Chapter 66: The Demon’s Promise

*It was another night of rain as members of Shadow Eye and Javan were staking out. Raika and Lucas were on watch duty and it looked to be another boring night with nothing happening until a car pulled up and a shadowy figure got out and entered a code that unlocked the gate leading into the warehouse. As the car entered the warehouse, other cars followed after it. After seeing all of this, Lukas pulled on a string which rang bells for everyone in the building to hear. This woke up everyone who rushed to Lukas and Raika*

(Saber): What’s the situation?

(Lukas): A bunch of cars we’ve never seen before just showed up and entered the building.

(Raika): One of them happened to be our little mole.

(Lola): Looks like he was telling the truth and hasn’t spoken a word. Let’s get ready to go in and bust some heads.

(Brodie): No. We need to confirm the supplier is in there. If they’re not there then this whole operation is a bust.

(Dust): Well we’re not gonna get it from here. Come on rookie. We’re sneaking in.

(Saber): Not alone you’re not. Brodie. Pennie. Go with them. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.


*On the roof of the warehouse, gunmen who were elves could be seen patrolling the roof. There was a total of six gunmen. As one was walking along the roof watching his area he was taken out by a silent bullet and fell to the ground. Two more gunmen quickly fell followed by a third and fourth gunmen until only one was left. When he turned around and saw a body lying on the ground he went to investigate but was immediately shot and fell to the ground. In one of the rooms of the building across the warehouse, Raika was holding a sniper rifle with the barrel emitting smoke and sparks of electricity*

(Raika): The roof is clear. You’re good to go.

(Dust): Roger that. Let’s move.

*Heading to the roof of the building, Dust fired off a black wire which stuck to the roof of the warehouse and tied the other end to a pole on the building they were on. Dust then ziplined over to the roof of the warehouse, followed by Brodie, Jin, and Pennie. When Dust landed on the roof of the warehouse he heard a radio going off*

(Elf on radio): Esporto! Kamek esparto! (Report! Roof report!)

*Dust quickly ran over to the radio and picked it up*

(Dust): Nomu esporto! Creena kis finak bphere. (No report! Everything is fine here.)

*Dust turns off the radio and spots a shining emblem on the elf. He reaches down and picks up the emblem that was black and had the face of a lion appearing in front of a tree. Dust puts the badge in his pocket hiding it from everyone*

(Dust): We appear to be dealing with some dangerous elves. Stay close and silent.

*They head over to the door where Jin picks the lock to open it. Dust heads in first followed by Pennie, Brodie, and Jin bringing up the rear. As they enter, Raika monitors them through her sniper scope and Gael concentrates on the various auras within the building to get a pinpoint on everyone*

(Dust): We’re entering the building. Can you hear me, mutt?

(Gael): I hear you loud and clear. I’m sensing a large amount of auras on the ground floor, but be on the lookout for guards walking the floors.

*Dust’s team walks down the staircase of the warehouse quietly not making a sound and reach a door. Dust slowly opens it and peeks out to make sure the coast is clear. Once he sees it is he opens the door quietly all the way. Looking back at everyone he uses sign language telling them to stay quiet and follow him. They all nod and they follow him out the door. Once in the hallway of the warehouse, they stick close to the walls to avoid detection. The hallways were dark so it provided them good cover from being spotted. Once they reach the end of the wall, Dust peered behind the wall and saw two dark elves with guns standing guard. Dust looked back at the others and held up two fingers confirming two guards. They all nodded and Pennie took out her pistols. Getting out in the open, Pennie fired her pistols at the men delivering headshots that knocked them out. With the two dark elves down, the group descended down to the level where they came across three guards this time who were walking the hall. Dust, Jin, and Brodie nodded at each other and headed out. Dust ran out first and fired out a wire from his wrist to the wall at the end of the hallway. Jumping in the air he ziplined forward grabbing the back head of one of the elves and slamming their head into the wall. The other two elves were shocked by what they saw and were about to fire at Dust but were attacked from behind by Brodie and Jin who locked them in sleeper holds to render the elves unconscious. After tying up the elves they reached a door and opened it to arrive at the room where Gael sensed all the auras. Crouching down and moving quietly, the group entered the room staying in the floor above and hidden in the shadows out of sight. Down below, the drug dealers who varied in race and were a mix of males and females were sitting in chairs around a table while one dark elf wearing a purple suit with a white undershirt underneath was talking to them. The elf was young with slicked-back black hair and green eyes. Nine other dark elves wearing black suits with white undershirts were standing by his sides with guns. Dust and the others all agreed that this had to be the supplier they were looking for*

(Supplier): I’m not looking for excuses. You all said you could get my drug on the streets. So why are these profits so low?

(Female cat demihuman): We need a little more time. The White Knights have become aware of our activity, so we’ve had to switch up our distribution.

(Supplier): So what? Just slip a few credits and that’ll keep them off your tail. That’s what they did in Roppango.

(Elf dealer): With all due respect Mr. Creed, the knights of Brister aren’t as lack of daisy as the ones in Roppango. They take their jobs very seriously and can’t be bribed with cash.

*Creed turned his attention to the elf dealer and walked around to him*

(Creed): Really? Sounds like you speak from experience. You know, when I was getting ready for this meeting, a little birdy told me they saw you down at one of the White Knight’s HQ. Care to share with everyone what happened, Dominic?

*The elf slowly started to sweat as all eyes were on him*

(Dominic): Nothing. My. . .car got stolen and they found it for me. I had to head down there to confirm that I was the owner of the vehicle. Real hassle. Don’t get robbed am I right *chuckles nervously*?     

(Creed): Is that all that happened? They didn’t find any of the Smile did they?

(Dominic): No. Of course not! I made sure to hide it. They couldn’t find a trace of it.

*Dominic smiles nervously while looking up at Creed who places a hand on his shoulder*

(Creed): Good to know.

*Dominic took a small sigh of relief feeling like a weight had been lifted off of him, but his moment of peace was interrupted by Creed slamming his head into the table. The dealers sitting next to Dominic panicked and moved away. Dominic fell out of his seat and onto the ground with blood dripping from his nose. Creed picked him up, pushed him back onto the table belly down, and held a gun to the back of his head*

(Creed): You really think I’m gonna buy that bullshit?

(Dominic): No! I swear! I said nothing!    

(Creed): Did you tell them about the meeting?

(Dominic): I said nothing!

(Creed): Are they here right now?

(Dominic): I said nothing!

(Creed): Better stop lying to me.

(Dominic): I said nothing!

(Creed): I’m gonna blow your brains out if you don’t start talking.

(Dominic): I said nothing!

(Creed): 1. . .2. . .

*As everyone watched waiting to see what was going to happen. Dust could watch no more and jumped down getting everyone’s attention*

(Dust): Well, hello there.

*Dust raises his hands surrendering*


*Back in the building across the street Saber was shocked and furious at what was transpiring*

(Saber): What, the hell is he doing?

(Morgan): He’s saving an innocent bystander.

(Lola): Innocent? The guy’s a straight-up drug dealer, there’s nothing innocent about him.

(Morgan): True. But we did promise to protect him if things got hairy. He’s still a key witness in this mission.


*Back in the warehouse*

(Dust): Let him go. He was following my instructions.

(Creed): You’re a knight? Hmph, you sure don’t look the part.

(Dust): I get that a lot.

(Creed): Search him.

*Two of the elves go to pat Dust down while the other three keep their guns on him. Creed was still pointing his gun at Dominic prepared to fire if Dust made any moves. They found Dust’s earpiece and showed it to Creed*

(Creed): Well would you look at that.

*The dark elf brings the earpiece over to Creed who takes it*

(Creed): All right listen up. I don’t know how many knights are out there, but I suggest you guys stand down and don’t make any moves. I don’t want to stain the warehouse with blood. Actually, I do, but I’d rather not stain it more than I have to. If there are any more knights in the building come out with your hands up or this guy gets it.

*Having no other choice, Jin, Brodie, and Pennie reveal themselves and descend to the ground level with their hands up. They soon join Dust where they receive a pat down as well. Pennie had her guns taken from her and Jin had his utility belt, brass knuckles, and wrist cannons taken from him*

(Creed): Any other knights I should know about?

(Dust): Just the ones across the street. Don’t worry, they won’t move.

(Creed): I hope not. But just in case, tell the others outside to secure the building.

*One of the dark elves rushes outside to inform the other elves who were standing guard outside*

(Dust): You’re pretty thorough when it comes to this stuff.

(Creed): You have to be in this line of work. Well, line up so we can shoot you all and this traitor. I’ll start with the traitor. Followed by you, then the old guy, then the young human, and then the petite elf. Unless she can convince us not to kill her.

*Creed gave her a wink all while licking his lips. Pennie felt disgusted by the gesture*

(Dust): Well at least I’ll die knowing it’s not me who has the strangest fetish in the room. Am I right guys?

*Dust’s remark gets a slight chuckle out of all the men in the room which slightly agitates Creed*

(Creed): On second thought, you first. Followed by the traitor. Boys.

*One of the dark elves drags Dust to the center of the room while the dealers back away. Creed is still holding Dominic at gunpoint to keep the other knights from moving. Once everything and everyone is clear out of the way, the eight elves surround Dust and take up points at a good distance from each other with Dust in the center of them. Jin, Brodie, Pennie and everyone else were confused on what was going on, but Dust remained calm and unphased by this setup*

(Brodie): What the hell is this?

(Creed): Well just straight-up shooting you wouldn’t be fun, so I’ve decided to spice things up. Eight gunmen, eight shots, eight different ways to get shot. The best part, no matter which way he moves he’s going to get shot. The question is how many bullets will hit him?

(Dust): So you’re making me choose how I want to die? Hmph, well you certainly aren’t short of innovation.

(Creed): Thanks. Although this was my boss’s idea, so I can’t take all the credit. Ready. Get set. Fire!

*All eight elves fire their shots at Dust. As the bullets were making their way toward Dust he lowered his body and started dodging the bullets. Dust tilted and moved his body in quick succession. Up, down, left, right, diagonally left, up, right, down, and diagonally right. He dodged all eight bullets which flew past him and hit the other elves in the arms, stomachs, and leg areas. Everyone was stunned by what they just saw. None more than Creed. As the eight elves fell to the ground in pain, Dust looked at Creed to see a look of shock and fear across his face. Dust started walking over to Creed who in a moment of panic pointed his gun toward Dust which was a big mistake. Before Creed could fire a shot, Dust used a wire and whipped the gun out of Creed’s hand hurting him and saving Dominic who used this chance to escape Creed’s grasp. The drug dealers tried to use this distraction to escape but Brodie quickly moved to pick up Pennie’s gun and tossed them to her. She fired off a shot to stop the drug dealers in their tracks and pointed her guns at them. Jin reclaimed his weapons and pointed his wrist cannons at the dealers as well. Outside, the cries of elves could be heard as the members of Shadow Eye and Javan made quick work of Creed’s men after Gael confirmed that Dust was okay and the hostages were secured inside the building. Creed was still in shock that he failed to notice all of this going on around him. It wasn’t until Dust cuffed him that he returned to his senses*

(Dust): Looks like this meeting is over as is your business in Brister.


*A few minutes later the White Knights had arrived with cars and paramedics to treat the wounded and take away the drug dealers, Creed, and his men. Some of the members of Shadow Eye and Javan were surrounding Dust gushing over what he did*

(Jin): You guys should have seen it! It was amazing! He dodged all eight bullets like it was nothing!

*Jin was trying to imitate the movements Dust did to dodge the bullets*

(Pennie): It was honestly like a small dance. It was quick but so majestic.

(Brodie): Yeah, it was something. I honestly thought you were a goner there.

(Dust): That makes two of us. If I had been half a second off in my movements, I would have been done for.

(Sanada): Those movements were strangely similar to that of the Wind School. Might I ask where you learned them?

(Dust): My dad. He used to have me do all kinds of drills that involved precise dodging. Got all kinds of bruises from that training.

*Saber walks over*

(Saber): With the supplier and dealers off the street we should see a stop in Smile cases and we’ll dispose of the Smile he brought with him.

(Raika): What about Dominic?

(Saber): He’s still under arrest, but he’ll receive a lighter sentence for assisting us. As for you, I’m sure you want to gloat about this achievement, so I’ll say it. Good job. However, I don’t approve of you jumping in like that without my permission.

(Dust): I only did what a certain White Knight would have done had she been in the same position.

*Saber went silent for a second*

(Saber): Anyway, the supplier has been taken care of but this case is far from over. As long as the manufacturers are out there we’ll most likely see Smile popping up again in no time.

(Jin): Creed mentioned Roppango to the other dealers. I bet that’s where the drug is being made.

(Saber): My thoughts exactly. As much as I would like to conduct an investigation out there I have to tie up any loose ends here in the kingdom and unfortunately, Roppango is outside of my jurisdiction. So it pains me to say this, but I would like Shadow Eye to investigate Roppango for me.

(Amarti): No problem. We were planning on conducting an investigation anyway. You can count on us.

(Ryuuj): I have a friend who’s familiar with that area. I’ll call him up and see if he knows anything.

(Dust): Well, looks like we all know what to do next, so let’s rest up and get to it.

*Shadow Eye heads out passing by the members of Javan and saying goodbye. As Dust walked past Saber he whispered into her ears*

(Dust): Stay safe out there.

*Saber gained a shocked look on her face as Dust passed by her*

(Violet): Everything alright, captain? You look like you just saw a ghost.

(Saber): Yes. . .I’m fine.

*Saber looks back at Dust as he walks away. Meanwhile, Dust’s mind began to drift to memories of the past. To the night he and Torrie saved the kingdom*



*Dust was standing over the body of an unconscious man while Torrie was examining a bomb. Torrie had fair skin, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. She wore blue jeans that were slightly torn, a plain white t-shirt, and a black no-sleeve jacket over it*   

(Dust): The bomb’s been activated. Let’s start evacuating everyone topside.

(Torrie): No time. Help me load the bomb into the boat. I’ll drive it out of the kingdom.

(Dust): You can’t! You’d never escape the blast in time.

(Torrie): If this bomb goes off hundreds if not thousands of people will die. I won’t let that happen. If one life has to be sacrificed to save a thousand, I’ll do it.

*Dust remained silent as he helped Torrie load the bomb into the boat*

(Dust): Okay. We’re good. Go!

(Torrie): Thank you Dust. Look after Saber for me. She can be rough, but she’s a great knight who’ll be better than me someday.

*Torrie smiled at Dust with tears in her eyes as he nodded. Torrie drove off out of the canal and into the river which eventually led her out of the kingdom where the bomb exploded killing her in the process*

*Flashback Ends*


(Dust): Honestly, you could have picked anybody yet you choose the most troublesome knight for me to babysit for you.

(Zia): Did you say something Dust?

(Dust): Nothing important. Just thinking about a promise I made and how tough it is to keep it.

*Members of Shadow Eye continued to walk through the kingdom as it stopped raining thinking and planning for their next mission*

Author’s Note: Not one of my most exciting chapters but I shine spotlight on the relationship between Dust and Saber. Despite his taunts, he does care for her and looks out for her. Unfortunately, he can only interact with her by dissing her and making her hate him. While the group may have stopped Smile in their kingdom the people responsible are still at large and Shadow Eye has to investigate. What will they find and how they plan to do it? Find out next time on Shadow Eye. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next time.

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