Disneytoon-cember Part 19: Teacher’s Pet

Boy you guys aren’t going to like me for this. Teacher’s Pet was not a bad show but it was a show I never really cared about growing up and even as an adult I still don’t care for this show. The shows premise is that it focuses on an intelligent talking dog named Spot […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 18: Recess

Growing up I never really paid that much attention to this show. I remember watching it but not really being all that invested into it. As far as the show goes it was alright. It just focused on a group of 4th graders who were pranksters at their school. It was cliché and alright for […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 17: Pepper Ann

Have you ever wanted to see the female equivalent of Doug? No, me neither. But a show that comes close to Doug and is the female equivalent is Pepper Ann the show about the day to day life of a 12-year old girl and her whacky shenanigans with her friends. The show got started roughly […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 16: Disney’s Doug

After Doug came to an end on Nickelodeon, Disney purchased the show along with the studio that made it claiming the rights on the show and deciding to air it on ABC which at the time they had also acquired. When fans found out about this they were outraged by this while I on the […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 15: Hercules: The Animated Series

Hercules was another Disney movie that many would say isn’t bad but didn’t live up to the standards of Disney as they would of hoped for. However there’s still plenty of material to work with and create a series off of it. Set in an alternate setting before Hercules defeated Hades, Hercules is still a […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 14: 101 Dalmatians: The Series

In August 1997 Disney shutdown the Disney Afternoon block bringing an end to one of the greatest kids programs ever put on TV. However, Disney wasn’t done making cartoons. One month later Disney launched a new program known as Disney’s One Saturday Morning. Just like the name suggest this was a five hour block that […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 13: Mighty Ducks

Duck rocks! Remember that saying? If you don’t, don’t worry because nobody said it. Mighty Ducks was the last show to be featured on the Disney Afternoon show and the most bizarre out of all of them as it had nothing to do with the original movie whatsoever. The only thing they had in common […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 12: Quack Pack

Since ducks were such a hit with kids in the past Disney decided to once again go back to them and since Ducktales was such a huge hit they decided to bring Huey, Dewey, and Louie back in their new show Quack Pack. When I was a kid I use to like this show a […]

Disneytoon-cember Part 10: Timon and Pumbaa

After the failure of Shnookums and Meat, Disney decided that if they couldn’t come up with any new and creative ideas they would use ideas they already had. Because of this we got a lot of toons based off of Disney’s most popular movies at the time. One of those movies was The Lion King […]