*In the wreckage of the collapsed building that landed on Morgan, Jade, Raika and Sanada, everything is quiet as the dust begins to settle. In some of the wreckage, a large ice knight with a shield emerges from it along with Morgan and Jade completely fine and unharmed* (Jade): Phew. Good job on summoning your […]
Author Archive: Nitsuj
Project #489: Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Part 2
(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj where we’re continuing the Summer of Fate with the second half of Unlimited Blade Works. (Neo): When we last left our heroes, Shirou stupidly handed Saber over to dastardly Caster in order to save his teacher and he has no servant. (Yume): With Saber gone Shirou is out […]
Chapter 17: Blazing Spirit vs Unchained Rage
*Flashback Begins* *In an outside arena, fans are cheering wildly as Brutus stands triumphantly over a defeated human gladiator with his fist hailed up* (Announcer): And the winner of this match! The Unchained Gorilla, Brutus! (Brutus): RAHHHHH~! *Brutus lets out a mighty roar and soaks in the cheers before leaving the arena and heading to […]
Project #488: Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Part 1
(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about Fate/stay night. It’s one of the most popular franchises in the anime community having a number of spinoffs, merch, mangas, games, cosplays, and of course animes. Animes for days. Ever since I reviewed Fate/Grand Order everyone has been asking me to take a look at […]
A Critical Look at the Sonic Games
Hey guys, Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Late last year Sega announced their latest Sonic game, Sonic Frontier. It was said to be a reset to the Sonic games and would be a fully open world game. Something that fans have been crying out for for years. With the game set to […]
Chapter 16: Attack of Homunculus
*With the Hargus post destroyed, Shadow Eye reached their destination and split into two teams to cover the west and north area of the city. Dust, Ryuuji, Jin, Amarti and Zia took the westside while Raika, Sanada, Morgan and Jade took the northside. Both teams wished each other luck and went their separate ways. The […]
Project #487: Spirit Chronicles
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s no secret that isekai anime has taken over the anime industry. It’s gotten to the point where some people dread seeing them. Personally, I welcome them. I’m a sucker for the isekai genre but even I have to admit there are some isekais out there that suck and […]
Chapter 15: Charge Into Battle
*A few days had gone by since Dust’s meeting with Walter and Kurai. He was in an armored van with the members of Shadow Eye driving to the desolate city of Orion which was on the edge of the Hargus territory that was neutral. The city governed itself and didn’t belong to either Brister or […]
Project #486: Classroom of the Elite
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. With April come and pass a new batch of anime has started and with every new batch there’s one or two animes that stand out from the pack that everyone is looking forward to. However, there are times when an anime flies under the radar only to get talked […]
Chapter 14: Wild Light
*In a desolate city near the border of Brister, a male dog demihuman with medium black and yellow hair that was spikey, purple eyes and a black fluffy tail is jumping from roof to roof. The demihuman was wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a rolled up sleeved blazer. He was whistling a happy […]