Chapter 70: The Lionheart’s Invitation

*An hour or so had passed at the Coriarty Estate in Roppango and the group was outside doing a little sparring and exchanging information. The rain had finally stopped and the sun was slowly starting to come out. Sanada and Dante were sparring against one another, Scarlet was fighting against Morgan’s ice spirits, Gael challenged Kai, and Jin was battling Baek. Both Jin and Baek were using tonfas to fight against one another. Jin had metal tonfas while Baek had wooden tonfas. Scarlet fought against three ice spirits. One had a sword, the other an axe, and the last one a spear*

(Baek): Don’t think! Keep your eyes on your opponent. Let your body do the thinking for you.

*Heeding Baek’s words, Jin focused on attacking Baek not overthinking his attacks and letting his body react to any counterattacks he might use. In Sanada and Dante’s ring, the two were battling it out as their sword and spears clashed with one another*

(Sanada): Your footwork is impressive. Your movements are very crisp and precise. It takes talent to fight with two spears.

(Dante): Thank you. I am also impressed with the Wind School. Never before have I seen swordsmanship display such beauty in battle.

*In Scarlet’s ring she found herself struggling in a 3-on-1 situation between the spirits. Their speed and strength was bad enough, but their short height made them hard to hit*

(Morgan): You’re trying to do too much. Stop trying to fight them all at once. In handicapped situations, it’s important that you isolate your opponents from one another and take them down one at a time.

*Listening to Morgan’s guidance, Scarlet took a deep breath and charged at her opponents. She spun around to create a small whirlwind of flames which launched the spirits in different directions from each other. With the spirits isolated, Scarlet went on the attack. She targeted the ice spirit with the sword first, driving her spear into the chest of the spirit. She then focused on the spirit with the spear who was still recovering from the whirlwind attack earlier and could get the spear up in time to block Scarlet’s attack which slashed through it. The spirit with the axe was the only one who managed to block Scarlet’s initial attack and bring her into a deadlock, but she used her right hand to deliver an upward palm strike which sent to spirit up in the air. Scarlet grabbed the foot of the spirit to pull it back down to the ground and drove her spear into the chest of the spirit to defeat it. As she was getting ready to relax, she sensed an attack coming from behind and quickly turned around to see Morgan with his fist held high ready to strike. Scarlet dodged the attack by stepping backward and Morgan tried to sweep her legs only for her to dodge it by jumping. Before Scarlet could go on the attack, Morgan tossed his tie in front of Scarlet to fake her out. This momentary distraction allowed Morgan to roll behind Scarlet and point his wand to her neck forcing her to stand down*

(Scarlet): I yield.

*Morgan lowers his wand and Scarlet turns to face him*

(Morgan): C. You did good at isolating the spirits and you were smart not to let your guard down when I attacked. However, you were slow to attack the main target. When fighting against mages and long-range attackers you can’t hesitate. You want to get in close to them before they attack first. Don’t let them control the pace of the fight. You control the pace.

(Scarlet): Yes!

(Morgan): They’ll also use any underhanded tactics in their arsenal, so be on the lookout for hidden knives, guns, or any other weapons they might have on them. Even miscellaneous stuff like a tie can be used as a weapon or distraction to gain the upper hand.

(Scarlet): I see.

*As Scarlet was taking a moment to absorb all this information, Gael was busy dodging the sword swings of Kai. Despite his sword being a greatsword, Kai swung the sword around with one hand. Those watching from the side were amazed by his strength to swing such a heavy sword with ease*

(Kai): You’ve got some good agility there, Gael. But you won’t win the battle if all you do is dodge.

*Kai swings his sword downward at Gael who dodges the attack and hits Kai with a light-imbued palm strike in the chest which sends him backward. Gael attempts to pick up the greatsword but has no luck as the sword won’t budge from the ground. Kai takes advantage of Gael’s predicament and delivers a boot to his chest to knock him out of the ring before picking up his sword*

(Kai): Nice try Gael. Next time focus on me instead of the sword.

(Gael): Yeah, I know. That sword of yours is heavy. It felt like I was trying to lift a building. How do you swing it around with just one hand?

*Kai smiles*

(Kai): This sword is different from any other sword. This sword is a representation of my burning soul. To you, it may feel like lifting a building. But to me, it’s as light as a regular sword. The fact that you cannot lift it, means you lack the soul to do it.

(Sera): So it’s a magic sword?

(Brigit): Yes. But a higher level. Some magic weapons can be tuned to the one using them. It’s similar to how we elves imbue our weapons with our own blood. It’s a tricky process that only elf blacksmiths can do and there’s a low chance it’ll work for other races. But if it does work, then that weapon is rare and can only be used by the one wielding it or by someone who can match their skills.

(Gael): So in order to pick up that sword I need to have a burning soul that matches or exceeds Kai’s soul?

(Brigit): Correct. But there’s no way to measure it though and the chances of it happening are very slim. Back at the academy, we held a contest to see who could pick it up. The only person who came close was Ryuuji here.

(Ryuuji): And even then, I couldn’t pick it up all the way. One inch was all I could do.

(Dante): I have to admit that sword of yours was very impressive. Although it seems to have gotten a bit thinner since the last I saw it.

(Kai): Oh yeah?

*Kai concentrates on the sword and it begins to glow blue and change shape where it becomes thicker and wider*

(Kai): It looked like this, right?

(Jordan): Woah! You can change the shape and size of your sword at will?

(Kai): Yep. I can make it as small as a dagger or even as big as a mountain. You better hope you never find yourself on the other end of my blade or things could get very messy. Just ask your friend over there.

*Kai motions to Dante as he exits the ring and grabs his bottle of water to take a sip*

(Jordan): I still can’t believe you and Dante know each other. How did you two even meet?

(Kai): Dante was trying to assassinate a client I was hired to protect.

(Dante): You were protecting Rob Miles. A nefarious crime lord who deserved nothing but death.

(Kai): Hey, I hear what you’re saying. The guy was an asshole but I needed the money. I was still just starting off as a mercenary and wasn’t good at reading my clients.

(Hibana): Speaking of assholes.

*Hibana points to Dust’s Sharkfang on the street where everyone sees a dark elf wearing a purple suit sitting on the hood of the car while chatting with three other dark elves who were wearing black suits. Dust immediately gets up from his seat*

(Dust): Somebody has a death wish.

*Dust begins to walk over to his car*

(Baek): Hmm~, those aren’t any of the men stationed here.

*Dust reaches them pushing the other elves out of the way, grabbing the elf in the purple suit and tossing him off the car and into the street*

(Purple suit elf): Hey! What the hell, man!

(Dust): What the hell is what I should be saying. Keep your nasty butt off my car. Normally, I’d kick your ass but I don’t want to get my shoes dirty.

*The purple suit man gets back and pulls out a knife followed by the other three elves*

(Purple suit elf): You just made a big mistake buddy. We’re members of the Bansika Family. You don’t mess with us.

*Dust gave them a confused and annoyed look. Before they could attack Flint appeared from behind the purple suit elf, turned him around and punched him. The elf fell to the ground and the other elves turned around to see Flint and instantly started to shake*

(Flint): So, what’s going on here?

(Black suit elf #1): No-nothing boss. We were just chatting with Eren here before this guy came along and threw him off the car.

*The other elves nodded in agreement. Flint looked at Dust and his car*

(Flint): This car?

*The elves nodded just as Eren was getting back up. Flint got an angry look on his face as he grabbed Eren and slammed him against the wall of the estate*

(Flint): Are you out of your damn mind!? That’s a Sharkfang you idiot! Not only is it one of the best cars in the world but it’s the car of the Demon’s Shadow himself.

*As soon as Flint said those words Eren and the three elves in black suits got scared looks on their faces. They had heard stories of the Demon’s Shadow and knew he was here, but didn’t know what he looked like*

(Eren): Boss! I’m sorry! It was a mistake! I-

*Flint slammed Eren’s face into the wall of the estate’s walls multiple times making everyone around him uncomfortable except Dust*

(Dust): Enough.

*Flint stopped slamming Eren’s head into the wall and dropped him to the ground. Eren laid there motionless barely breathing, his eyes twitching, and blood could be seen pouring from his nose*

(Flint): Consider yourself lucky. This beating was nothing compared to what the Demon’s Shadow would have done to you. Get him out of my sight.

*The three elves ran over to Eren, picked him up and carried him out to receive medical aid for his injuries. This left Flint and Dust alone as the others came out*

(Flint): I apologize for the rudeness of my men. They lack the mental power to appreciate the finer things in life and to give respect to legends such as yourself. But where are my manners, my name is Flint Bansika, head of the Bansika Family. It is an honor to meet you, Dust Balor.

*Flint extends his hand to Dust who extends his hand as well and the two shake*

(Dust): A pleasure to meet you as well.

(Flint): I know this is going to sound dorky, but you’re one of the reasons I joined the Coriarty Clan. I was inspired by your exploits. I wanted to join the Balor Family. Work under you. Be you. But then you left.

(Dust): Yeah, sorry about that. I had no choice.

(Flint): Hey, no need to apologize. You’re a hero not just to me but to everyone in the Coriarty Clan. Thank you, for your hard work and sacrifice.

*Flint bows to Dust shocking Lylah, Dante, and Jordan*

(Jordan): Flint is showing respect to someone else? Is the sky falling?

(Zia): I take it this is a shocking sight to you all? 

(Lylah): Sadly yes. That’s Flint Bansika, he’s another family leader just like me. He’s very well known for ruthlessness and womanizing. Most of the rumors I hear about him aren’t good.

(Amarti): He seems pretty bulky for an elf.

(Lylah): He’s half elf half demihuman. His father married a lioness demihuman. After joining the clan he was sent to help with the expansion in Myridion. There was even a rumor that he’s the reason Master Baek got removed from his position in the expansion. He became a standout after Master Baek’s dismissal. Taking out rival gangs single-handedly, leading the charge, the usual. He soon earned the nickname Lionheart for his efforts and established his own family in the process.

(Jade): Sounds like he’s quite the fighter.

(Dante): Indeed. He’s supposedly fought in many Carpe Arbors and won. However, in an act I find rather disgusting he destroys his opponent’s weapon.

(Raika): Destroys them? He can do that?

(Amarti): The winner of a Carpe Arbor is free to do whatever they want with their opponent’s weapon. Whether that be absorbing the weapon into their own weapon, selling it, or even destroying it. The loser accepts the consequences of the outcome.

(Flint): Yo~, Balor Family. Long time no see. Where’s the rest of the family members?

(Lylah): They’re all currently in other areas protecting villages from abductions.

(Flint): That’s good to hear.

(Lylah): Might I ask what brings you to these parts, Flint?

(Flint): Well aside from looking to get my party on, I got a message from HQ asking to help investigate with these abductions.

(Dante): What!? The Balor Family has been conducting these investigations, at a fast pace.

(Flint): But not fast enough. In the last month, 31 dark elves have gone missing. The patriarch doesn’t like it and has asked the Bansika Family to step in and help with the investigation. Personally, I think you guys can handle it yourselves and I’ve got other things to worry about, so I’m just going to stay out of your way and let you do what you have to do. I’ll be here offering my assistance if you need it.

(Dust): Appreciate the assistance big guy, but I think we have things under control. However, since you’re familiar with the nightlife here in the city, perhaps you wouldn’t mind pointing us to some parties going on tonight?

(Flint): Parties? Any particular one you’re looking for?

(Dust): Looking for one with an adult atmosphere and one where a lot of young people will be hanging out at.

(Flint): Hmm~. I can think of two parties that fit that description. There’s a pool party happening downtown and then there’s a party happening at the Rio Hotel. Some bigshot celebrity rented the place out. I don’t know. Those are the big parties I know about.

(Dust): Great. That’s all I need to know. Thanks, Flint. Guys, we got work to do tonight, so let’s get ready.

*Dust walks off back to the estate followed by everyone else. Flint stays behind eying Dust’s car and smiling*

(Jordan): So what was that all about, boss?

(Morgan): Isn’t it obvious? Parties mean a lot of people. Where there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of alcohol and drugs at play.

(Jordan): Ah~, I get it now. Find the drugs we find the dealer. Find the dealer we find the supplier. Find the supplier we find our abductors.

(Lylah): It’s as simple as that.

(Ryuuji): We’ll need to split up into two teams. One goes to Rio, the other goes to the pool party.

(Dust): No. The pool party is where we need to go.

(Amarti): I agree with Dust. The dealer won’t be at the hotel. Too many eyes on them. They’ll go to a place where they can blend in and won’t be able to stand out. That’s the pool party.         

*Everyone heads inside the estate to prepare for the night party*             

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