Chapter 76: The Demon’s Choice

*A day and a half had passed since the group blew up the prison. The local news reported that the fire was mostly caused by the Eclipses who got inside and set something off. The good news was the fire didn’t spread or cause any major damage to the surrounding area, so nobody paid it any mind. Back at the Coriarty Estate, Dust was healing up his legs. Once the adrenaline wore off, the pain he felt from stabbing and shooting his legs came into effect and he could barely walk. Luckily, the healers within the Coriarty Estate were able to fix him right up but wanted him to stay off his legs for a day. Hence why the group stuck around despite the case being settled on their end and everything else could be left to the Coriarty Clan. In the dining hall, the members of Shadow Eye were chatting with Lylah, Dante, and Jordan*

(Lylah): So, I take it you’ll be leaving today?

(Amarti): Yep. Once Dust finishes his check-up we’ll be heading back to Brister. We’d stick around and help, but I honestly don’t know what we could contribute without overstepping our bounds and getting Brister in trouble.

(Lylah): It’s all right. You’ve done more than enough to help us. With the data you’ve given us from the prison and the testimonies from Flint and other members of the Bansika Family, we’ll have everything we need to put them on trial.

(Dante): There’s still a few traders and dealers out there, but the Coriarty Clan is swiftly capturing them and returning the captured elves back to their families.

(Morgan): What about Flint? How has he been handling this?

(Jordan): Surprisingly, he’s been cooperative. He’s been answering all of our questions and has made no attempts at trying to escape. I think his loss to the boss was such a blow to his ego that he pretty much gave up and is surrendering himself to the consequences.

(Sanada): Speaking of which, what will happen to him and his family?

(Jordan): Well thanks to Flint and Isaac’s testimonies most of the fault falls on them. The Bansika Family will be disbanded and members will be placed in other families under surveillance. As for Flint and Isaac, their actions are unforgivable. They’ll be banned from the clan or killed on the spot. The clan’s chairman has asked to meet with them directly. They left last night and should be arriving at the HQ mansion right about now. Their fate is in his hands.

(Lylah): I do want to thank you all again for your help. We couldn’t have done this without you. Not to mention we got to see Dust again. I’m so happy to know he’s still alive and can’t wait to bring him back to the clan.

(Amarti): Yeah, about that. As much as I respect your appreciation for Dust, I’m afraid I can’t allow you to have him. We all talked about it and we’re all in agreement that we can’t part with Dust.

*Lylah got a smug look on her face*

(Lylah): Oh really? What gives you the right to claim Dust?

(Amarti): It’s not a right. More of a destiny. He’s a friend, comrade, and a valued partner to me. I’d easily trade my entire fortune if it meant keeping him. Whatever I lost, I could easily gain it back with him by my side.

(Dante): *Chuckles* I see. Dust truly is blessed to be surrounded by friends who care for him so much.

(Jordan): However, we care a lot about him too, and would love to have him back in the clan.

(Lylah): Even if that means fighting for him.

*Everyone smiles at each other as they all secretly prepare to draw their weapons and fight. Despite having a numbers advantage, the three dark elves were confident they could hold their own against the group of knights. Before the fighting could begin, Dust walked in and through his parrying knife on the table in front of them to gain their attention*

(Dust): Geez, I could just feel the love and tension in this room. Who knew I was such a popular guy? Too bad it’s with knights and a bunch of mobsters. Why couldn’t it be a group of maids or college girls?

(Lylah): Dust! What are you doing here?

(Dust): Well I got my check-up. Healers said I was all good to go and no one was around, so I decided to find you guys. Imagine my surprise to see my co-workers and former apprentices about to fight one another. As fun as that sounds I’d like this place to remain in one piece. It holds a lot of sentimental value for me.

*Dust walks over to the group and picks his knife up*

(Dust): Now, instead of fighting amongst yourselves, why don’t you just ask me what I want to do?

(Ryuuji): He makes a good point. We’ve all been trying to do what we think is best for Dust, when really we’re just being selfish. All right, Dust whatever you decide to do, we’ll support you every step of the way.

(Dust): Well the answer should be obvious. . .I’m going back to Brister with you guys.

(Everyone): WHAT!

(Dust): Don’t get me wrong. Seeing the clan again and knowing I still have a place in it makes me happy, but I’m enjoying my life as a knight. It’s fun, challenging, and the pay is good. Not to mention me and Amarti are business partners and getting out of that contract would be a huge pain in the ass. I’d be better off dying.

(Jin): What the heck is in that contract?

(Amarti): What isn’t in that contract? You want to be my business partner you’d better be prepared to offer your life the same way I’m offering mine.

(Lylah): Dust, please reconsider. If you don’t become the chairman of the clan, you’ll never be able to return to your home island.

(Dust): Oh that? I’ve been home.

*This news shocked Lylah, Dante, and Jordan*

(Dust): I was there last year for my mom’s birthday.

(Dante): What!? But that’s impossible? Our men would have reported seeing you on the island.

(Dust): So those were your men? I wore a disguise and gave them a few extra credits to say they never saw me. Whatever you guys are paying them it’s never enough.

(Lylah): But. . .I don’t understand. Lady Jemisha said you couldn’t return to the island until you became chairman of the clan.

(Dust): Yeah, she said that to motivate you. She said you looked so sad and depressed that she couldn’t stand it. So she made up that lie to get you back on the right track. She knew that if it affected me you would do everything in your power to make it right and she wasn’t wrong.

*Lylah was beside herself. She just wanted to crawl in a hole and die*

(Dust): Lylah, I’m honored you did all this for me, but that’s not how I want you or the others to live. I don’t regret my choices from the past and I don’t hold it against you or anyone else. I want you to be the chairman of the clan because it’s what you want to be. Not because you owe me, my mom, or anyone else. I want you to do what makes you happy and just know that I’m proud of the person you’ve become today. I know that if your parents could see you they’d be proud as well.

(Lylah): You really mean that?

(Dust): I mean it. Whatever path you decide to follow in life just know that I’ll always have your back and if you ever need me you know where to find me. All right?

(Lylah): All right.

(Dust): That’s my night cat. Come here you.

*Dust puts Lylah into a headlock and begins to ruffle her hair

(Lylah): Dust, stop! You know how I feel about that nickname.

(Dust): Come on. Purr for me.

*With a blush on her face, Lylah began to purr like a cat making everyone laugh*


*In a forest, a large mansion can be seen. In one of the offices, Flint and Isaac are brought in by two muscular dark elves who are wearing sunglasses and black suits. Each one had low-cut black hair. Following them was a dark elf woman with long brown hair tied up into a bun and green eyes covered by glasses. She wore a long-sleeved grey buttoned shirt, a black skirt with grey stripes, long black socks, and black heeled shoes. Flint and Isaac are brought to the center of the room and forced on their knees. Flint had a stoic look on his face while Isaac was on the edge of a nervous breakdown as he sweated profusely*

(Brown-haired elf): Sir! Flint and Isaac of the Bansika Family are here.

*The man in the chair turned around to face Flint and Isaac. He had red eyes and black hair that was bowl cut with light sideburns that were cut short. His left ear was pierced and he had a ring on each of his fingers. He wore a black suit with a black shirt underneath and a black tie. There was also a speast in the form of a crow perched on top of his chair*

(Black-haired elf): So, not only are you the ones responsible for the kidnapping and selling of our own race, but also responsible for that drug, Smile. You have brought disgrace and dishonor to the Coriarty Clan. Any last words before I pass my judgment?

(Flint): I have no excuse. I thought I was near the top of the clan, but my battle against the demon showed me I was nowhere near the top nor could I ever reach it. I will accept whatever punishment you deem fit.

(Isaac): Lord Rook! It wasn’t my fault! I was simply forced to follow the ways of my pitiful leader! It was all Flint’s idea! I would never think to go against the rules of the Coriarty clan!

*The crow perched on Rook’s chair flew toward Isaac and pierced his chest to kill him. Issac’s dead body fell to the floor as the crow returned to Rook’s chair with Isaac’s heart in its beak. Rook got up from his seat and approached Flint*

(Rook): Nothing is more pathetic than the ramblings of a coward afraid to accept his judgment. Swai (Sword)!

*All of a sudden, a black dao appeared in the right hand of Rook. Flint closed his eyes ready to accept his fate. Rook swung the sword and instead of killing Flint, he cut his handcuffs off. When Flint opened his eyes he was shocked to see himself still alive and his hands were free*

(Rook): Don’t think I’m letting you off easy. You live, because you brought me good news today. News that hasn’t made me this happy in a long time. As of today, you are banished from the Coriarty Clan. Now get out of my sight and never let me see you again.

*Flint gets up and immediately leaves the room with one of the muscular elves escorting him out. The other muscular elf carried Isaac’s dead body to properly dispose of it. The doors closed leaving Rook with the female elf*

(Brown-haired elf): I’ve asked you to refrain from killing people in the office. You know how hard it is to get blood out of the flooring.

(Rook): My apologies, Carmilla. I lost my temper back there.

*Rook goes over to the window and looks outside*

(Carmilla): You said that man brought you good news today. What exactly did you mean by that?

(Rook): Oh, nothing much.

*Rook takes out a picture that shows a younger version of him and a younger Dust. Smiling and sharing a drink together. Rook smiles as he looks at the picture remembering the good times he had with his best friend. Happy to know that he’s alive and doing well*

(Rook): Carmilla. Cancel my meetings for this afternoon. We’re going out to drink, eat and sing. My treat of course.


*Back in Roppango, the knights of Brister were packing up and getting ready to head out*

(Ryuuji): Where you off to next Kai? We’d be glad to accompany you part of the way.

(Kai): I think I’ll stick around here a little bit and take a mini-vacation. Got a nice paycheck and a few numbers.

(Lylah): I for one am glad you’re sticking around. The Balor Family could use a reliable mercenary like you around. With many of our men still recovering, Dante and Jordan could use all the help they need.

(Brigit): Looks like that mini-vacation is on hold. Still, it was nice seeing you again Kaiser. Come see us some more.

(Kai): *Chuckles* All right, I will.

(Raika): So Sera, how’d it feel to be back in the field?

(Sera): A little scary at first, but it felt great. I hope to do more of it in the future.

*Over by Dust’s car*

(Jin): So you must be happy, Dust is sticking around.

(Hibana): That was a lapse in judgment, and if you ever tell him I said that stuff I will ruin you.

(Scarlet): Good work on this mission, Jin.

(Jin): Thanks, you too Scarlet. You were really cool.

*Jin blushes*

(Scarlet): You were cool as well. The way you led the group yesterday was really aspiring. It’s hard to believe you went unnoticed all this time.

(Jin): Well. . .people change. I just hope my change is making me a better person.

(Scarlet): I think it is.

*Scarlet blushes*

(Dust): Rookie! Hibana!

*Dust got their attention and tossed his car keys to Hibana who caught them*

(Dust): Healers don’t want me driving, so take care of my car.

(Hibana): Okay.

*Hibana gets in the driver’s side while Jin gets in the passenger’s side.

(Jin): Wow, so this is what it’s like being in a Sharkfang. It’s like everything I dreamed about. You know how to drive, right?

(Hibana): Well if it’s anything like the simulators I’ve played we should be fine. I mean I flew a plane. How hard could a car be?

*Jin quickly fastens his seatbelt as Hibana takes off down the streets*

(Hibana): Oh sick! This thing has a lot of power.

(Jin): AHHHHHH~!

(Zia): Sounds like they’re having fun. Well, time for us to go.

(Dust): Take it easy you three. We’ll meet again.

*Dust says his farewells to Lylah, Dante, and Jordan as the hummer drives off. The three elves wave goodbye. While they were sad to see them leave they knew that they would meet again and now knew where to find their mentor*

To Be Continued

Author’s Note: And that ends volume 3. Thank you all so much for your patience and for reading my novel. I hope you all enjoyed it and look forward to the next volume coming out next year. I think we all knew Dust was going to stick with Shadow Eye but I thought I play around with it a little and give Lylah some closure what happened in the past and start working toward her own goals. I think it’s a good ending for the arc and hopefully we can see her and other members of the clan down the line. Speaking of clan members, I thought about the introduction of Rook and him being Dust’s best friend at the beginning of the volume. Sworn brothers who fought side by side with each other and experienced everything the clan had to offer only to one day make it to the top and rule over it. I would like these two to meet up sometime in the future but I’ll think about that later. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.

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