Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well guys we’re here, the final season of Food Wars. Released in the year we dare not speak of and almost a year after the manga ended. Often regarded as the weakest of the seasons because it covers the final arc of the manga which at this point was […]
Tag Archives: Nitsuj
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 15
*In an undisclosed location a bunch of people have gathered in bleachers and stands around a ring cheering and waiting for the competitors to arrive. A ring announcer enters the ring with a mic and begins to speak* (Ring Announcer): This next bout is set for one fall with a 30-minute time limit and it […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 14
*It’s early in the morning and Nitsuj is eating breakfast while talking to Lisa* (Nitsuj): So Lisa, I’ve been here a few days and I’ve noticed that the agents here don’t use guns. (Lisa): We prefer to use gadgets as opposed to guns. Which reminds me. *Lisa pulls out a small box* (Lisa): A little […]
Project #446: Food Wars Part 6
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj where today were looking at them much anticipated season 4 of Food Wars. Produced in 2019 this was easily the season that everyone was hyped for. This is where the manga reached it’s climax as we got to see the Rebels take on Central in the battle not only […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 13
*At an airport in Dayton, Cole has commandeered a ticket from a passenger in the men’s restroom* (Cole): Nothing personal buddy. Just revenge. *Cole leaves the restroom and goes to his gate where he shows his ticket and is allowed to board. He takes his seat by the window where the person sitting next to […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 12
*In Cincinnati, Cole is in Enzio’s shop and has Enzio tied to a chair. Cole has logged into Enzio’s computer to look at the picture Enzio received from Nitsuj* (Cole): Alright. Let’s see where Nitsuj is at. *Cole copies and pastes the picture in Google where it recognizes the background as London* (Cole): Hmm~ London […]
Project #445: Food Wars Part 5
Hello and welcome Project Nitsuj and welcome to the second part of Food Wars S3. After a shocking first half, the second half of the season would go on to air several months down the line instead of continuing into the next season. This was all a part of a new practice a lot of […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 11
*Nitsuj and Kenji are still handcuffed to each other and are now in HMP Lewes. Nitsuj and Kenji are sitting in an interrogation room patiently while singing Judgement from Yakuza 0 as they wait to be interrogated* (Nitsuj): Woah~ oh~ oh~, we are bad boys. (Kenji): Waru ni nokosareta. NO to iu na no. JUSTICE! […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 10.5
*During the time everyone was investigating at the festival. Yin-Yang investigated the backstage area of the festival and made her way into the dressing room of a particular band* (Jean-Ken Johnny): Alright, now where did I leave my phone? (Yin-Yang): It’s on the table. (Jean-Ken Johnny): Oh thanks. *Jean-Ken Johnny realizes someone else is in […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 10
*It’s evening time in London. After making a quick stop at the phone store, Nitsuj buys a new smartphone and the group heads to the festival. They arrive at the festival where they see vendors, tents, and on the stage Man With a Mission is playing Dark Crow* (Shizuku): Hey, they’re playing my favorite tune. […]