Journey to the East Part 4

*It is now 9:30am. Nitsuj is touring the temples starting at the Jizo-ji temple*

(Nitsuj): Wow. I can see why people take this pilgrimage. It’s quite spiritual.

*He then heads towards the Dainichi-ji temple but his stay was short as the temple became crowded with monks and tourists. He decides to go check out the Konsen-ji temple and along the way he spots a peculiar monk who seems different from the other monks that Nitsuj has seen. Taking an interest in him Nitsuj decides to get a closer look at the monk and walks beside him*

(Nitsuj): Hi there. How’s it going desu?

(Monk): Oh good. Yourself?

(Nitsuj): Good. Nice weather today would you say. Nano.

(Monk): Indeed. The perfect weather for temple visiting.

(Nitsuj): You seem a little short on breath as opposed to the other monks I’ve seen poi.

(Monk): Ah yes, I’m not used to walking around this much. It’s both a new and exciting experience for me.

(Nitsuj): Well if you’re interested there’s a shortcut to the Jizo-ji shrine down this alleyway nya.

(Monk): Oh really? Thank you.

*The monk taking Nitsuj’s advice goes down the alleyway with Nitsuj following behind him. Once Nitsuj sees that he and the monk are out of sight he throws the monk to a wall and draws his sword pointing it at the monk*

(Monk): Please! Don’t! I’ll give you anything! Just don’t hurt me!

(Nitsuj): Show me the contents of your backpack.

(Monk): What?

(Nitsuj): Don’t make me repeat myself. I’m counting to three.

(Monk): I assure you there’s nothing in there but food.

(Nitsuj): One.

(Monk): I swear on my life there’s nothing of value in there.

(Nitsuj): Two.

(Monk): Please don’t do this!

(Nitsuj): Three!

(Monk): Alright! Alright!

*The monk quickly pours out the contents of his backpack which is all manga, a few snacks, and a 3DS*

(Nitsuj): Just as I thought. You’re no ordinary monk. You’re an anime-

*The monk quickly covers Nitsuj’s mouth while shushing him*

(Monk): Shhhhhhh~! Please don’t finish that sentence. You’re technically right I am an anime monk. But in name only. The names Hideo. I’m a trainee who was sent here as part my training. I have to do the Shikokou Pilgrimage without anyone discovering my identity. If anyone finds out I’ll be forced to sit through an entire season of Ikkitousen and I hate that anime. So please don’t tell anyone.

*Nitsuj nods his head and Hideo lets go of his mouth*

(Nitsuj): You can relax I won’t tell anyone. But if I’m keeping my mouth shut I expect some equivalent exchange.

(Hideo): FullMetal Alchemist rules huh? Name your price. Rare manga, a figurine, DVD?

(Nitsuj): No. Information will suffice. Tell me where I can find the anime monks?

(Hideo): Woah! That’s top secret information right there. Not even I know where they are.

(Nitsuj): Too bad. I’ve reviewed Ikkitousen in the past and let me just tell you it’s bad. I would hate someone like you sit through that crap. Hope you like pointless panty shots and dumb characters with no plot or story.

(Hideo): Urgh~ no! Alright! I can’t tell you exactly where they are but I can tell you how to reach them. In Akihabara there’s a manga shop called AM Manga. When you go in there check out volumes 2,5,6, and 8 twice of your favorite manga. When you go to checkout make sure the cashier rings them out in this order 6,8,2,5,8. When you do the cashier will ask you why you’re buying two of the same manga volume. When he does you simply say one’s for reading the other’s for admiring. Do that and you’re in.

(Nitsuj): Alright thanks. You’ve been most helpful. And don’t worry your secret’s safe with me. Best of luck on your training Hideo.

*As Nitsuj walks away Hideo calls out to him*

(Hideo): Wait! Before you go I have to know. How did you know I was a fan of anime?

(Nitsuj): Two reasons. One, you were out of breath. All the monks I’ve seen haven’t been out of breath even the ones who are traveling by foot. By monk standards your very out of shape. Two, you didn’t bat an eye at the way I ended my sentences with a random Japanese word. You smiled as if it was normal everyday conversation. A normal monk or Japanese citizen would have been confused or taken offence to a foreigner doing this. But you didn’t. You’ve still got a lot of studying to do kid.

*Nitsuj walks away smiling leaving Hideo a little upset but at the same time admiring Nitsuj’s knowledge and investigation skills. After walking a bit Nitsuj finally comes to the Konsen-ji temple where he once again takes in the sight and goes to sit down on a bench*

(Nitsuj): Well, I know what to do when I find them.

*As Nitsuj sits on the bench he takes one last look around the temple where he gets reminded about his dream from last night*

(Nitsuj): A fox girl at a temple. What was she trying to tell me? Was she telling me to go on the pilgrimage? No she couldn’t be that be ridiculous.

*As Nitsuj wonders what his dream meant a middle aged monk comes to sit by him*

(Middle-aged monk): Quite the view wouldn’t you agree?

(Nitsuj): Yes. I’ve seen pictures of temples before in the past but seeing them in person really does give you a new perspective on him.

(Middle-aged monk): I couldn’t agree more. Mori. Monk from the Kanto region.

(Nitsuj): Nitsuj. Passing tourist. Pleasure.

*Nitsuj and Mori shake hands with each other*

(Mori): Forgive my rudeness, but I couldn’t help noticing that you seemed to be lost in thought before I came over. Something troubling you?

(Nitsuj): Well a little bit. You see lately I’ve been having this weird dream where I’m in a forest and that forest has a fox girl. I have no idea who she is and every time I try to catch her I always wake up. I figured if I came to the temples I might find a clue to who she is and what she’s trying to tell me. But instead I found nothing. I’m beginning to think I’m just a crazy pervert.

(Mori): *Chuckles* That’s quite the active imagination you have there. There is nothing crazy about you. Perverted maybe but let’s be honest we’ve all had are fair dreams of animal girls.

*Nitsuj nods in agreement*

(Mori): Dreams are very mysterious. At times they can show us the past, our fears, situations we subconsciously think about, or someone we miss but are thinking about them.

(Nitsuj): I’ve had many dreams in those categories. But none like these. I’ve had no experience with any foxes in the past, I’m not afraid of them, never once thought of them, and nobody I miss has any relation to a fox.

(Mori): Sometimes there are rare occasions where dreams show us our futures. Things that we will come to face or see in the near or far off future and our dreams are just preparing us for them so that when they come we aren’t surprised.

(Nitsuj): So are you saying I’m gonna meet this fox girl sometime in the future?

(Mori): Maybe. Nothing in this world happens by chance. Everything has a reason for happening. If you’ve been dreaming about this fox girl so many times than chances are this girl will play an important role in your life soon. Whether that role is good or bad is up to you to decide.

(Nitsuj): I see. Thank you, you’ve really help put things in perspective for me.

(Mori): My pleasure. I only wish I could help you out more.

(Nitsuj): Maybe you can. In my dreams I saw the fox girl go into a temple.

(Mori): Japan has many temples. I can think of only the Inari shrine that has any relation to foxes. Can you describe the temple she went into?

*Nitsuj describes the temple from his dream to Mori*

(Mori): Hmm~, from the sounds of it that sounds like the Kirihata-ji temple in Awa.

(Nitsuj): Awa huh? That’s good enough for me. That just happens to be my next stop. Thanks Mori. Best of luck on your pilgrimage.

(Mori): And best of luck on your journey. If we do meet again do tell me more about the fox girl.

*After his conversation with Mori, Nitsuj heads to the bus stop with enough time to board his bus to Awa. In his eyes Nitsuj had determination and anticipation upon arriving in Awa in hoping to get all of his questions answered*

To be continued

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