Project #588: Domestic Girlfriend

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Over the years there have been awful anime that are so bad that you can’t help but find call them dumpster fires. A complete disaster but at the same time you can’t look away because you want to know just how bad it can get and enjoy the show. […]

My Miku Expo Experience

Hello! Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. I remember back in 2020 me and my friend brought to see Hatsune Miku in concert, but unfortunately, that trip was cancelled due to the pandemic and the world shutting down for one year. Before the era of vtubers, there was Miku and the rest of […]

Record 26: Zekell the God of Fire

(Ryuuji): There are two sides to fire. The first side is one of destruction and pain. The other side is warmth and comfort. These two sides describe Zekell perfectly. Records and art work of Zekell described him as a tall man with a rather muscular body and long hair in the color of fire. Despite […]

Chapter 51: When the Moon is Out Things Will Get Wild

*One day earlier. After Dust, Ryuuji, Morgan, Jade, Jin and Alita left the kingdom, the other members of Shadow Eye got to work on their mission. Raika and Sanada left to join Kurai and the red knights outside of the kingdom to look for the escaped Hargus soldiers while Gael was with Zia and Amarti […]

Project #587: One-Punch Man S2

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about One-Punch Man. ONE’s most popular work. While Mob Psycho 100 was the fan favorite, there’s no denying that One-Punch Man was the popular story. The idea of a superhero beating all of his opponents with one punch on paper sounds like a boring idea, but ONE […]

Record 25: The Gods of Rein

(Morrison): Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Steel, Light, and Darkness. These are the eight elements that make up Rein as well as the galaxy. The elements also represent the gods we worship. The first is Zekell the God of Fire. Midori, the Goddess of Earth. Azure, the God of Water. Caelestis, the God of Wind. […]

Chapter 50: From Legend to Immortal

Chapter 50: From Legend to Immortal *On a hot sunny day a mysterious woman wearing a hooded robe covering her face is walking through the dusty streets of a settlement. Others ignore the woman and go about their business as she walks through the settlement until she comes across the local guild hall. Taking a […]


Hello! Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. A little over a week ago we lost Akira Toriyama, the man who revolutionized manga forever. I’m still in shock over this news. DBZ was the series that introduced me to anime. So many owe their love of anime/manga to him. Without him there is no […]