Chapter 62: Roar Of The Earth

(Morgan): I’m glad you guys are all fired up. But even if we know where he’s located within the bear it won’t do us much good if he can move around freely within it.

(Jin): Then let’s blast him out. I can create an explosive armament to blow him out of the bear.

(Jade): Leaving him totally defenseless.

(Amarti): How long will it take you to make?

(Jin): Give me a minute.

(Ryuuji): Alright. We’ll clear you a path in the meantime.

*As quick as a hiccup, Ryuuji ran forward and delivered an uppercut to a rock tiger. The others followed suit and began attacking rock animals while Jin stayed behind to craft the armament. Morgan also stayed behind and summoned five spirits of ice who were armed with guns and bows to guard Jin. Hibana’s drone and Alita formed a defensive perimeter around Jin as he got to work. The group got to work fighting their way through The Stampede attacking every rock animal they could see. Jade attacked using her blade and kicks. Sanada, Amarti, and Dust slashed through the rocks with their sword, blade disc, and finger knives. Alita was blasting through the rocks with her energy hand cannon that used light magic. Zia had switched from her kukris to her crossbow to rapid-fire any rock animals with light arrows. Gael was the only one who seemed to have the most trouble destroying the rock animals. His magic and attacks weren’t as strong as the others. Instead, his attacks were leaving cracks on the animals’ bodies so he had to hit them a few more times to bring them down. Raika continued to provide support from the helicopter by shooting random animals. After about a minute, Jin had finished crafting his armament which was in the form of a rocket about as long as three feet*

(Morgan): That’s our secret weapon? It looks like a rocket you shoot out at a firework festival.

(Jin): And we’ll be celebrating big time once this is all over. I loaded it up with enough powder to blow up five kingdom blocks.

*Jin slowly picks up the armament and straps it to his back and then forms two shield bucklers for his arms*

(Jin): Okay. I’m ready to go. Cover me.

*Morgan saw the look on Jin’s face and could sense the confidence within him. The young knight that he saw just a day ago had grown in such a short time. Even though he hasn’t had much of a hand in Jin’s training he couldn’t help but feel proud at the man standing before him*

(Morgan): Keep moving forward and don’t stop.

*Jin, Morgan, the spirits and Hibana’s drones charged forward. The others saw Jin and doubled their efforts to clear a path to Silas for him. Silas saw them heading his way and doubled his efforts to defeat them. He began combining animals and summoning more animals to protect him. He even reinforced their bodies to make them harder to destroy. Everyone continued to charge forward with Jin bringing up the rear and clearing a path for him. Dust, Ryuuji, and Jade were up front leading the charge and hitting any rock animal out of the way. Thanks to Silas’s reinforcement, the animals were harder to break apart so the group settled for just knocking them out of the way. Everything was going well until a rock animal that looked like a cross between a cheetah and antelope snatched up Jade by the right arm and began dragging her away. At first Sanada, Morgan, and Zia were about to save her but she stopped them*

(Jade): Keep going! Don’t stop!

*The group honored her request and kept moving forward as Jade became lost within the sea of rock animals. Silas ordered his rock birds to attack from above but they were gunned down by Raika from the helicopter. However, Silas created more. Despite her best efforts, there were too many for Raika to shoot down by herself. Hibana saw this and ordered her drones to provide support. Alita also flew up in the air to provide support as well. Morgan, Amarti, and Zia saw the attacks coming from above as well as behind them. The three stopped in their tracks and began firing projectiles. Morgan helped by firing ice shards in the sky to take out the rock birds while Amarti and Zia fired blade discs and arrows at the rock animals coming from behind. Jin, Dust, Ryuuji, Gael, and Sanada continued where they were close to the giant rock bear. All of a sudden an animal that was a cross between an elephant and a rhino appeared and started charging toward them. Ryuuji locked eyes with the beast and charged where he collided with a shoulder tackle. The impact sent Ryuuji and the beast falling backward opposite of each other as Jin, Sanada, Dust, and Gael passed by them*

(Dust): Where is he?

(Gael): The rock is too thick: I can’t sense his aura. I’m getting a faint reading in the belly area.

*All of a sudden two animals that were a cross between a kangaroo and porcupine fell from the sky about to land on the group. Sanada and Dust leaped up in the air where Sanada passed Dust his sword. Dust reached his rock animal first where he combined his dark magic with Sanada’s sword to slash through it. Sanada and the second rock animal were about to collide before Sanada revealed the handle of a second sword and did a quick draw releasing Kaze Sakura. Sanada slashed through the rock animal with the wind sword ripping it into multiple pieces before he sheathed the sword*

(Sanada) Tornado Style: Dance of a Thousand Blossoms.

*Jin and Gael finally reached the bear where Gael gave Jin a boost upward with his hands and Jin fired off the armament which stuck to the belly of the bear. Silas panicked as he was expecting a blast but it never occurred. Instead, the armament just released a hot smokescreen across the belly. Silas began to laugh saying to himself that the bomb was a dud. The human boy had failed. He wanted to see the look of despair on the boy’s face but what he saw was a smug smile from Jin*

(Jin): First rule when creating a bomb: always make two.

*Up in the sky Alita was focusing on the smokescreen switching her eyes to infrared. In the infrared vision she managed to get an exact location on Silas in the air from the smokescreen raising his temperature and making him stand out. Once she had the exact location on Silas, she fired a missile from her rocket launcher that popped out from her right wrist. Once the missile made contact with the bear it exploded taking out half the body of the bear as fragments went flying through the air. Jin landed back on the ground after being caught by Gael*

(Gael): What the hell was that?

(Jin): Second rule: make sure the explosion is big and destructive.

*Silas went flying through the air completely defenseless. As he was flying he looked forward and saw Jade heading towards him. She was hanging on to one of Hibana’s drones with one hand with her blade in the other hand. As the two were moving closer to each other, time seemed to slow down for Silas as his life was flashing before his eyes. He knew that this was the end for him and used his final moments to remember everything that led to this moment. His time as a child seeing his parents work hard to make a living for him. His time as a youth seeing the discrimination demihumans endured that led to him meeting his best friend, Andrade, and the two forming Blood Moon with Zelina. This in turn led to them meeting the real Blood Moon herself, Aitana and forming a friendship with her. That friendship soon evolved into love in a night of passion. His time as an adult where he took over Blood Moon, changed their ways from peaceful protest to terroristic attacks that led to them getting the results they wanted. To the present where he had reunited with the love of his life, was going to use The Stampede to commit genocide, and was now about to be struck down by the person he loved the most*

(Silas): *Inner monologue* Jade, I only wanted to be with you.

*With tears in her eyes, Jade slashed through Silas’s neck decapitating him and ending his life*

(Silas): *Inner monologue* The world that you’re trying to create. I hope it comes true one day and that you find happiness in it.

*Silas’s body plummets towards the group with his head rolling and stopping. Jade let go of the drone and fell to the ground where she landed on her feet by Silas’s body. With Silas dead, the rock animals begin to crumble and the members of Shadow Eye take a breath of relief that they won and they’re alive*

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