The Sonic Cartoons

Hello everyone. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Well guys, I won’t lie, things have very crazy these last few weeks. Everyone is panicking and scared, which is why I feel my blogs are now very important in these troubling times. In times like these I feel that it is important to keep […]

Sonic the Hedgehog

Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. So yesterday me and a friend went to go check out the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and since I’m a big fan of the blue blur, I thought I give my review on the movie and to make things short, I liked it. It was […]

The Top 11 Games of 2019

Hello everyone. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. First off, happy new year to everyone out there. I hope you all had a good holiday to relax, spend time with family, and just have fun. With that said it’s time to continue the tradition of looking back at 2019 one last time and […]

Persona 3 vs Persona 4 vs Persona 5

Hello. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Many of you may know that in the first Persona-mas I did a vs blog between Persona 3 and Persona 4 with Persona 3 winning in the end. It’s now years later and Persona 5 has come out, so where does Persona 5 fall in at? […]

The Revenge/Return of Shonen Ideas

Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind where it’s the return/revenge of the Shonen Ideas. That’s right I’m back with some more Shonen ideas that I think would work out great as an anime/manga/light novel and I wanted to share them with you guys. So get ready, these are my Shonen Ideas. […]

A Look At Ghost Stories

Hi guys, Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. First off, happy Halloween. I know some of you were expecting to see the Halloween special but unfortunately Nitsuj and his friends are in jail and going to court tomorrow, so you’ll have to wait until the first of November to see the special. I […]

Kuroko’s Basketball Sequel

Hey guys, Justin here, and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite mangas out there, Kuroko’s Basketball. Kuroko’s Basketball was one of the best sports manga to appear in Shonen Jump. It had good characters, a good story that it was able to tell through basketball […]

Thoughts on the Genshin Impact Controversy

Hello guys. This is Justin and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Okay, this one is going to be a quick one as we’ll be talking about a game set to come out in the near future, Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is the latest game to be created by the Chinese company miHoYo who mostly deal […]

The Top 11 KyoAni Animes

Hello everyone. Welcome to the Otaku Mind. Before beginning this blog, I would like to take a moment of silence for those who were lost or severely injured in the fire at Kyoto Animation this past week. My thoughts and prayers go out to the studio, their employees, and families who were affected by this […]

Overlord and Youjo Senki

Hello everyone. This is Justin and this is the Otaku Mind. Isekai anime has taken over the anime industry for quite sometime now. While isekai anime is nothing new, it’s been around for year, it didn’t start getting this level attention until a couple of years ago. It started with No Game No Life which […]