Project #394: Nanatsu no Taizai S3 Part 1

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. What happened to Nanatsu no Taizai? Now I don’t mean the manga, that ended on a rather good note, I’m talking about the anime. When the anime first came out it was a big hit as everyone loved it. When the second season was announced everyone got excited as […]

Project #393: The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to another addition of Animation Bang. Let’s talk about Wes Anderson. Known for his distinct and visual style when it comes to movies, Anderson spends most of his time making movies that focus mostly on fast-paced comedy with melancholic elements and themes that center around loss, grief, sibling […]

Project #392: Promare

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. *Nitsuj gets up and locks his door* (Nitsuj): Sorry, just taking a pre-caution because I’m about to talk about a certain studio that someone loves. So Studio- *Shizuku breaks downs the door and comes in* (Nitsuj): Of course. (Shizuku): What’s up boss? Talking about Studio Trigger again? You […]

Project #391: Fire Force Part 2

(Chibi Isis): Hi! Chibi Isis here and welcome to Project Nitsuj. This week we’re continuing our look at Fire Force. (Nitsuj): Last time, the squad was falsely accused of a crime they didn’t commit in Asakusa. They managed to calm down Benimaru and tell him they didn’t do it, but he still has his doubts, […]

Understanding Sequels

The year is 1999 and a young artist by the name of Masashi Kishimoto makes his debut in Shonen Jump with his manga called Naruto. A story that would last a decade and a half and would go on to not only be regarded as one of the best series in Shonen Jump, but would […]

Project #390: Fire Force Part 1

*Chibi Isis is in the backyard testing out her wind magic* (Chibi Isis): No that’s not good either. *Chibi Isis pulls out a sheet of paper and begins writing down notes* (Nitsuj): Hey Chibi, what are you doing out here? (Chibi Isis): I’m trying to create new wind spells, but nothing seems to be sticking […]

Project #389: DanMachi: Arrow of the Orion

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. So, I just found out that DanMachi has been delayed until the fall. I think a hole in my wall sums up my feelings about this news. Still, I think it was worth talking about some more, so why don’t we take a look at the movie. Before the […]

Project #388: DanMachi S2

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. So, did I hear DanMachi is getting another season? DanMachi for the most part was an okay anime. Nothing great but it had a good set up, a good main lead who grew stronger over the course of the anime, and surprisingly good fight scenes. So, when the second […]

Project #387.5: Summer Anime 2020 First Impressions

Hey guys, Nitsuj here and welcome to the side blog the blogs between the blogs. If you haven’t heard yet Covid-19 sucks. It forced me into self-quarantine, it messed up my job, it cancelled my wrestling, and now it’s delaying my anime. Damn you Covid-19. So, if you didn’t know a lot of anime got […]

Project #387: The Top 11 Anime Betrayals

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Betrayal! Betrayal I say! Everyone betrayed me! I’m fed up with this world! Nothing is more shocking than a good betrayal. It’s the quickest way to spice up a story and get the audience to hate someone. It’s used in all forms of media and anime is no stranger […]