(Yume): Hello! I’m Yume! Here with Yin-Yang and welcome to Project Nitsuj.
(Yin-Yang): We’re taking over this week and embracing our beastly nature and instincts by reviewing Beast Tamer.
(Yume): A small light novel written by Suzu Miyama in 2019 and still continuing to this day, Beast Tamer has enjoyed its run in the background doing it’s own thing and not getting the attention of the masses.
(Yin-Yang): However, the more relatively obscured studio EMT2 were hoping to change that. In the fall of 2022, they released an anime based off the series which everyone said was meh.
(Yume): Yeah, not a whole lot of people really talked about it and quickly faded into the background as people focused on my popular anime titles at the time.
(Yin-Yang): Did this series deserved to be overlooked? That’s what we’re here to find out. This is Beast Tamer.
Opening and Ending Theme
(Yume): “Change the World” by MADKID is our opening. If this group sounds familiar then you’ve watched Shield Hero. It’s quite the change from their usual songs. It’s slower but still uplifting and encouraging. The only real downside is that the animation doesn’t really match up with this song at some parts and throws me off.
(Yin-Yang): The ending is “LOVE & MOON” by Marika Kouno. Did anybody tell Marika what this song was for because she really goes all out here. It’s very loving. Very tender. And very relaxing.
Episodes 1-4
(Yume): The anime starts off with our main character Rein, a beast tamer voiced by Shōya Chiba (Kou from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun). While he lacks physical talent, he makes up for it by being able to control animals and acting as a supporter of the hero’s party. When the hero and the party call for a meeting they straight up kick him out saying he’s worthless and useless (Yin-Yang: Well fuck you guys too). Rein leaves dismayed over what happened wondering what to do next. As he walks the town he discovers that nobody has a high opinion of the hero’s party as they only suck up to nobles and care little about the commoners (are you sure you got the right heroes and not just some assholes at the local tavern?). Rein on the other hand was different. He was nice, caring, and earnest (the kind of guy you would love to be friends with). He decides to become an adventurer where his trial is to slay ten goblins and collect some herbs. After easily slaying ten goblins he goes to collect the herbs where he comes across a girl about to be attacked by a killer tiger (Yin-Yang): And for the record, the tiger is a ranked D monster. One of the bottom tier). Rein sacrifices himself to save the girl, but she gets back up and axe kicks the tiger to save Rein. The girl named Kanade voiced by Azumi Waki (Maika from Blend S) is a cat spirit an ultimate species, rare beasts in the world, and cat spirits just happen to be the rarest of the bunch (I see the author is a cat lover). While they can’t use magic they make up for it by being physically strong (scene here: https://youtu.be/fTZWke7ZnsE?si=dM86dPSSKjl8uvYd). The two quickly become friends with Kanade calling the hero party stupid and saying that Rein is not worthless. She offers herself to be tamed by Rein where the taming ritual is a success and the two become bound to each other (scene here: https://youtu.be/FVEBn-mf7BU?si=uUhIhqNsFcj6_WlC).
(Yin-Yang): In episode 2 Rein officially becomes an adventurer and decides to start doing quests to earn enough money to buy a room at the inn. Before he can leave, another adventurer spots Kanade and wants her. He challenges Rein to an arm-wrestling contest with her on the line (uh~ living person asshole. Don’t treat her like someone’s property). Rein wins with ease thanks to his pact with Kanade which has increased his strength to that of a normal cat spirit (Yume: Well that’s convenient. Scene here: https://youtu.be/m7p3GtN0eMQ?si=WMyx3DEC6-NaPl9C). They head out to do an herb quest where they rescue an old man from a gang of brigands. We see Rein is quite proficient in martial arts (makes sense. He’s a beast tamer. He has to know how to dodge attacks in order to tame beasts) and Kanade likes seeing his manly side (Yume: And I’m willing to bet she hasn’t been spayed). They decide to take out the rest of the gang and Rein attacks with bees (no! not the bees! They’re in my eyes!). The bees numb the brigands which allows the adventurers that Kanade brought back with her to easily capture them. Rein and Kanade also defeat lizard kings which are C-rank monsters. In another part of the episode, we focus on the mage Leane and the cleric Mina who are members of the hero’s party (Yume: And just like the hero they are bitches). We see them go on a request with another beast tamer only to fail because of their own incompetence. Leane and Mina berate the tamer for not being unable to tame more than one animal like Rein which the tamer says is impossible. On average a tamer can only tame one or two beasts at a time. Anymore and it puts a strain on their body. Rein, however, was able to tame 10-20 beasts with ease on a regular basis meaning this guy is way stronger and more talented than the average tamer (he’s the ultimate tamer). Leane refuses to believe Rein was an exceptional tamer and convinces herself that the tamer is lying.
We start episode 3 with Rein getting a special promotion to rank E for his efforts last episode. After resupplying in town, they go to an inn where he has to share a room with Kanade (Yume: Careful. This cat is frisky). A week passes and Rein is enjoying his peaceful life as an adventurer with Kanade (so much better than those asshole heroes). Rein gets asked to handle a guard dog on a bridge that’s been causing trouble. While no one has been killed they’ve been injured and it’s causing a disturbance. Rein and Kanade go to the bridge where they see the guard dog is a dragonoid named Tania voiced by Rumi Okubo (Astolfo from Fate/Apocrypha). Just like cat spirits, dragonoids are an ultimate species as well possessing strong physical and magic abilities. So why is she causing trouble on the bridge? Well, it’s part of their custom. Once a dragonoid turns 15 they have to travel alone and be recognized as a strong dragon (I understand this custom and respect it). Tania has been using the bridge as her training grounds to fight strong people and it looks like she may have hit the jackpot with this duo. As far as fights go, it’s nothing special but it’s definitely the best fight this anime has done so far (scene here: https://youtu.be/0VBtXhbcnSw?si=jFUN7XGOxnmHxoQ2). Using some birds, Rein manages to paralyze Tania’s body and she admits to defeat. Rather than rat her out to the guild, he decides to keep her identity a secret and just pass her off as a traveler (Yume: With a dragon fetish. No different than those Pokémon trainers with the Goldeen fetish. (Yin-Yang): Fucking freaks). Taking a liking to Rein, Tania agrees to form a pact with him and now Rein has two ultimate species about his control (scene here: https://youtu.be/5TA8SNkmFqg?si=3ww16mkWaLpaWFDS. (Yume): And his harem continues to grow). Back with the hero’s party, we see things aren’t going well for them. They made no progress, they’re terrible at managing supplies, and they keep having trouble dealing with monsters (and these guys are going to save the world? God, they’re making the dumbasses from the Shield Hero look competent by comparison). They decide to bring Rein back into their party and then abandon him once they’re done with him.
Rein continues to be impressive in episode 4. While the group is out exterminating slimes, Rein shows off his ability to possess other beasts by transferring a part of his soul into their body (who are you?). He finds a whole nest of slimes and manages to defeat them using fire magic which got a huge power boost from his contract with Tania. After the quest, we learn about his past where he learned to be a tamer from his parents who unfortunately died when the village was attacked by monsters. As the sole survivor, Rein got rescued by adventurers and began working at an inn to get by until one day he met Arios, the hero, and his party (Yume: No doubt the worst day of his life. In hindsight). You would think at the beginning things were good, but nope. Right from the beginning Arios and the others only saw Rein as their pawn and just used him (don’t worry. They’ll get what’s coming to them). The two girls comfort him and say he’s not worthless which makes him happy. After this not much really happens. We see Rein protect Tania from some orcs during a quest which helps her realize that she may be in love with him (Yume: Female dragons seek strong mates). At the end of the episode Rein and the others run into Arios’s party (you know what comes next Arios).
Episodes 5-9
Episode 5 is so satisfying to watch (like seriously, if you’re having a bad day just watch this episode. It’ll put a smile on your face). Arios and his party cut to the chase and say they want Rein’s help to get through the forest (Yume: The most frustrating part about this is that these guys still talk down to Rein like he’s beneath them. They have learned nothing). At first, Rein says no but then agrees to do it because he knows if they fail that means monsters will run rampant and kill people. However, Kanade and Tania want Arios and the others to get on their knees and apologize to Rein. They refuse and insult the two girls which upsets Rein and thus a fight breaks out (scene here: https://youtu.be/xpuLOh1hfHA?si=uCx_8EkbR5gzRgnt). Rein takes on Arios, Kanade fights the warrior, and Tania goes up against the bitchy sorcerer and cleric. Each fight is one-sided as Rein and the others completely own Arios and his party but it’s the good kind of one-sided fighting you love to see (to the point where you have to ask, are they really the heroes and not just posers? Scene here: https://youtu.be/GRCErOGCbJI?si=RSOeZ5un2kezMhpf).
In episode 6 Rein, Kanade, and Tania journey into the Forbidden Forest to retrieve the Shield of Truth (and it might just be me, but does anyone else automatically think of this music when they’re in the forest: https://youtu.be/vkailb3xcTI). Thanks to Tania, they find out they’ve been going in circles because of illusionary magic. Even if they know what path to take it won’t matter if the illusionary magic keeps blocking their way. Tania opens up a path to the source of the illusionary magic which just happens to be a tree occupied by a fairy (FAIRIES!). Yep, it’s another ultimate species that specializes in magic. It was believed that fairies went extinct centuries ago and of course hate humans because they cut down trees and whatnot (understandable, they can be assholes at times). The fairy named Sora voiced by Minami Tanaka warns them to leave, but Rein decides to face her head-on. After seeing his resolve and relationship with the others she decides to listen to them (scene here: https://youtu.be/bVCd3hGuAiY?si=qHXngVdX0BOJewDS). She tells them that the Shield of Truth is protected by the fairy village which lies in the forest. Sora has been using illusionary magic to keep the village safe from humans. She gives them the Shield of Truth and just when the group is about to leave Rein can tell something is troubling her. Sora tells them about her sister Luna who was captured by a cursed knight who has the ability to nullify magic (making them the perfect nemesis to fairies). Rein offers to help save her friend as payment for the shield.
(Yume): At the start of episode 7 Rein and the others fight against the cursed knight where they manage to beat it by punching a hole through its chest. After the sisters are reunited they decide to leave the forest and go see the world, but are afraid to travel alone. Kanade suggests they form a pact with Rein and they accept (scene here: https://youtu.be/C9mD8d4Hi3s?si=5XYbOVcapK1nTLQv. (Yin-Yang): Now’s he got fairies on his team. He needs another warrior-class member. (Yume): Might I suggest a wolf girl?). Rein takes the shield to Arios and his party who are shocked he finished the quest so quickly and think the shield is fake (Yin-Yang: Do you want another beat down? Cause you are on a one-way ticket train to suplex city). Once they affirm the shield is real they pay and invite Rein to rejoin the party (go to hell you pompous assholes!). Rein says no and takes his leave with Arios secretly vowing to kill Rein for humiliating him.
In episode 8, Sora and Luna voiced by Maria Sashide are still trying to get accustomed to human society (Yin-Yang: Join the club. You punch a guy for touching your tail and you’re the one on trial for assault). The group also decides that Rein needs his own weapon, so they go to the best weapon shop in town to get a custom weapon made for Rein. After earning favor with the owner, he agrees to make Rein a weapon, but he lacks the materials necessary to make one due to a material shortage. Rein and the others go to investigate where they see the mines are under the control of thieves and leading them is another beast tamer.
Episode 9 sees the group fight the thieves where they easily beat them, but the beast tamer puts up more of a fight. He unleashed a powerful beast on the group not even he can control and gets killed for his efforts (get on Rein’s level you fool). Rein is able to beat the beast and they secure the mines and the materials to make Rein’s weapon. Near the end of the episode, Sora and Luna get approached by a man named Edgar the son of the mayor who wants them as his slaves (Yin-Yang: Pervert).
Episodes 10-13
We start episode 10 with Rein coming to save Sora and Luna by battling off Edgar’s knights and even saving some citizens in the process (scene here: https://youtu.be/e0r9QPMpnUs?si=J4DtNL5tsbYnqNr4). Edgar retreats for the time being and then the group gets approached by a knight named Stella (Yin-Yang: She will be your Jim Gordon for the evening). She’s aware of how corrupt the mayor and Edgar are and wants to bring them to justice. After setting up a trap for the knights, they manage to get the evidence they need to bring them down and Edgar in a panicked state receives a ring from a hooded Arios to bring Rein down.
In episode 11 Stella leads a group of knights accompanied by Kanade and Tania to Edgar’s mansion to arrest him. While they fight outside, Rein sneaks in with Sora and Luna. The fairies use their magic where they sense an ultimate species on the floor beneath them. Rein goes to investigate where he finds Nina, a demigod foxgirl (ha! My kind beat you. (Yin-Yang): Whatever). Edgar kidnapped her from a neighboring village and put an enslavement collar on her so she couldn’t escape. Rein manages to break the spell and frees Nina just as the others manage to break into the mansion to meet the new harem member (this time it’s a loli). They manage to capture Edgar’s father and while they’re distracted, Edgar uses Arios’s ring to unleash the ultimate instant death skill on Rein and. . .it has no effect. Thanks to Rein’s contract with Sora and Luna, status effects are nullified (Yin-Yang: He’s essentially a boss character in an RPG). Edgar gets consumed by the ring and transforms into a demon. The same demon that destroyed Rein’s village.
(Yin-Yang): In episode 12 Rein and his furry harem take on the demon. We see the adventurers pitch in to help out and we see Sora and Luna expose their identities to the people in order to get them to safety. In the end, Rein is able to defeat the demon with the help of Nina and save the town (Yume: Can’t wait to see the look on Arios’s face when he finds out Rein is still alive and has a new girl joining his team).
In the final episode, Nina officially forms a contract with Rein (one more beast and he’ll have formed his Pokémon team). With Nina in their party, the group finally decides to buy a house. The guild shows them a nice house, but it’s haunted by a ghost (Yume: This is Konosuba all over again). They meet the ghost named Tina Holy who was killed by her perverted previous master (Yume: Was it a sex play incident?). At first, she tries to scare them away, but when they realize she can’t harm them and Kanade’s physical attacks can hit her (they exist on the celestial plane. (Yume): Just like Guts’s sword from Berserk) they stop being afraid. Rein invites her to stay in the house as their maid and she accepts. Back in the town, we see the hero party receive a warm reception from the townsfolk who have come to see them for who they really are. Arrogant, cocky, and weak cowards who really don’t care about anyone but themselves and are unworthy of the hero title. They even rub salt in Arios’s wound by calling Rein a better hero than him (scene here: https://youtu.be/z8UyHkX-fsQ?si=NpZItFXHpXDpOe0Y). Rein and Kanade return after doing some shopping and share a meal with everyone where Rein can’t help but cry. He’s no longer alone and is surrounded by people who recognize his abilities and treat him with respect.
Final Thoughts
(Yume): In the end Beast Tamer is not a good anime, but I wouldn’t call it an awful anime either. Just repetitive with generic characters that aren’t really interesting. Rein is the typical nice guy who is OP and the others are just there to be his harem. There’s really nothing interesting about them.
(Yin-Yang): The only unique feature I do like in this anime is the hero and his party being assholes. That was interesting and makes you wonder if Arios really is the hero or just a political puppet that the nobles made to fool the people, and Rein is instead the real hero which would explain his powers and ability to form contracts with these ultimate species. I like how even when they get put in their place by Rein and the others they still act like assholes. They honestly believe they’re so much better than everyone that not even a beating will make them change their ways. Even Arios developing a personal vendetta against Rein shows just how petty and insecure he is not only as a hero but as a person.
Final Score
(Yume): My final score for Beast Tamer is a 3/10.
(Yin-Yang): I’m giving it a 4/10.
(Yume): This brings the final score to 3.5/10.
(Yin-Yang): Like Yume said, this isn’t necessarily a bad anime, but it’s really not a good one either. It’s one of those anime you need to shut your brain off to enjoy it. I doubt a second season will be coming out any time soon. Seeing as how the anime caught up to the manga very quickly. So if you like this anime you’re gonna have to wait a while for the sequel. If they make one.
(Yume): Until then. Thanks for reading and we’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.