Record 37: The Coriarty Clan

(Dust): Criminal organizations are nothing new. They’ve been around for years. The underworld is full of dangerous organizations, and the one that stands at the top is the Coriarty Clan. The clan was founded by Jett Coriarty himself. It started off small with only four members who were protecting their land and families from Eclipses and other organizations trying to take over their land. As time went on more elves began to join the fight and before long Jett had 200 dark elves following him. While he was amazed by the support he knew he had to quickly organize their ranks in order to maintain order.

So he chose three elves to act as his lieutenants. Each one would command a different number of families that each did their own thing. Protection, running businesses, torturing, farming, etc. Before long the clan started attacking other criminal organizations and wiping them off the map. The clan may have taken losses but they always came out the winner, gained new followers and expanded their business and reach in the underworld. Despite his growing empire, Jett never forgot where he came from. He always took care of his own, fought with honor, and never dealt with drugs. That was the one rule he would never break and anyone who broke it usually didn’t live long to make a lot of profit from it. While the clan is exclusive to dark elves, they aren’t afraid to work with other races in the world or invite those with mixed races into the clan. Today, the clan has over 300+ families working under it and is so big that its strength is on the same level as the kingdoms of the world. They’re not affiliated with anyone and most kingdoms stay out of their way as they don’t want to risk starting a war with an enemy they don’t fully know about and can’t gauge.           

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