Project #611: Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well guys, it’s Aniween time again and you know who is excited about this month of thrills and terrors. *A gong rings and in walks Seras with Yin-Yang* (Seras): It’s time Nitsuj. It’s time. (Nitsuj): Yep, back by popular demand, it’s Aniween with Seras. (Seras): And my friends […]

The Top 11 Fall Anime 2024

Hello! Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Well guys, the dog days of summer are behind us and the dog days of fall are here. For some of us, that means hitting the books and getting the grades. For others, it means cooler weather to on the lawn. And for us anime fans, […]

Chapter 75: Shadow Rampage

*Outside of the Clockwater Gate Prison a river could be seen flowing through it and searchlights were on looking for any intruders. There were also steel fences surrounding the prison which prevented the Eclipses from getting in. All they found were Eclipses in the shapes of crocodiles and wolves. The members of Shadow Eye and […]

Project #610: Shangri-La Frontier Part 2

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Today we continue our look at Shnagri-La Frontier the hit novel turned anime. When we last left our gamers, they were preparing to take on the unique boss known as Wethermon. Since he gets stronger depending on the size of the party, Rakuro and friends decide to take it […]

Chapter 74: When Life Gets You Down, Smile

*In the early morning of the next day, the chef was in an undisclosed room where he was tied down to a chair and his hands on a table. On his right hand, three of his fingernails were missing and tears could be seen pouring down his face from the pain he was feeling. On […]

Project #609: Shangri-La Frontier Part 1

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Last week, we took a look at Gun Gale Online, a spin of the ever so popular SAO series that was better than the SAO series. Want to do it again? Enter Shangri-La Frontier. A light novel written by Katarina in 2017 and continuing to this day. When SAO […]

Chapter 73: A Broken Promise and Pool Party

(Lylah): It was me. He left because of me. (Jin): Wait. You’re the reason Dust left the clan? Why? (Lylah): 20 years ago I served as a key figure in a plan. A plan that would have seen the collapse of the clan, their rivals, and other kingdoms. There would have been mountains of bodies […]

Project #608: SAO Alternative Gun Gale Online

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. How do we keep getting back here? SAO, like it or hate it, this is a series that definitely has a fanbase. When you have a series with such interesting worlds to explore it’s only natural to have a few spinoff stories. Enter SAO Alternative Gun Gale Online. Yep, […]

Record 38: Elf Blacksmithing

(Zia): When it comes to elf weapons, they’re quite different from normal weapons. Elf weapons are infused with magic as well as the blood of the person using the weapon. Because of this, the weapon becomes tuned with the owner and gains special properties and powers that only they can use. It’s because of this […]

Chapter 72: The Shadow Comes to Light

*The sun was beginning to set in Roppango. At the Coriarty Estate Jin and Scarlet were sparring against each other as Sera, Gael, Alita, Hibana and Baek looked on. Jin was on the defensive blocking Scarlet’s spear strikes with his tonfas and trying to attack her with kicks. However, Scarlet was out of his reach. […]