The Expendables (anime version)

Hey guys Justin here, welcome to another edition of the Otaku Corner a new part of the show where I talk about anime, manga, or anime related topics I find interesting and give my thoughts on them. For this Otaku Corner I’m gonna be talking about the Expendables. In case you don’t know, have forgotten, […]

The World God Only Knows

Hey guys Justin here welcome to a new part of the show I like to call the Otaku Corner. This is where I set aside the Nitsuj gimmick and talk about manga/anime topics or any other topics that fits into these two categories. This is just me being me and just giving my thoughts on […]

The Entity Part 6

*After arriving back to the system with Seras. Nitsuj logged his mind into the system and began to perform surgery on Seras. After a long procedure Nitsuj was able to heal Seras completely.* (Seras): Ugh~ my head. Where am I? (Nitsuj): Ah you’re awake. And here I was thinking of feeding your dead body to […]

AI Day

*As the army of AI assassins advances toward the system the AI girls have set up wall to protect themselves and prepare for the attack* (Mira): Well there certainly are a number of them. Reaper, you can take these guys down easily right? (Reaper): I’m afraid I won’t be of much help this time of […]

Alone in the Boll

*In Nitsuj’s house Nitsuj is relaxing and playing videogames with the Jack Bros. while the AI girls are in a deep sleep because of updates.* (Pyro Jack): So let me get this straight. They’re being updated as we speak? (Nitsuj): Yes. They’ll be stronger and have new weapons. Shizuku, Mira, and Chibi have been heckling […]

Artifical Intelligence Online (AIO)

*Inside the system Isis and Chibi-Isis are relaxing while Nitsuj is reviewing the second part of SAO* (Isis): Sure is peaceful. (Chibi Isis): Yes. All sectors within the system are secured no threats or viruses detected at- (Isis): I sense it too. There are three of them. (Chibi Isis): And they each match the specifications […]

Journey to the East Epilogue

*Nitsuj has arrived back in Cincinnati, has just gotten his luggage, and is heading towards his car* (Nitsuj): I’m back. Hello Cincinnati, it’s been a while. I can’t wait to get home and see how the girls are doing. Assuming the house hasn’t been burnt down. *Nitsuj takes out his phone and checks the news […]

Journey to the East Part 16

*After a quick rest and climb Nitsuj finally reached the top of the mountain where a shrine was present. Nitsuj walked through the gates of the shrine hearing nothing. Everything was silent as if time had stood still. After walking around a little bit a dagger finally flies pass Nitsuj’s face. Once he stopped a […]

Journey to the East Part 15

*As Nitsuj continues to meditate under the cherry blossom tree, Yume sits by the cave waiting patiently for his return* (Mori): Here you go. I bought you some chicken soup. (Yume): Thanks, but I’m not really that hungry. (Mori): It would appear that Nitsuj has conquered his first three trials. Quite the amazing feet. But […]

Journey to the East Part 14

*Nitsuj continues to stare at the man who looks just like him* (Nitsuj): Who are you? (???): I am you. (Nitsuj): But I am me. (???) No I am you and you are me. (Nitsuj): If you are me and I am you than who am I? (???): Okay enough! We’re not doing this bit. […]