(Morrison): Ahh~ The Landshill Knight Academy. The prestigious knight school within Brister that has trained knights for years. The academy was named after Sir Adam Landshill, a teacher turned knight who once served the kingdom in the past and fought bravely on the frontlines of war. Despite being a knight he still had a passion for teaching and would often teach other knights who couldn’t afford education. He also holds the record for having trained the most squires, 186. After his passing, squires who inherited his passion for teaching went on to find and build the knight academy we know today and named it in honor of the man they respected as a teacher and knight. It is within the academy that young men and women hoping to become knights of Brister learn the basics of a knight and improve their skills. There’s also the occasional field work and going out on visits to other orders to learn more about them and scout out which one they would like to enter. The teachers within the academy are either past or present knights and there’s been a few occasions where legendary knights and commanders of orders stop by to check in and give a lecture. The academy is a three-year course and students must be 14 or older to apply. Students are required to live on campus, are allowed to go home for holidays and allowed out into the kingdom on weekends. The first year is a standard learning of the basics. During the first-year students get the chance to take a test to get their provisional knight license which will allow them to take on limited missions within orders. During the second year, students get the chance to do field work within orders. It’s sort of like an internship. In their final year, students take their graduation test in front of representatives of orders who will decide if their skills meet the standards of the order. Most of the students graduating join an order but there have been a few cases where no orders pick a student and that student gets placed into the reserved knight program. In this program, they can take supplementary classes and training and retake the test a few months down the line. Though slow at first, the academy has proven its value to the kingdom as many great knights have passed through its doors. From the Imperium General to the Blazing Knight to the Three Royal Swords. It’s always a treat to see which future legends will come from the academy.