Record 38: Elf Blacksmithing

(Zia): When it comes to elf weapons, they’re quite different from normal weapons. Elf weapons are infused with magic as well as the blood of the person using the weapon. Because of this, the weapon becomes tuned with the owner and gains special properties and powers that only they can use. It’s because of this that elf weapons are sought after by others in order to increase the power of their weapons and increase their arsenal as well. Each elf weapon is different, unique, and special from the others. They’re one of kind weapons that you can’t replicate no matter how hard you try.

It’s often been asked if this kind of method can work with other races. The answer is yes, but the chances of it being a success are low. Let’s say for example, a normal human goes to an elf blacksmith for a weapon. The human can infuse the weapon with their blood and magic to create a special class weapon. If the method is a success then the human would receive a powerful weapon that only they can use. The weapon is like an extension of the owner. It’s a part of them in some way and won’t work without them. So why is this method so hard with other races? Well, the primary reason is they don’t have a deep connection with the weapon. For elves, our weapons are made from our Zenbitseo. That tree is a representation of us. Other races unfortunately don’t have that deep of a connection with their weapons. Hence, why the method usually fails. But if you have a deep connection with your weapon and consider it a reliable partner then give elf blacksmithing a chance. You may just get the best partner for life.

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