Record 34: DeMarcus the God of Darkness

(Dust): When the sun goes down and the stars and moon take over the sky you know who to thank. When it comes to darkness, people give it a bad rap and since DeMarcus is the God of Darkness he gets a bad rap as well. Many people thought DeMarcus was an evil god, but in truth, it’s the opposite. DeMarcus was actually a scholar and one of the most insightful of the gods. The reason why he gave the world nighttime was to help show them that darkness isn’t all bad. It’s the same with nightmares. They can be scary at first, but at the same time they help us address our fears and face them. DeMarcus is often depicted as a dark elf but his face is always hidden by a faceless mask with a weird design on it. Nobody has ever seen his face. Some say it’s because he’s ugly. Others say it’s because his face is so handsome that seeing it would break you mentally and others say he was born without a face and uses the mask as a way to not scare people.

Like I said before, he was a scholar. He spent most of his days studying and reading books. Next to Zekell he was seen as the fairest of the gods. He took a particular interest in people and how they reacted to their fears in the hopes of helping them find the courage to conquer said fears. As for the moon, it was basically a giant rock he had lying around in his study. He painted it and had Zekell carry it up into the sky for him. It’s said that on the dark side of the moon is DeMarcus’s true face. But because it’s so dark no one can see it. While he may be mysterious no one can deny he’s the one god that always has you curious on what he’s thinking.

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