A look at Black Clover

Hey everyone welcome to another edition of the Otaku Corner. This month we’re talking about a manga and not just any manga the newest manga to appear in Shonen Jump, Black Clover. Making its debut this past February as the newest manga to replace Naruto, Black Clover has made quite a stir on the internet […]

Does fanservice kill anime?

Hey guys welcome to another edition of the Otaku Corner. This month we’re going to be discussing fanservice. If you’ve been paying attention to my blogs you’ll notice I’ve been reviewing animes that are quite heavy on the fanservice. This wasn’t on purpose, it just sort of happened. That’s how it is with a lot […]


Hello everyone Justin here and welcome to another edition of the Otaku Corner where we talk about anime and manga related topics and anything else that gets my interest. Today we’re talking about Naruto. As I’m sure all of you know by now the manga officially came to an end last week making Naruto the […]

Sora no Otoshimono Final: Eternal My Master rant

*Earlier this week Justin aka Nitsuj sat down with anticipation to watch Sora no Otoshimono Final: Eternal My Master movie which would cover the last chapter/s of Sora no Otoshimono marking the end of the series. After watching the movie he experience a rage like he never felt since watching Negima!? The following blog are […]

The Expendables (anime version)

Hey guys Justin here, welcome to another edition of the Otaku Corner a new part of the show where I talk about anime, manga, or anime related topics I find interesting and give my thoughts on them. For this Otaku Corner I’m gonna be talking about the Expendables. In case you don’t know, have forgotten, […]

The World God Only Knows

Hey guys Justin here welcome to a new part of the show I like to call the Otaku Corner. This is where I set aside the Nitsuj gimmick and talk about manga/anime topics or any other topics that fits into these two categories. This is just me being me and just giving my thoughts on […]

The Entity Part 6

*After arriving back to the system with Seras. Nitsuj logged his mind into the system and began to perform surgery on Seras. After a long procedure Nitsuj was able to heal Seras completely.* (Seras): Ugh~ my head. Where am I? (Nitsuj): Ah you’re awake. And here I was thinking of feeding your dead body to […]

The Entity Part 5

*The girls are still shocked to see that Seras their old nemesis is still alive and the one responsible for attacking their system.* (Isis): I. . .don’t understand. We saw you get destroyed right before our eyes. How are you still alive? (Seras): When you guys defeated me my data began to drift out of […]

The Entity Part 4

*As the girls continued on their journey up the river to their destination they passed through a jungle with the boat getting stuck along some rocks. Forced to go on foot the girls became lost in the jungle unsure of where to go. Lost and unsure of what to do they saw a native of […]

The Entity Part 3

*After arriving in town the girls rent a room and spend a few days resting before continuing their search. It turns out the town was a tourist trap but they made sure to keep a low profile as not to attract too much attention.* (Mira): Well we’ve been in town for a few days and […]