Record 32: Gojo the God of Steel

(Amarti): The gods have given many things to help society advance, but none have contributed more than Gojo. The God of Steel was considered a craftsman. He loved art, clothing, tinkering with things, and building things. He was the one who crafted the weapons of all the gods as well as their clothing. He was a free man who often went at his own pace and could appraise anything by just looking at it. His contribution to the world was giving humanity the tools to build houses, pave roads, and make boats. Something that he did without consulting the other gods about and made them upset. Supposedly, his punishment was being banished from going into his workshop for one full year. Despite this, he didn’t regret his choice and spent his time watching people create new things with his tools.

Out of all the gods Gojo is considered the oldest but someone the others always had to keep an eye on. While his work was impressive, his creations were known to get too out of hand at times and he had to be watched before he created something that could potentially destroy the world. People gave Gojo the title of Master Blacksmith, a title that no other blacksmith holds nor will they ever hold. To them he is a master of his craft and serves as a beacon for others to keep creating, trying new things, and never settle for anything but the best.          

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