Record 31: Thora the Goddess of Lightning

(Raika): Thora. The second god that people of the eastern part of Rein follow. She is also the sister of Caelestis and sure enough, they have a sibling rivalry. Unlike her brother, Thora was more unhinged and wild. She was considered the prankster of the gods and performed a number of pranks on them. One of her biggest pranks is stealing Azure’s water to make rain and thunderstorms in order to get a good scare out of people. However, this prank would backfire on her when people learned to harness her lightning for energy.

Now you would think Caelestis and Thora would get along as siblings, right? Nope. Those two have sibling rivalry. No matter what they did, they always felt the need to compete against each other and whenever they didn’t agree on something they would fight it out. In fact, the first thunderstorm was said to have been caused by those two fighting each other. It’s even believed that the Lightning School was created because Thora was jealous of the Wind School. While many see Thora’s behavior as childlike, I think it’s just her wanting to get attention. She’s considered the youngest of the gods so she has the most to prove out of them. Many folklores say whenever there’s a thunderstorm it’s because Thora’s in a bad mood. Either from a fight she had with Caelestis or not getting anyone’s attention. In which case all the gods had to do was praise her and she’d be all giddy and happy. In the end, she can be a pain to deal with but she’s easy to handle.

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