Project #456: Mayoiga

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s Aniween time where we take a look at anime that have a horror theme to them. Horror can work on two levels, there’s the physical horror and then there’s the psychological horror. (Seras): I’m a fan of the former. (Mira): I enjoy the latter. (Nitsuj): Both of […]

Project #455: 86

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. War, it’s never a fun thing. Throughout the history of Japan there have been a number of war stories both fiction and non-fiction. With so many war stories, writers have to try extra hard to make themselves stand out from the pack and one of the stories that managed […]

Project #454: Lupin the Third Part V (Part 2)

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s time to continue our look at Lupin the Third Part V. A lot of people have wondered why Lupin isn’t popular like other animes out there. It’s a good question. I mean, the series has yearly specials/movies and is getting ready to air Part VI yet nobody really […]

Project #453: Lupin the Third Part V (Part 1)

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second part of my Lupin review special where today we’re taking a look Lupin the Third Part V. Part IV was a big hit both in and out of Japan. The anime revitalized fan interest in Lupin and bought in new fans who up until this […]

Project #452.5 Fall Anime 2021 First Impressions

Hey, Nitsuj here and welcome to the side blog the blogs between the blogs. It’s September which means fall is officially here which means it’s time to take a look at the fall anime, it’s time for First Impressions. As I’ve said before in the past the fall season is usually when the anime industry […]

Jin Hephaestus: The Makings of The Maker

*In the kingdom of Brister lies the Landshill Academy, the prestigious knight academy that takes the young men and women of the kingdom and turns them into knights. It’s a tough 3 years of training but those who graduate from the academy are then accepted into one of four knight orders and given a job […]

The Top 11 Best Animes

Hello everyone! Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind where we’re celebrating my birthday and I thought it’d be fun if name my all-time favorite anime. I’ve got to be honest this was a tough list to make. How do you take x number of years watching anime and convert it down into one […]

Project #452: RWBY Volume 8

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well guys it’s the fall which means RWBY will be returning soon, meh. What would normally be an exciting announcement is now being met with lackluster fanfare. As a fan of the show this is both sad but at the time understandable. The writing for the characters and parts […]

Project #451: Nekopara

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Fact, in recent studies done over the last 2 years scientists as well as pet owners have concluded that dogs are better animals than cats. Yet despite this scientific evidence and popular opinion from the masses, there are still die-hard cat fans who insist that cats are better than […]

The Next Top 11 Hololive Girls

Hello. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Most of you might remember a few months ago I made a list naming my top 11 Hololive Girls. It was a hit and everyone liked it, but many of you were shocked to see that I left so many names off. So, how about another […]