Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second half of my review of Shoukoku no Altair. When we last left Mahmut he regained his title of pasha after settling a civil war. But war with the empire is on the horizon and Torype doesn’t have the manpower to go on the offensive. Thus Mahmut gets put in charge of foreign affairs and his first assignment is making funds for the war. How does he plan to do that? Let’s find out in the second half.
Opening and Ending Theme
The second half’s opening is “akairo” by CIVILAN. Once again I like the start of the song and how it matches up with the era the anime takes place in before going into a full on rock song. While it’s a little slow at some parts it’s a good song that let’s you know how intense things are about to get in the second half as war is on the horizon.
Our second ending is “Windy” by Chemistry. Hands down one of my favorite endings from 2017 and the one song I remember from this series. Whenever I listen to this song I just imagine Mahmut lying in the grass while looking at the night sky and thinking about life and everything he’s been through. What does he regret, what is he proud of? This song places such a vivid picture in my mind and I love it for doing that.
Episodes 14-18
In episode 14 Mahmut and his group travel to Aryiros a city built by merchants for merchants (and from merchants). Mahmut goes there hoping to build relationships with one of the 3 Great Merchants but they have no intention of picking sides in this war (it’s bad for business. It’s best to just stay neutral and go with the side that pays you more). While in the city they come across a young girl named Niki who just inherited her father’s trading company after his unfortunate passing. Because Niki lacks experience in trading a lot of the people that worked with her father cut their ties with her and she soon becomes an outcast in a city full of mercahants (and traitors). Just when she’s about to give up Mahmut shows up and says he has a plan to change the world but in order for this plan to fall through he needs the help of Niki who is a note dealer. She agrees to help him and Mahmut tells her of her plan to disrupt the power of the 3 Great Merchants and start a trading route relationship with Chinili a land in the east. They get to work the next day by dressing in drag and getting trading merchants interested in selling Turkish accessories. They then go to meet Wong a friend of Niki’s dad who used to be captain of the emperor’s guard until a leg injury forced him to retire and now he spends his days finding gifts he hopes will please the emperor. Mahmut presents to him Venedik glasses saying that these glasses will help benefit Chinili by bringing peace. Being a former soldier himself and wanting to do everything in his power to protect his country and stop a possible war, Wong agrees to buy thousands of Venedik glasses for the emperor’s son’s coming of age party. With Niki’s trading skills she manages to get everything shipped quickly but they run out of straw to keep the glasses from breaking. Since Venedik is a trading city as well and values their contracts they offer to secure straw from an African inspired country and buy it for 5 times the original amount (which was a lot in those days. Actually, it’s a lot now). This deals a blow to the Empire as Luis was planning on using that straw as supplies for the empire’s advancement (not anymore). The Empire also doesn’t do itself any favors when their fleet attacks the Venedik ships near Phoinike and get captured raising tension between Venedik and the Empire just like Mahmut had planned (not gonna lie, that was Shiroe from Log Horizon level of planning there. Can we give him some glasses to wear?). Niki also agrees to join Mahmut’s group in order to see the world and also because it’s only a matter of time before the 3 Great Merchants discover her involvement with Mahmut and she loses her place in the city permanently (best to leave on your terms).
In episode 15 Mahmut and his gang have headed to the snowy regions in the north to visit Regatul Urado a nation that has remained closed off for 400 years and has the toughest immigration laws around (something tells me Trump would love this place). The goal of this trip is to obviously recruit Urado to side with Torqye forcing the empire to rethink their expansion strategy as they’ll be at odds with Venedik and Urado. After a cavity search (oh shit) Mahmut and the others get access to the country and meet Margit a diplomatic minister to Torqye as well as a kulak and a princess (a lady of many trades). We soon meet her father Zymgunt III, king of Urado and a man whose as cold as the snow that falls. We see that the country is quite poor and is on the brink of collapse as their fields are dying due to the intense weather, poor harvest, and a not so good fishing season. It also doesn’t help that the country doesn’t trade with other countries believing it to be a sign of weakness (more like a sign of stupidity). Unless something is done soon the country will collapse and Margit’s big sister comes to her father with a proposal to side with the empire in order for protection and food (and servitude). Mahmut and the others do a little investigating after smelling the stinky beaches where they discover that the foul stench is actually Sterco, fossilized bird droppings, which is a miracle fertilizer many believed was no more. Mahmut and an empire envoy are taken before Zymgunt where he announces that Urado will side with the empire but once Mahmut tells him about the Sterco and how empire will instead use them as disposable pawns in the war, Zymgunt decides to switch sides and join Torqye.
Episode 16 slows things down a bit as we prepare for war. L’isolani a nation whose power rivals that of Venedik and is ruled by a man named Donatello D’otra who has entered an alliance with the empire to take control of Centro (has he? Well we’ll just have to kill him then). Lucio goes to Torqye himself deciding to enter an alliance with Torqye and calls for a meeting of the pashas and sultans. During the meeting, they get word that L’isolani and the empire have set up a blockade at Phoinike and Tharros (sons of bitches got the jump on us) thus splitting the Centro in two and if it isn’t resolved quickly the empire will take over half of Centro. With the sea cut off they have no choice but to have their troops travel by land to the west in order to fight. However, the way is blocked by tribes and lesser states who don’t take too kindly to Torype and might block their way (this could quickly turn into an invasion). Mahmut, Suleyman, Abiriga, and Kiros head out before the troops to try and convince the tribes and lesser states to join their side and let them through (or die painful deaths).
In episode 17 Mahmut and his gang along with Suleyman arrive in Cuore di Rumeriana a region composed of 34 city-states with tremendous pride as this is where Phoinike Empire started (and then years later they were destroyed by their pride). They arrive in the Republic of Arno and quickly learn that most of the city-states hire mercenaries to defend them since they’re so small. However, the mercenaries are lazy and wind up taking advantage of people within the region. They speak with Arno’s representative about allowing their troops to pass through, but he says he needs consent from Fiore which carries major influence in Rumeriana. So they go to Fiore (which reminds me of the Renaissance era in Italy. This place is all about art, fashion trends, and innovation) where they’re given a chance to plead with one of the heads of state of Fiore, Caterina, a lovely lady whose beauty would make any guy stiff (Corbin: No lie there. It may be the winter season but that lady is melting me like a hot summer sun) and seems to have a thing for Suleyman as she tries to give him a foot job during their meeting (Suleyman, sleep with her. Do it for Torqye. (Corbin): If not for Torqye then do it for me). Mahmut accidently stumbles upon the foot play and is so distracted by it that he doesn’t get a chance to ask her questions during their allocated time (so innocent). After this, things don’t look good for Torqye as the empire has taken over Scoglio a fortress to the west of Rumeriana and are using Phoinike’s name to justify their invasion saying they’re going to make Phoinike great again (we need to build a wall. (Isis): Why? (Nitsuj): I don’t know. We just need one). Once this news reaches Mahmut and the others they rush to the meeting of the heads of state but are too late as they’ve already made a decision (they might have run right into a trap). Caterina tells them that Rumeriana will not side with Torqye but neither will they side with the empire (if you’re doing what I think you’re doing you’re crazy). Instead, they’re forming an alliance and becoming a third power in this war (oh fuck me).
At the start of episode 18 Suleyman rips up their signature and tells them about Scoglio falling with Mahmut saying that if they cling to the ways of the past they’ll meet the same fate as Phoinike (and we all know how that turned out for them). They get locked up for the night but the next day are released where Caterina and the rest of Rumeriana have confirmed the situation at Scoglio and agree to let Torqye’s army pass through their territory (thank you. Now we won’t have to burn your houses down). They also agree to form an alliance with Torqye however they’ll be using their own means to find a way to hinder the empire. With Rumeriana on their side they now head for Tauro in the south of Rumeriana to prepare for the Torqye army’s arrival. Suleyman stays behind to protect Caterina from a few conspirators who thought it be best to side with the empire for protection (all honey and lies. They only seek to use you and then discard you once everything is done). They try to get her to repeal her decision but she refuses so they try to kill her but Suleyman is there to save her (and he’ll be getting lucky tonight). Back with Mahmut and the others they reach Tauro where the city is run by two people the twins Izquierda and Derecho (one of them always tells the truth while the other one always lies). They won’t let Torqye’s troops pass through unless Mahmut can prove his military prowess so they give him a test. They’ll do a mock battle where Mahmut will be put in charge of 400 mercenaries and try to reclaim a fort from the twin mayors. If Mahmut can claim the feather from Derecho’s hat he wins. Mahmut wins easily and buys all the mercenaries in Tauro to join his cause. From there we see how the empire is slowly conquering other city-states making the smaller ones surrender and messing up Mahmut’s plans.
Episodes 19-22
Episode 19 is when action starts back up again (alright. Enough of this political talk, I want some action). Mahmut’s team has arrived in Chielo a city known for taking in refugees and helping the poor for free. They’re able to do this through generous donations from other countries and cities (they get rid of the poor and send them to a place where they can get help without feeling guilty. Everybody wins). The leader of Chielo easily agrees to join Mahmut’s alliance and just in time because the empire is about to invade their city. Luckily, Halili arrives with the army of Torqye a few days before the empire arrives and the leader of Chielo has a plan to lure the empire into an abandoned part of the city, trap them inside and light the place on fire burning them alive (and then we’ll sing kumbaya while eating marshmallows as we watch our enemies burn). They manage to destroy a bridge cutting off one of the empire’s supply lines but their supply line from the ocean arrives on time and they march to Chielo. Mahmut launches a surprise attack on the supply army where his group manages to steal a few supplies and lures them into the city where they take the bait. About 10,000 empire troops get tricked into the cage and get burned to death (10,000 down only 57,000 more to go. We may not have killed the monster, but we got an arm).
Nothing much to say about episode 20. Since the empire can’t get into Chielo they decide to attack the Torqye troops behind them. A faction of the empire’s army led by Pino goes to face Halil where these two did battle with each other 13 years ago. Halil won and now Pino is looking for some revenge. Halil’s first strategy is to go on the run and wear out the empire’s troops but Pino’s right-hand man (or woman) figures out their plan and they manage to lure Halil’s army into a canyon where they have no choice but to fight and Pino’s strategy works to perfection as Halil’s tactics are all foiled and he gets killed in combat at the hands of Pino who kills Halil in an honorable way (by cutting his head off and impaling it on a spear showing it off like a trophy. It’s what Halil would have wanted). Pino’s troops return to Chielo victorious and kill off the remaining captives one by one in front of the city. Mahmut has a silent cry for his good friend and vows to keep on fighting while Zaganos prepares to enter the battle as well.
Episode 21 starts with Mahmut asking for emergency supplies for Venedik who are happy to oblige. We see that they were successful in destroying the empire’s ocean blockade which weakened their hold within other countries as they began to fight back and oppose the empire. A storm soon comes up on the horizon (curse you Poseidon) which will delay Venedik’s arrival to assist Mahmut. About a month passes and Chielo and the empire are in a stalemate, Mahmut has snuck out of the city to find and rally the surviving, and the militia of Chielo are starting to panic (they’ve got cabin fever and not the one that makes you do a fun musical). The militia take matters into their own hands by capturing their director, Carbajal, and plan on surrendering to the empire but Kiros and Abrigo keep that from happening. Back with Mahmut he’s gathered up the surviving soldiers and raided the empire’s camp getting back their supplies (and sheep) and making his way back to Chielo by traveling at night and avoiding the ocean so the empire can’t use their rafts to catch up to them. However, while traveling through a basin on the night of the full moon (*Yin-Yang howls in the distance*) the water level rises and the empire’s beautiful strategist figured out where they were heading and now Mahmut and his troops are surrounded by the empire who come in on their rafts (or are they?). In an awesome moment, Mahmut reveals that he lured them within his trap. Anti-imperial forces from other countries come out of hiding and surround the empire’s forces (oh that’s cool). While the empire may have the numbers they are completely surrounded (and battling enemies on both sides never ends well).
Episode 22 is a quick and satisfying episode. Mahmut’s plan to take out the empire’s forces goes swimmingly well in the basin as they manage to destroy the empire’s ballistic weapons and take down two commanders while the rest of the empire retreats and decides to attack Espada while their defenses are weak (just like Mahmut planned. Keep on getting trapped into the spider’s web). On their way to Espada the empire’s forces are slowly decimated one commander at a time as Mahmut gives chase after them where the empire is scared for their lives and are humiliated beyond belief (not only did they lose but they were completely outsmarted. Mahmut saw through all of their tactics and countered them with flawless effort, https://youtu.be/FfvTXACPv30?t=4s). They finally arrive outside of Espada with 13,000 men which is being guarded by mercenaries and it gets revealed that Espada is a part of the Cuore Alliance which means if the empire attacks them they will be declaring war on 34 nations (who would be more than happy to give the empire a peace of their mind). Mahmut’s army shows up and he gives them a chance to surrender (surrender now and live. Fight, and face your destiny) but Pino refuses to give in and tells his men to prepare to fight (very well then. Your destiny awaits you).
Episodes 23-24
Nothing much to say about episode 23. It’s a good episode but it also has one of the most pointless deaths I’ve ever seen in anime. In the first half Mahmut’s army takes out the empire’s army including Pino and the tactician (for a man who hates war he sure does a good job at wrecking people). In the second half the remaining empire army realizes their main army is done for and begins to retreat. Meanwhile, back in Chielo the citizens who have gone rogue and captured Carbajal kill him in the hopes of presenting his head to the empire for protection only to find out that the empire has retreated and Mahmut’s army was victorious meaning that everything they’ve done was pointless and they just killed their leader (who would have been more valuable if you handed him over alive you fucking idiots) for nothing (dumbasses).
In the final episode, we start with finding out that Chielo has become an official state of Torype and Mahmut gets put in charge as the new governor (yeah~ buddy) along with a few officials I don’t care about. After that we get a lot of pointless scenes. All we really need to know is that Torype has decided to invade the empire and defeat them once and for all with Zaganos as the general and Mahmut gets to work rebuilding Chielo where the reconstruction is done by the end of the episode and combines both the Chielo and Torype cultures into one.
Final Thoughts
Man, what a rush. Just like Arslan Senki but at the same time different. There’s a good empathize on war but they both focus on different aspects of it. Arslan focuses more on what goes into creating and building up an army for war. Altair focuses on the political and economic aspects of war. Both animes do a good job explaining the aspects of war they’re focusing on while at the same time telling a compelling story with good and likable characters. Mahmut is a good man who wants to avoid war but at the same time isn’t afraid of it. If he has to, he’ll fight to protect his country and people but will do everything in his power to avoid needless bloodshed. Outside of him the rest of the characters are okay. They don’t really leave much of an impact as Mahmut but they have their moments here and there. I was mad to see them not use Shara. I think she would have made a great addition to Mahmut’s team. Zaganos does play a good foil to Mahmut’s idealistic thinking. He’s a realist, he knows that war is inevitable and it’s best to strike first before your enemies. Despite their differences, there is mutual respect between the two.
The action in this anime is fantastic. The tactics and strategies they use are brilliant and the anime showcases them excellently. This was easily the best part of the anime for me. The animation is beautiful. The buildings and cities look amazing. I feel like I’ve gone back in time. The music is also great. The soundtrack is up there with some of the best I ever heard. The anime does have a few pacing issues starting at episode 15. Supposedly they shortened and skipped over a few scenes leaving out some important information in the process, but it didn’t distract me all that much.
Final Score
The final score for Shoukoku no Altair is an 8/10. It really is a shame MAPPA didn’t continue this anime. I enjoyed it and would have loved to see a continuation. Hopefully they’ll come to their senses one day and continue the story or pass it off to another studio. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.