Chapter 69: The Demon’s Return

*Everyone was shocked as the dark female elf continued to hug Dust lovingly*

(Dust): How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Dust.

(Jordan): I knew it! I knew you were still alive. Everyone, stand down. We’re in the presence of a legend.

*The elf spearman known as Dante pulled back his spear from Kai’s sword and walked over to Dust, his face lighting up*

(Dante): It’s been a while, Dust. I am so happy to see you again!

(Jin): Legend? Master? Dust, do you know these guys?

(Dust): Yep. These three were once my students back in the day.

(Sanada): Back in the day? Then that means. . .

(Members of Shadow Eye): You’re a member of the Coriarty Clan!?   

(Dust): Former member. I left the clan about twenty years ago.

*Lylah stops hugging Dust and steps back to get a good look at him*

(Lylah): I still can’t believe it’s really you. Where have you been!? We searched high and low for you. There was even a time I thought you were dead and lying in a ditch. I mourned for you. Cried for you. Feared the worst.

(Dust): I’m flattered. But as you can see I’m alive and well and I see you three have matured as well. Dante, I sense how strong you’ve become. Jordan, I’m interested in seeing what that trickster mind of yours is concocting. Lylah, you’ve definitely gotten prettier since the last time I saw you.

*Lylah was blushing at Dust’s compliment*

(Dust): So, what business does the Coriarty Clan have all the way out here? Aside from rescuing captured elves and killing informants.

(Jordan): It’s not just these elves. There have been multiple smugglers capturing and taking elves from their homes and selling them off as slaves. The Coriarty Clan has asked us to investigate these smugglings and stop them. So, mind telling us what the knights of Brister are doing out? It’s not every day you meet the legendary Blazing Knight.

(Ryuuji): Ah~, so you know me. Our kingdom has been infested with a strange drug called Smile.

(Dante): Smile? We’ve had a few dealings with them as well. I recently interrogated one of the dealers yesterday.

(Hibana): Yeah, we saw your handiwork not too long ago.

(Dante): Did it just like you taught me, Dust.

(Dust): Yes, it was good work.

*All of a sudden everyone heard thunder in the sky*

(Morgan): Sounds like a storm’s approaching.

(Lylah): Perhaps we should exchange information at a more private location. Do you remember the Coriarty Estate in Roppango?

(Dust): Naturally, I helped build the place.

(Lylah): Excellent! Let’s meet there.

(Dust): We’ll catch up with you. We need to clean up this mess here first.

(Lylah): Understood. We’ll inform the others of your arrival. Move out!

*Lylah and the rest of the Coriarty Clan take their leave as Dust smiles at the leadership and command Lylah is displaying*


*After tying up the smugglers and handing them and the drugs over to Red Knights not too far from their location, the group returned to the village, hopped in their vehicles and drove to Roppango. Dust led the way followed by the others. When the group made it to Roppango the sky was beginning to turn grey. A sign of the rain to come. The streets were nice and clean with businesses bustling. The group drove down a private street and saw a large wall taking up the whole block. They could all see a large building peeking out of the walls as well as parked cars that were all black parked on both sides of the road. They found a spot to park and exited their vehicles. They all took a second to take in the view and were amazed at what they saw*

(Amarti): Wow. Look at this place. The Coriarty Clan owns all this land?

(Dust): Yep. Roppango is one of their main places of operation.

(Sanada): Quite the hospitable place for an underworld organization.

(Dust): Well, Roppango’s underworld was quite active back in the day. Lots of criminal activity and gang wars once plagued the city. It was chaos. Then the clan came in and took over. We took control of the underworld and chased out anyone who didn’t want to comply with our rules. Ah~, those were fun times.

(Jin): And the local authorities allowed this?

(Dust): They don’t care who rules the underworld as long as there’s order and the public is safe. The clan brought order to the city and keeps the local gangs in check. In return the locals allow us to conduct our business and stay out of the way. As long as they don’t overstep their boundaries the clan is free to do whatever they want. A mutual benefit for all.

(Scarlet): Such is the case for a city built on free land. Rather than pay a kingdom to protect them they’d rather work with underworld organizations to keep the criminals in line when the proper authorities can’t.

(Dust): Exactly.

*The group walked over to the large wooden doors of the wall with Dust a little hesitant to knock but he knocks and the doors begin to open*

(Raika): You alright there, Dust?

(Dust): Just a little nervous. I left the clan twenty years ago and haven’t been to this place in almost thirty years. I haven’t spoken with anyone in that time frame either. I’m just worried what their reaction will be when they see me.

(Hibana): Relax. It’s been twenty years. I’m sure anyone who knew you back then has moved on or forgotten all about you.

(Zia): I don’t think so.

*Zia points to a license plate on one of the cars that had Elfan lettering. Amarti, Brigit, and Hibana’s eyes went huge with shock*

(Brigit): Th-the Balor Family!?

*As soon as the large wooden doors were completely open, the group could see a stone walkway with grass and trees growing. It almost looked as if the group was stepping into a forest. They all saw the large estate which looked to be made out of wood. The doors of the estate swung open and many dark elves that were men and women dressed in black suits, with some wearing sunglasses and ties came rushing out. They all lined up on the sides of the walkway and bowed*


*Everyone aside from Dust was shocked at what they were seeing. All these underworld criminals were bowing to Dust like he was some king. Dust nodded his head in disbelief*

(Dust): I was afraid of this happening.

*Dust began to walk toward the estate with everyone about to follow him but they were stopped by a few of the dark elves*

(Dark elf #1): Oi! Just where the hell do you think you’re going?

(Dark elf #2): Who gave you permission to enter the Coriarty Estate?

*Dust was getting ready to turn around and put the dark elves in their place*

(???): Quiet!

*The two dark elves who were heckling the others stood straight up and held still like statues. A dark elf wearing a white suit with a black shirt underneath and red tie appeared at the front doors of the estate and began to walk out. He had red eyes and black sleek hair with strains of grey hair mixed in*

(White suited dark elf): Can’t you idiots see these are guests of Master Dust? Show some manners and step aside at once!  

*The two elves step aside and allow everyone to enter*

(White suited dark elf): I humbly apologize for this rudeness. We don’t see many humans, demihumans, and merfolk in our area. And the ones we do see aren’t exactly the friendliest.

*Dust smiled as he recognized the man in the white suit*

(Dust): Baek!? Is that you?

(Baek): Master Dust! It’s so good to see you again!

*Dust and Baek hugged each other*

(Dust): Man, look at you! You look great for a man in his 300s.

*Baek chuckled*

(Baek): You honor me with your kind words, Master Dust.

(Dust): What are you doing here? Last I checked you were helping us expand out in the Myridion region.

(Baek): We had a few setbacks, and they took me off the frontlines.

(Dust): Damn! You were one of the best guys they had out there.

(Baek): It’s not so bad. I now spend most of my days helping train new recruits and serving as an advisor for the head of the Balor Family.

(Morgan): Excuse me, but did you say Balor Family?

(Gael): Sweet, I didn’t know all the elves were related to you, Dust.

(Dust): We’re not related they just worked under me. In the Coriarty Clan we have groups known as families who each serve a different function. Finances, businesses, expansion, fighting, weapon dealers, bodyguarding, assassination, torture. You know, the usual. Families are usually named after the one who founded and led them.

(Jin): And you had your own family?

(Dust): Yes, back in the day. Although I’m confused why it’s still known as the Balor Family even after I left.

(Baek): Ms. Lylah insisted on keeping the name. I tried to get her to change it, but she wouldn’t back down. Ah, where are manners? My name is Baek Karsmen. A pleasure to meet you all.

(Dust): Baek here was my guardian back when I started out in the clan. Looked after me, showed me the ropes, and even trained me for a time.

(Baek): Out of all the elves I’ve trained you still remain the best of the bunch.

*Dust quickly introduces everyone to Baek and explains he’s been in Brister serving as a knight for them*

(Baek): I see. Thank you all for looking after Master Dust these past five years. I’m sure he can be a handful, but please keep looking after him.

*Baek bows thanking them*

(Baek): Still, a knight? It’s one of the last things I expected you to become, Master Dust.

(Dust): Yeah, a lot happened. I’ll tell you about it at a later time.

(Baek): Well please come in. The others are waiting for you.

*Baek walks back towards the estate followed by Dust and the others. As soon as they enter the estate they see the place is neat and clean with wood flooring and wooden walls. Baek leads them up the stairs and into an office room where Lylah, Dante, and Jordan are waiting for them*  

(Jordan): Hey! There you guys are.

(Dante): Welcome. Please take a seat.

*Everyone takes a seat in one of the empty chairs. As they take their seats they look out the window and see the rain start to fall along with the sound of thunder*

(Lylah): I must apologize for all the commotion downstairs. We tried to stop them but once I told them you were coming, they insisted on doing this.

(Jordan): Just goes to show how even after all these years the clan still knows and respects you.

(Dust): Seems so. Now, let’s get down to business.


*Dust and the others began to explain the situation with Smile appearing in their kingdom and how they had been tasked with finding and eliminating the supplier*

(Dante): Wow, sounds like you guys have found yourselves on quite the wild chase. I say the fact that you were able to trace the trail all the way back to Roppango is impressive enough.

(Amarti): You think the drug is being made here?

(Dante): We know. The local authorities have been asking us to snuff out any dealers within the city.

(Hibana): So even they don’t want this stuff in their city. Still I’m surprised, I thought with a drug making this much money you’d be looking to get a slice of the pie.

(Lylah): The Coriarty Clan would never deal with drugs. It was one of the rules Jett Coriarty made when he started the clan. There’s no honor in it.

(Jin): Wait, you guys are a criminal organization and yet you won’t sell drugs because there’s no honor in it?

(Lylah): Even criminals have a code they follow. Without honor we’d be nothing more than common thugs content with table scraps. If we are going to rule the underworld then we are going to do it in a way that we can hold our heads up high about and be proud of it. This is what we were taught.

*Lylah motions over to Dust who smiles*

(Dust): Well said.

(Jin): . . .Sorry. I meant no respect.

(Lylah): It’s all right. Not many criminal organizations share our code of honor and many rumors about us paint a negative light, so your skepticism about us is understandable.

(Jade): So you guys don’t know who’s behind the Smile either?

(Jordan): Afraid not. Besides, we’ve had our hands full with the recent elf kidnappings.

(Morgan): Has this been happening a lot recently?

(Jordan): Yes. Whole villages and settlements raided out of nowhere and dark elves particularly female elves are kidnapped and sold into species trafficking.

(Sanada): How long has this been going on?

(Jordan): The earliest kidnapping that we know of happened about six months ago.

(Amarti): Hmm~, six months? That’s around the time Smile cases started to occur.

(Brigit): Three months before the Red Knights were put on high alert to look for smugglers in the area.

(Zia): And then about a month ago Smile entered Brister. This can’t all be a coincidence.

(Lylah): You’re saying that elf kidnapping is tied into Smile?

(Hibana): The production of the drug is moving way too fast for my taste. Kidnap the elves for free labor and then sell them off when they’ve outlived their usefulness.

(Dust): I hate to say it, but Hibana makes a good argument. The smugglers, drugs, and elves all happening this close together can’t be a coincidence. They’re all connected in some way. So I propose a team up. You help us eliminate Smile and we’ll help you free the captured elves. What do you say?

(Lylah): A tempting offer. A chance to team up with the Demon’s Shadow himself once again. Very well, we accept. But just know that this is our city. If you go around causing trouble you won’t walk away unscratched.

(Dust): Of course. And know this, if we find out you guys are involved with Smile in any way and using this chance to cover your tracks the full might of Brister will be brought down upon the Coriarty Clan. The information I have alone would suffice in the complete destruction of the clan, so don’t do anything stupid.

(Lylah): I would never dream of crossing you. I know what happens to those who do.

(Dust): Great! Looking forward to working with you.

(Dante): While I am sad I won’t get the chance to cross blades with the Burning Swordsman again or any of you for that matter, I am looking forward to working beside you all.

(Ryuuji): We’re looking forward to working beside you as well.


*Outside of the room a sketchy dark elf with dark low top blue hair, gray eyes, and wearing a black suit, with a blue tie, and black shirt was listening in on the conversation. He walked away nonchalantly doing his best to avoid suspicion and entered the restroom. He locked the door and pulled out his cell phone to make a call*

(Blue-haired elf): It’s me. Tell the boss that the Balor Family is teaming up with the knights of Brister. Not only that, but the Demon’s Shadow is here as well.


*On the other side of the phone call, a dark elf with moss green low-cut hair, yellow eyes, glasses, and wearing a pin-striped black suit was listening intently to what the blue-haired elf had to say*

(Moss green-haired elf): I see. Good job. I’ll make sure you’re rewarded when the time comes. Keep an eye on them until we arrive, but don’t arouse any suspicion.

(Blue-haired elf): Understood.

*The phone call ends as the moss green-haired elf goes to sit at a table where another dark elf who had bleached blonde hair, black eyes, and wore a brown suit with a burgundy shirt underneath was busy groping two ladies. One on each side of him. His hair looked like a lion’s mane. The two ladies were dark elves and let out erotic yelps as the bleached-haired elf continued his groping. The first dark elf had long frilly purple hair, green eyes, and wore a long purple dress. The second one had short orange hair, blue eyes and wore a short-length blue dress*

(Bleach blond hair elf): So, Issac, what news do you have to end my boredom?

(Issac): We’ve just received word that knights from Brister are at the estate.

(Bleach blond hair elf): Brister? What are they doing here?

(Issac): They’re here investigating Smile. Not only that, but apparently the Demon’s Shadow is with them.

(Dark elf girl #1): Demon’s Shadow? Who’s that, Flint baby?

(Flint): A legendary relic from the past. A man who slaughtered a hundred men in one night and did many more things that earned him the title of legend.

(Dark elf girl #2): Ohh~, sounds like a cool guy. I love dangerous men.

(Dark elf girl #1): Oh please, no one is more dangerous and handsome than Flint here.

(Dark elf girl #2): Well obviously.

*Flint gets up from his seat and walks away from the girls*

(Dark elf girl #2): Where you going, Flint baby? You’re not upset over what I said?

(Flint): Don’t worry babe. Just going to pay my respects to the man himself. Issac, see to it that these ladies are taken care of.

(Issac): Right away, sir.

*Flint heads toward the exit with a grin on his face excited to meet the one known as Dust Balor*

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