Project #146: The Top 11 Evilest Anime Characters

*Nitsuj, the AI girls, and the Jack Bros. are all sitting in the living room listening to the Cybernetic ghost of Halloween Present from the future. Or Aqua as they like to call him ranting on about some ancient war that takes place in the far future between the otakus and bronies.*

(Aqua): For you see the leader of the otakus Bruce Wanchester was blinded by his love for Alice Minx the young sister of the bronies leader Chase Minx who used his sister as bait to lure Bruce into a trap and he was stabbed to death in the back by the woman he loved. This death allowed his second in command Luke Wickerman to save his lover May Summers who was also a brony but fell in love with Luke. Soon he became leader of the otakus with May as wife and their young son August was born. And that is where brotakus come from.

(Nitsuj, AI girls, and Jack Bros.): O_O.

(Nitsuj): So does this story take place in the present or future?

(Aqua): It takes place in the present and it will happen in the future.

(Nitsuj): Look this story is fascinating but can we get back to why my house is dripping with otaku blood?

(Aqua): It’s all about you isn’t it?

(Nitsuj): Well it is my house.

(Aqua): Very well. But in order to fully understand we must travel back to the 90s. 20 years ago-

*As Aqua continues his story Nitsuj gets up claiming he has to go to the restroom but tells Aqua to continue his story. In truth he goes up to his room to start the review.*

(Nitsuj): I’ve had enough of that crap. Well despite my house dripping with blood it’s not gonna stop me from doing Ani-ween. Anime has always given us great heroes to follow but those heroes are only as great as the villains they fight. For every great hero out there there’s an evil villain out there who’s just as great as the hero and anime has given us some of the most evilest characters we’ve seen in the media. But which characters are the best, which characters do we love to hate the most and enjoy watching them being evil. We’re starting Ani-ween off right by taking a look at the top 11 evilest anime characters. Why top 11? Because just like someone else I too like to go one step beyond. As always keep in my mind that these are my opinions and you’re free to disagree but just do it a respectful manner. Sit back and enjoy the Top 11 evilest anime characters.

#11. Legato Bluesummers from Trigun

The ultimate antithesis to any anime character I’ve seen. Vash was a guy who stood for honor, justice, love and peace. Legato on the other hand stood for the opposite of these things. Legato was a man who only served himself but at the same time saw all life pointless and meaningless. He’s a stone cold sadistic killer who’s whole goal in Trigun was make Vash’s life a living hell and scar him for life (and the scary part is he somewhat succeeds in the end). With a cool design, ominous voice (both in the sub and dub), and sadistic nature, Legato is a villain you hope doesn’t add you to the list of people he’s gonna torture.

#10. Freiza from Dragonball Z

For me Cell was the scariest villain in DBZ, Buu was the strongest, and Freiza was the evilest. When I first started watching DBZ they built Freiza up as the strongest person in the galaxy who everyone feared. You were either with this guy or you were dead. Despite not really being the strongest character in the show Freiza was the guy who single-handedly destroyed the Saiyan race just because he was afraid one of them would rise up and defeat him. He also led the genocide on Namek and almost bought the Namekians to extinction just to get their dragonballs and I’m pretty sure he’s destroyed countless other planets just for the fun of it. And he’s the first person in the show to kill Vegeta. Actually, he didn’t just kill Vegeta he actually broke him and was the only person in the show to actually bring him to tears. If that doesn’t make him the evilest person in this show than I don’t know what does. While the other villains got a little stale as their arcs went on Freiza was the one villain who stayed entertaining from beginning to end.

#9. Hody Jones from One Piece

It was tough picking which villain from One Piece to put on this list since all the villains have been amazing. You could honestly put any villain from One Piece on this list. Except for Buggy and Foxy, they were more comedic than they were evil. For me personally the evilest villain in One Piece is Hody Jones. Yeah I know he really didn’t do all that much and really wasn’t that big a challenge for Luffy and the others but it’s what he represents in this series that puts him above the rest. Hody grew up in a district that despised humans and gave praise to everyone who killed or sacrificed their life to kill a human. When he reached adulthood Hody began to think of himself as a Holy Knight and a man who represented the Mermans hate for humans. Despite having no interactions with humans himself and not being harmed by them in the slightest, Hody strongly believes that it is his job to carry on the hatred of humans for the Merman and wipe out all humans just so Merman can live in peace. On top of that he’s responsible for killing the Queen of the country just because she wanted to finally bring humans and Mermans together which according to him should never happened. He wants the hatred between Mermans and humans to go on forever because according to him that is his pride as a Merman. Hating humans and killing them no matter what. Cruel, prideful, merciless, and a huge racist Hody Jones stands as a symbol of just how powerful and dangerous racism and hatred can be.

#8. Medusa from Soul Eater

Talk about having a terrible mom. Medusa is one of the most manipulative and evilest female characters in anime I have ever seen. She turned her own child Chrona into a test subject and subjected him (for the sake of argument I am calling Chrona a boy) to torture just to turn him into a killing machine with no remorse for anyone. She even says that once Chrona becomes useless to her she’ll abandoned him all together. Another thing that makes her quite evil is that she manipulates a whole war between the Shinigami forces and Arachne, hides in the body of a child to protect herself, succeeds in driving Stein insane, and is responsible for resurrecting the Asura who nearly drove the world mad. You bitch. Even when she finally meets her death she goes out on her terms by finally torturing Chrona enough that he kills her and she manipulated him into killing her just so he would destroy everything in the world he cares about. What else can I say, she’s a terrible mom, a great manipulator, and a real bitch.

#7. Ragyou from Kill La Kill

If you thought Medusa was a terrible mom than Ragyou makes Medusa look like mother of the year. This is a woman who has no remorse for human life let alone her life. She is a devote worshipper of the life fiber and believes that humans are weak beings who’s only purpose is to be food for the life fiber and nothing else. She is a dominatrix who enjoys dominating everyone and everything (including herself) even going as far as sexually assaulting her own two daughters. Speaking of her two daughters, just like Medusa experimented on her own child Ragyou also experimented on her daughters and almost killed her youngest daughter Ryuko because of those experiments. Just like I said before she has no remorse for human life and even goes as far as trying to kill her own two daughters just because they refused to joined her and even when she loses at the hand of her daughter she still refuses to believe that what she did was wrong and kills herself just to stop her enemies from getting the satisfaction of killing her. Medusa may have been a witch who nearly destroyed the world because of her actions but Ragyou was something far worse than a witch, she was a monster, a monster who wanted to watch the world burn and be eaten by a bunch of clothes.

#6. Naraku from Inuyasha

Here’s a good man for Medusa and Ragyou. Naraku was the main villain of Inuyasha from beginning to end with his origins serve as the main catalyst for this series. Before becoming a demon Naraku was actually a human by the name of Onigumo a criminal who got severely burned by his boss because he tried to take over the gang. He was saved and nursed back to health by Kikyo and soon developed feelings for her but got rejected because she had feelings for Inuyasha. Mad and jealous he made a deal with all the local demons to combine themselves into one being using his body and thus the great Naraku was born. Naraku’s greatest power was manipulation and we see it throughout the whole series. The guy could foul just about anyone in the series to serve some part in his grand schemes. He manipulated Kikyo and Inuyasha into turning on each other, put a curse on Miroko’s family that will slowly destroy Miroko, and he’s responsible for wiping out Sango’s clan. Always cunning, plotting, and being cruel to everything around him Naraku always found a way to bring misery and pain into the lives of our main characters.

#5. Griffith from Berserk

Yeah you all knew this character was gonna make the list. If you’re talking about evil anime characters than you’ve got to talk about this guy. Berserk was already a gory and violent show to begin with but this character somehow found a way to reach a new level of cruelty and disturbing. Griffith started off as a very cool guy. He had the respect and loyalty of his group and was best friends with Guts as if Guts was like the brother he always wanted but never had. This however changed when Guts left the group to pursue his own goals. Griffith didn’t take Guts’ leaving all that well and wanted to make him pay. So what does he do? He betrays and sacrifices his own teammates to become a powerful demon and the most infamous thing he does after becoming a demon is taking his best friend’s pregnant girlfriend and brutally raping her right in front of him. And when I say right in front of him I mean their eyes are literally meeting, Guts is watching his pregnant girlfriend get raped right in front of him and he can’t do a thing to stop it, all he can do is watch. This rape was so brutal that it drove Casca insane and it caused her to give birth prematurely to their child which thanks to the rape turned the child into a deformed demonic fetus. Griffith may not have done a lot of evil things in the series but he more than makes up for it in terms of wretchedness, cruelty, and betrayal and that earns him a spot high on the list.

#4. The Major from Hellsing Ultimate

He’s a Nazi. That’s all you really need to say to make this guy evil but even among Nazis this guy is evil. He’s like a jollier version of Hitler. For 50 years the guy has been amassing an army to start a third world war just for the fun of it. He loves war. To him, war is like ecstasy, sex, and that feeling you get in your stomach when you ride a rollercoaster all rolled into one. He only has one goal in the series to start a war and make as many people suffer as possible. And he succeeds. For one night England became hell on Earth, the streets were paved with blood and dead bodies, fires consumed the city, and after it was all said and done the world was never the same again and is still recovering from that one night war. The Major was the perfect villain to this series because he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Combined that with his enjoyable and charming personality, his personal battle with Alucard and his belief that he’s a human despite half his body being made of mechanics and you have yourself one of the evilest characters in anime.

#3. Light from Death Note

Another character everyone puts on the list in terms of evilest anime characters. Considered by many to be the greatest villain in shonen manga/anime Light is a guy who has a strong sense of justice but at the same time a childish view on right and wrong. When he gets the Death Note he uses it’s powers for good killing off bad people but as time goes on he becomes corrupted by the power and develops a god complex killing anyone he considers to be evil or a threat to him. He even kills his best friend L just because L stood in his way. When Light got the Death Note we saw who he really was a cold, manipulative, devious, malicious, and amazingly narcissistic guy who thought he was better than everyone around him and tried desperately to play God which is something nobody can do and shouldn’t do. Whether you were with this guy or against him in the end you can’t deny that Light became a very scary and dangerous villain in his own story.

#2. Shou Tucker from FMA/FMA: Brotherhood

It’s amazing how one side character can leave an impact on you in an anime. If you kill someone with no remorse and out of pure sadistic enjoyment of watching other people suffer you’re a bad person. If you turn your own daughter into an abomination you’re a sick bastard! Shou is one of those characters who just makes you sick to your stomach just thinking about him. He didn’t kill anyone nor did he have some crazy scheme to end all life as we know it. All he did was take his sweet and innocent daughter and transmutated her with their dog to form an abomination of science. That is twisted and sick beyond imagination and the scary part is we never see it coming. In the short time that we saw him Shou was a guy who really did love his daughter and cared for her so when he turns her and her dog into this pitiful and hideous monster it shocks everyone. Nobody saw this coming not even the characters in the show saw it coming so when you see their shocked looks you’re just as equally shocked as them. His act is so traumatic that I’ve actually heard and seen people skip his episode all together. Even abridgers take this scene very seriously. In all the FMA abridges I’ve seen nobody plays down this scene. They add a few small jokes in there but nobody ever plays down this scene. It is impossible to do. Shou may not have killed anyone but he did something much worse, he gave trauma and nightmares to everyone out there who watched FMA/FMA: Brotherhood and because of that he’s high on this list.

And the number 1 evilest anime character is. . .

#1. Johan Libert from Monster

Yeah the scariest anime character I know is also the evilest anime character I know. When you’re in a series titled Monster you have to have an antagonist who is nothing short of a monster and Johan not only lives up to the title of the series but he goes above and beyond it. Everybody he comes across he kills. His adoptive family, military officers, other serial killers who worked for him, and even the co-workers of the surgeon who saved his life. Nobody is safe from this guy. He will find you, break you mentally, use you, and when he’s done using you he will kill you or have you kill yourself. Johan’s main goal in the series is to show the world that evil can never truly be conquered and that it’s foolish to cling to ideas of good. You could think of it as a more vamped up version of Batman and The Joker’s ideologies and how they conflict with one another. Johan is a character devoid of a heart. He does so meaning heinous things that no one not even he knows why he does the things he does. The only explanation that everyone has is that Johan is the antichrist. It’s as simple as that and makes sense to everyone. The final topping on the cake that puts this guy at number 1 is that Nazis asked this guy to be the next Hitler and he said no and killed them off a majority of them just so they wouldn’t bother him ever again. If you have Nazis coming up to you and asking you to be the next Hitler than you know you’re evil level is over 9000 and that you are in fact evil incarnated.

Well guys that’s my list I hoped you enjoyed and-

(Mira): Master? So this is where you’ve been hiding.

(Nitsuj): Damn you found me already.

(Mira): You didn’t want to listen to him did you?

(Nitsuj): No I did not. So what’s the damage on the house?

(Jack Frost): Well it’s not good. Apparently your house is built on this otaku graveyard. Some kind of ancient order from the 90s.

(Nitsuj): So that’s what we’re going with? Hey wait, I’ve lived in this house for years why are they appearing now.

(Pyro Jack): It’s because you broke their seal. Back in May when the AI girls were eliminating those bugs they accidently broke the seal containing their spirits. Over the last few months they’ve been slowly building up their powers and now they’re pissed.

(Nitsuj): So what does this mean for me?

(Isis): Well the bloods gonna keep flowing unless-

(Aqua): Unless Nitsuj offers up a pleasing gift to them. Something they would enjoy.

*Aqua stares at the AI girls*

(Nitsuj): I’m in no position to give you the AI girls and even if I was I still wouldn’t hand them over to them.

(Seras): We can give them the Jack Bros. See how that plays out.

(Shizuku): Wouldn’t it be easier if we just asked them what they wanted. Hey Aqua, ask them they want.

(Aqua): They refuse to talk to me as well as you.

(Yin-Yang): Than how the hell are we supposed to give these guys what they want if they won’t talk to us?

(Aqua): Ask yourself, what would Bruce Wanchester do?

(Nitsuj): Didn’t you say he got stabbed to death by his girlfriend? Who was a brony?

(Aqua): Good point. I don’t man you should probably just review a good anime that’ll make them happy.

(Nitsuj): Alright. I know the perfect anime to review for them. I just need some time to collect my thoughts on it. While I’m doing that I want you guys to all work together and see if you can find out who these guys are. What they did, what their name was, etc. the more information we know about these guys the better are chances are at beating them.

(Isis): Mira and I can search the net for any otaku events in the 90s.

(Shizuku): Yin-Yang and I can hit the outer rim and ask people if they know about any secret otaku orders.

(Pyro Jack): Me, Chibi, and my brother will keep researching and find ways to communicate with these spirits.

(Nitsuj): Sounds like a good plan. Let’s get to work everyone.

*Everyone goes their separate ways except for Seras*

(Seras): I guess I’ll join Shizuku and Yin-Yang in the outer rim.

(Nitsuj): Actually Seras you’re with me this time.

(Seras): Huh?

(Nitsuj): I need your help on this anime I plan on reviewing.

(Seras): Oh~. So we’re doing that anime. Count me in.

(Nitsuj): Thanks, I knew I could count on you. Well guys thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

*Nitsuj gets hit with a flying table*

(Seras): Watch out for the flying table.

(Nitsuj): A little late Seras.

(Jack Frost): So they can move objects in the house now. Interesting. Chibi, make a note of that.

(Chibi Isis): Yes Jack-chan.

*All videos, pictures, and music are not owned by me and belong to their respected owners. All rights reserved.*

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