked you to meet me out here?

*Kai reaches into the back of his truck and pulls away the tarp to reveal a woodland male elf gagged and tied up with rope. He had long blond hair tied in a ponytail and yellow eyes. He was wearing nothing except dark blue boxer briefs. Kai pulled him out of the truck and tossed him onto the ground. He landed with a thud right at the feet of Brigit*

(Kai): I figured you guys would want to hear from the horse’s mouth and ask him any other questions you might have about the drugs.

*Kai picks him up by the arms to bring him to his feet*

(Kai): Tell them what you told me or I’m going to hand you over to that redhead over there and she’s a lot more dangerous than me.

*Brigit reaches into her vest and pulls out a mini revolver*

(Brigit): Care to test your luck in Coin Roulette?

*Brigit loads a bullet into the barrel, spins it, and points the gun towards the elf who gets frightened by the gun. Brigit then holds a Brister coin out for the elf to see*

(Brigit): Heads you live. Tails you get shot.

*Brigit flips the coin into the air and catches it on the way down where it comes up tails. She pulls the trigger on the gun and nothing happens. The elf was sweating and flinched in fear*

(Brigit): Ohh~ lucky. Let’s start round two.

*As Brigit was getting ready to flip the coin again, Kai removed the gag*

(Zancon): Stop! Stop! I’ll talk! I got the drugs in this area. There’s a cave to the west of here. Not that far from the village. I can take you there.


*As Ryuuji, Brigit, Amarti, and Zia were meeting with Kai, the others were investigating the village. Jade, Morgan, Alita and Scarlet talked to some of the villagers but none of them had much to offer. The four were underneath a tree exchanging what little information they could get from the villagers*

(Scarlet): So in the end these villagers don’t know much about the drugs or any suspicious activities in the area.

(Jade): Or rather they know, but don’t want to attract any trouble their way.

(Morgan): It’s not surprising, this village is on free land.

(Alita): Free land?

(Scarlet): It means that the land isn’t under the rule of the kingdom of Brister or any other kingdom in the area. It has its own jurisdiction and rules that they follow. While we may not have jurisdiction here we’re free to come and go as we please. However, we can’t interfere in their affairs.

(Alita): Meaning that if the village were to be attacked by Eclipses or outside forces, we wouldn’t be allowed to help them.

(Scarlet): Correct.

(Morgan): Under normal circumstances, the village could ask for protection from a kingdom in the area, but they would have to pay and agree to taxes. But if they can’t pay or don’t want to be under the ruling thumb of a kingdom, then they can choose not to be protected by them.

(Jade): And as a result they’re forced to ignore any suspicious activity to keep themselves safe from harm.

(Scarlet): It’s very frustrating for knights like me. To know that you can help someone but they refuse to meet you down the middle.

(Jade): Don’t let it get to you. If you spend too much time getting caught up in bureaucratic tape you won’t be able to help those you can.   

(Scarlet): And I’m sure you guys know all about bureaucratic tape given your order. This begs the question, why would the kingdom allow internal affairs to investigate a case like this outside of the kingdom’s jurisdiction?

(Jade): Because we’re not your ordinary order. Should I tell her?

(Morgan): Might as well. It doesn’t seem fair to keep her in the dark.

*Jade begins to explain to Scarlet what Shadow Eye is and what they do as well as who she really is*


*Outside of the village near the riverbank, Dust, Jin, Hibana, and Sera were surveying the area. Hibana was using one of her drones to examine some footprints she found in the dirt while Sera was investigating the water*

(Hibana): Another bear footprint. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

*Sera put two of her fingers into the water, pulled them up and licks them*

(Sera): I can taste nothing wrong with the water.

*Sera takes out her kyoketsu-shoge and closes her eyes concentrating on the water and waiting for the right moment to strike. Once she heard a splash she quickly opened her eyes and shot off the knife side of her kyoketsu-shoge into the water where it pierced a fish. She pulled the knife back up to see her prize and smiled. Hibana saw what Sera did and her face lit up with excitement*

(Hibana): So cool!

(Sera): Hibana, would you be so kind as to examine this fish for any abnormalities?

(Hibana): Sure.

*Hibana’s drone flies over to Sera and scans the fish. Looking at her iPod to see the results*

(Hibana): No abnormalities. This means they haven’t been dumping the drug into the water and contaminating it.

(Jin): That’s good to hear.

(Dust): Hibana, I found some footprints over here. Use your drone to scan them.

*Hibana’s drone flies over to where Dust is standing and scans the footprints*

(Hibana): Hmm~, looks like the footprints are elf origin. It also looks like he was carrying something.

*Looking at the footprints, Dust can see them going over to a bush. He walks over to examine the bush and finds the body of a dead deer demihuman with short brown hair and orange eyes. He had on a black hoodie and blue jeans*

(Dust): Not something. . .someone.

(Hibana): Ugh~, what the hell? Guys, there’s a dead body over here.

*Jin, Hibana, and Sera make their way over to where Dust is and see the dead body. Hibana moved away feeling woozy, Jin’s stomach turned a little bit, and Sera began to breathe heavily as flashbacks of Zeke came flooding into her mind and she was on the verge of a panic attack. Dust quickly saw this and turned her face so that she was staring directly at him*

(Dust): Stay with me Sera. Calm down. Look at me. Concentrate on me and nothing else. Control your breathing. Nice and slow.

*Sera’s heavy breathing began to slow down*

(Dust): That’s it. Good. Keep breathing slowly. In and out. In and out. Deep breaths. Stay focused on me.

*Sera continued to breathe in and out slowly while focusing on Dust until she stopped and started breathing normally*

(Dust): Are you better now?

(Sera): Yes. . .I’ll be fine. Thank you. I apologize for that.

(Dust): Go over there with Hibana. I need to examine the body.

*Sera nods and goes to check on Hibana*

(Dust): Feel free to go over there if it’s too much, rookie.

(Jin): No, I’m good. Let’s do this.

(Dust): Looks like he’s been dead for over seven hours now. Lots of bruises and cuts.

(Jin): No doubt he was interrogated before he got killed. Looks like they killed him with a knife across the neck.

(Dust): No. It was a sword. The cut is way too deep for a knife. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. Started with the arms, then the fingers followed by cuts and some punches for good measures to break his will.

(Jin): Wow, that’s diabolical. What makes you think they did all that?

(Dust): Because it’s what I would do. Once they got the information they needed they finished him off and disposed of the body so nobody would find it.

(Jin): I wonder why he didn’t toss it into the river?

(Dust): Respect for nature. Not to mention if they tossed the body in the river it would attract attention as it flowed down. At least this way it buys them a couple of hours.  

*Dust takes a picture of the body with his phone. All of sudden his phone pings he sees a text message from Amarti*

(Dust): Guys, let’s head back. We got a lead.


*Back with Jade, Morgan, Alita, and Scarlet, Jade had finished telling Scarlet about Shadow Eye as well as who she really was*

(Scarlet): I can’t believe it. All this time there’s been a secret order conducting missions right under my nose.

(Morgan): You’re taking this a lot better than I imagined.

(Scarlet): Well when I piece together everything that’s going on recently it makes sense. And only a select few know about you within the kingdom?

(Alita): Wouldn’t be much of a secret order if everyone knew about us.

(Scarlet): And you. . .you’re the legendary hero, Aitana Quetzalcoatl?

(Jade): In the flesh. Me and Ingrid were good friends back in the day. Taught her everything she knew about hand-to-hand combat.  

(Scarlet): So that explains how you were able to counter all my moves. The Helios martial arts is basically a copy of your martial arts.

(Jade): Yep. Although it’s definitely become a bit more refined over the years. We’re gonna have to change that in your training.

(Scarlet): Training?

(Jade): Yep! I’ve taken an interest in you and making you my disciple. Congratulations.

(Alita): I am receiving a message from Amarti. He says to head back.

(Jade): Get ready little lady. Once we get back to Brister I’m gonna make you strong. Oh it’s gonna be like the good old days when me and Ingrid were training.

*Jade walks off all giddy leaving a stunned Scarlet with Morgan to process all of this*

(Scarlet): Should I be worried?

(Morgan): From a physical standpoint yes. There’s no telling what she’ll do to your body. From a mental standpoint, you should be ecstatic. I have to admit I’ve also taken an interest in you. You’re talented, skilled, and clearly know what you’re doing, but you haven’t been able to bring out your full potential yet. Imagine what you could do if you had one of the greatest fighters in the world training you physically along with one of the kingdom’s greatest strategists helping you mentally. You could reach the same heights as The Court of Fire if not higher.

*Scarlet took a second to think about it. To be surrounded by all this talent was tempting. She would have to be a fool not to accept this offer. However, there was one prospect that did worry her*

(Scarlet): I don’t know. I can’t just up and leave the order like nothing-

(Morgan): Oh you wouldn’t have to leave your order. If anything I think it would be best if you remained as a Red Knight. You up and joining the Black Knights would bring suspicion from everyone in the kingdom. Instead, we’ll just come and visit you in our spare time or you could come to us for advice or training. Use this trip to observe and think about it. There’s a lot of promise in you. Just like Jin, Gael, and Alita here you just need someone to help bring it out.

*Morgan starts to walk away followed by Alita and then Scarlet who catches up to them*


*As everyone meets back up with Ryuuji, Brigit, Amarti, and Zia they see the tied-up man as well as Kai*

(Kai): Well these are some familiar faces. What’s happening, everyone?

(Jade): Kai!

(Dust): What’s up man?

*Raika fist pumps Kai*

(Jin): No way! That’s Kaiser Siegfried. The Burning Swordsman!

(Gael): Burning Swordsman? Is he a big deal?

(Scarlet): Big deal? He’s one of the greatest knights to come out of Brister. He’s a member of the Court of Fire. Some say he’s even stronger than Sir Ryuuji. It was even rumored that he was next in line to command the Red Vermillion Order.

(Gael): No way. So what’s he doing out here?

(Jin): Well the story goes he drank a little too much at a party and punched out a noble accidentally. Not wanting to face any repercussions he left the kingdom and became a mercenary. 

(Kai): You two sure know your stuff.

(Dust): One’s adorably dorkable while the other is dorkably adorable.

(Kai): Cute. It’s a pleasure to meet the new faces here. I’m Kaiser Siegfried, but you can call me Kai.

*Dust approaches Zancon and shows him the picture of the dead body on his phone*

(Dust): Recognize the body in the picture drug boy?

(Zancon): Yeah, he’s the one who gave me the Smile. His name was Pete. Like I told your friends here they got a cave not too far out this way. Not saying that’s where the maker is but it’ll at least give you some clues on where to go next.


*Deep in the forest outside of the settlement a group of smugglers that were a mix of elves, humans, and demihumans were outside of a cave loading their cargo into a truck. There were eight of them. Two elves. One male and one female. Three humans who were all males. Three demihumans with two males and one female. The two males were a tiger and panther demihuman while the female was a duck demihuman*

(Human Smuggler #1): Hurry up and load that box. It’s time to get the hell out of here!

(Panther demihuman): What about Pete? We can’t just leave him.

(Female elf): Screw Pete! He’s either dead or he sold us out to that dark elf. We gotta get out of here before they find us.

*All of a sudden they hear rustling in the bushes and go on high alert. They prepare their weapons. The female elf points an arrow at the bushes. The male elf takes out a staff glowing red. The panther and tiger demihuman take up a fighting stance while the duck demihuman takes out sais. The first human takes out a gun while the second one pulls out an axe and the third one a spear*

(Zancon): Woah hey! Hold it! It’s just me.

*Zancon comes out of the bushes with his hands up surrendering to the smugglers. He was now wearing clothes which consisted of dark brown pants, a black skin-tight t-shirt and black gloves*

(Human Smuggler #2): You! You’re that adventurer Pete has been dealing with.

(Zancon): Yeah, the name’s Zancon. Is Pete around? I’ve been looking for him. I need my fix of Smile.

*Everyone lowers their weapons as Zancon slowly approaches them with his hands still up*

(Female elf): Sorry to tell you, but we haven’t seen him since last night. Ran into some dangerous guys. Probably dead for all we know.

(Zancon): Yeah, I’ve seen the body.

*As soon as those words left his mouth they quickly pieced together that he had set them up for a trap. However, they were too slow to act. As quick as a sneeze, the group was taken down by the members of Shadow Eye and Kai. Jade tackled the female elf with a spear. Sanada used his sword to disarm the male elf and used the hilt of his sword to hit the back of the smuggler’s head to render him unconscious. Raika shot the duck demihuman from the bushes to render her unconscious. Ryuuji and Kai each took the tiger and panther demihuman with a flaming kick and punch. The human smuggler wielding the axe was taken down by Zia who slashed through the axe and his chest using her kukris to render him unconscious. The human smuggler holding the spear was slashed in the leg by Amarti’s blade disc making him fall to one knee and then got hit in the head by a second one to get knocked out. The final human with the gun got his whole body tied up in wires and then fell to the ground sideways as Dust began to approach. Briget, Jin, Gael, Alita, Hibana, Sera and Scarlet came out of the bushes with everyone aside from Brigit impressed with the quick work everyone did to bring down the smugglers*

(Sera): Amazing. They managed to bring everyone down in such a quick and efficient manner.

(Scarlet): They moved so fast I didn’t have time to process everything.

(Alita): They did all of this in precisely 3.7 seconds.

(Zancon): Nothing personal guys. But I’ve got to save my skin.

*Zancon turns around and gets ready to run away, but before he could take off, he was met with a bo staff to the stomach courtesy of Gael. Zancon arches over in pain grabbing his stomach before falling to his knees*

(Gael): We’re not done with you just yet. Stick around a little while longer.

*Dust picks up the smuggler and slams him back first against the truck*   

(Dust): Now, what goods were you smugglers attempting to make off with this afternoon?

*The smuggler begins to sweat out of fear*

(Human Smuggler #1): I can’t say. They’ll kill me.

(Dust): Kill you? Motherfucker I’ll kill you!

*Dust grabs the smuggler by the collar and drags him to the back of the truck followed by Zia and Brigit*

(Dust): I’ll just have more fun doing it.

*Dust pulls back the curtain to the truck and what he, Zia, and Brigit see shocks them. Not only did they see containers and boxes most likely holding the Smile drug and possibly weapons, but cages with dark female elves inside shaking and scared for their lives. Zia and Brigit quickly jumped into the back of the truck and broke the locks on the cages to free the elves. Both Brigit and Zia spoke Elfan to calm the dark elves down. Dust on the other hand was staring a hole through the smuggler who had a terrified look on his face*

(Human Smuggler #1): Pl-please! I can explain!

*Dust punches the smuggler across the face and he falls to the ground getting everyone’s attention who come running to the back of the truck and see the captured elves*

(Dust): So not only are you smuggling drugs you’re also smuggling dark elves as well?

(Human Smuggler #1): F-forgive me! The people who made the Smile said they would give us extra credits for smuggling the dark elves to a slave trader.

(Dust): I don’t give a crap about that shit!

*Dust pulls the smuggler back up and punches him again. Just when he’s about to go for another punch he gets pulled back by Ryuuji and Amarti*

(Ryuuji): Stop, Dust. I understand how you feel but this is neither the time or the place.

*As everyone was distracted by Dust and what they found, Zancon had recovered from Gael’s attack earlier and was back on his feet. Seeing everyone distracted, he decided to use this chance and make an escape. As he started running Dust, Amarti, and Ryuuji spotted him trying to escape. Before Dust could fire off a wire or Amarti got the chance to throw one of his blade discs, Zancon was shot in the chest by a lightning arrow and fell down as a pool of blood came pouring out of his chest. Dust, Ryuuji, and Amarti stared up into the trees and saw a dark elf man wearing brown pants, a green hooded sweather and brown gloves. He had black scruffy hair and purple eyes, and was holding a white bow that was emitting electricity. The elf then pointed his bow at the three as a lightning arrow soon appeared and fired it at the three who quickly duck behind the truck for cover. The arrow missed them and struck a rock near the cave shattering it into pieces. More dark elves soon appeared and came out into the clearing. The two elves leading the group were a female and male elf. The female elf had red eyes and long purple hair. She wore a red buttoned shirt with black ruffles and cuffs, a dark purple skirt with black shorts underneath, black stockings, and black shoes. She was dual-wielding axes that were emitting a purple aura. The male next to her was wearing a black suit, with a blue-buttoned shirt underneath. His hair was blue, spikey, and cut short. He was carrying two white spears that were emitting frost. The elf with the lightning bow jumped down from the tree and landed by the two. Each elf was wearing a badge on their shirt which showed a black spider in front of a golden tree*

(Female Dark Elf): Attention smugglers! This is the Coriarty Clan. Return the elves that you kidnapped or suffer the consequences.

(Male Dark Elf spearman): We have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up and no harm will come to you.

(Male Dark Elf archer): If you attempt to test us, you will fail. And you pay for it in your blood.

*Behind the truck Dust went wide-eyed as he recognized the voices of the three elves. Voices he hadn’t heard in a long time*

(Brigit): The Coriarty Clan? This isn’t good.     

(Sera): What’s the Coriarty Clan?

(Kai): It’s a mafia group of dark elves who pretty much run the underworld. It’s said their numbers and strength can compete against the kingdoms of the world.

(Gael): I’ve heard of these guys. Even the members of Blood Moon were told not to cross these guys and stay out of their territory.

(Female Dark Elf): I repeat, come out now or there will be repercussions.

*Everyone aside from Dust comes out behind the truck with their hands up. Including the captured female elves*

(Amarti): Easy. We aren’t the smugglers. We’re investigating the recent smuggling operations in the area and followed a tip. We even released the captive elves they captured. If you’re looking for the smugglers they’re on the ground right over here.

* The three elves who were the leaders walked over. The two males inspected the bodies of the smugglers who were unconscious while the female inspected the captive elves and spoke to them in Elfan to hear their story. As the dark elf with the spears was inspecting the bodies of the smuggler he looked up and saw Kai. When the two men locked eyes a look of shock appeared on their faces*

(Kai and Dark Elf swordsman): You!

*The dark elf quickly thrusted one of spears at Kai who drew his sword and blocked the attack*

(Kai): Well. Fancy meeting you all the way out here.

(Dark Elf spearman): Yes. I’ve been waiting for a rematch with you.

(Dust): I see you’re still as battle-hungry as ever, Dante.

*The dark elf spearman gained another look of shock on his face as his name was called and by a voice, he was very familiar with*

(Dust): Jordan, your threats have gotten so solid and intimidating. Remind me not to piss you off.

*The dark elf archer smiled recognizing the voice. Dust came from behind the truck with the last smuggler and tossed them to the ground so that the dark elves could get a clear view of him. The female elf gained a look of shock on her face as she recognized the man standing before her*

(Dark female elf): It can’t be.

(Dust): Lylah. You’ve certainly become quite a beauty.

(Lylah): Master Dust! It is you! You’re alive!

*The dark female elf known as Lylah quickly dropped her axes and ran to hug Dust shocking everyone as they had no idea what was going on. How did Dust know these dark elves? What was his connection to the Coriarty Clan*

Author’s Notes: And just like that we discovered a huge mystery about Dust’s past. A member of this world’s yakuza. This set up was largely inspired by the Yakuza/Like A Dragon franchise. Those games are awesome and I wanted to pay homage and respect to them by making Dust this legendary yakuza who walked his own path just like Kiryu. Speaking of inspiration, the three dark elves, Lylah, Dante, and Jordan were inspired by characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. My first FE game and my favorite game in the franchise so far. Orginally, I was going to make Dante a sword user but I plan on using that for another character down the line who I think would be better suited for it. This is also the first time I dropped the F bomb in the novel and the fact that it came from Dust felt appropriate. I mean if anyone was going to say the word then it would definitely be him. Followed by Jade. The decision to just flat out tell Scarlet about Shadow Eye was I felt warranted. I had no reason to keep her in the dark and since Jade and Morgan are going to be taking an interest in her it only seems logical. How will this effect her? Will have to wait and see. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.

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