(Dust): Something’s wrong. I’m going back. Alita, get these two to safety. Protect them at all costs. (Alita): Roger. *Dust heads out of the alleyway and back towards the party doing his best to stay out of sight. He arrives at the building and sneaks around back he sees the Blade of Aitana being loaded […]
Author Archive: Nitsuj
Project #592: Appare-Ranman
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Original anime ideas are a rarity these days. Back in the 80s and 90s they were pretty much everywhere but as time went on and anime’s growing popularity it became much harder to be original. When you’ve done just about every idea under the sun creating something new is […]
Record 30: Dual Magic
(Morrison): When it comes to magic, usually one inherits it from their parents. In the research of magic the one question that came up was can a person dual wield magic? The answer, yes. While this is extremely rare, there have been cases where a child inherited both magics from their parents. This usually means […]
Chapter 55: One Night Carni-Brawl Part 1
*As everyone ran away panicking, Dust grabbed the shoulders of Andrade and Zelina to get their attention. At first they were scared but then took a sigh of relief when they saw it was Dust. He pulled them off to the side and down an alleyway to get out of everyone’s sight. Alita saw them […]
Project #591: The Quintessential Quintuplets S2
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Last week, I took a look at The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses. So it only seems fair that I take a look at what inspired the series, The Quintessential Quintuplets aka Gotoubun no Hanayome. Like I said last week it was nothing groundbreaking but the series just did […]
Record 29: Caelestis the God of Wind
(Sanada): Within the eastern part of Rein, there are two gods that people follow. One of them is Caelestis, the God of Wind. He was often described as a stoic god. He limited his interactions with the world as he believed it was best for gods not to interfere and let nature run its course. […]
Chapter 54: A Date Under the Moon
*In the house of Andrade and Zelina, Zelina went out with Jade to the clothing store while Dust was nowhere to be seen. Alita was looking at the family portraits in the hallway of the house she saw coming in and examining them* (Andrade): Ah~, there you are young one. Might I inquire where your […]
Project #590: The Cafe Terrance and Its Goddesses
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. When it comes to looking for a safe anime to watch you can always count on romcom harem animes. While these animes are never perfect nor are they the best, you can always count on them to be entertaining and get a good laugh out of you. Just like […]
Record 28: Azure The God of Water
(Morgan): Azure, God of Water, ruler of the oceans, the Dragon of the Deep. Whatever you want to call him, he’s a god. Azure worked very closely with Midori when creating Rein. When Azure saw how people had a hard time reaching faraway lands, he created the oceans to help them travel. He then filled […]
Chapter 53: Digging Up the Past
*In the rural residential area of Brister, Dust, Jade and Alita were walking down the road with palm trees planted on the sides of the road. The houses all had metal gates and well-kept lawns. The three knights eventually came to a white-painted house with red and brown tiles on the roof. The house was […]