Project #613: Goblin Slayer S2

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. We’re right in the middle of Aniween and this week I’m joined by the always scary Seras and this week’s guest of honor, Isis.

(Isis): Greetings everyone. So good to be here. You know what this Aniween needs more of? Goblins!

(Seras): And that’s exactly what we’re giving you this week with Goblin Slayer S2.

(Nitsuj): Despite a “controversial” start to the anime, Goblin Slayer was received well by fans. After a successful first season and movie, the second season would finally come out in 2023.

(Seras): It may have taken 5 years, but everyone was happy to see it return. The only downside, White Fox was out as they were focusing on other projects and Liden Films (Arslan Senki) was taking over.

(Isis): Slight disappointment but people were still excited.

(Nitsuj): By the way, why aren’t we hiding in the basement like last time?

(Isis): It’s not seen as controversial anymore and people have dumber things to occupy their time. So let’s take a look at Goblin Slayer S2.

Opening and Ending Theme

(Seras): “Entertainment” by Mili is our opening. First off, having Mili sing for this anime was the right choice. She is a perfect fit for this anime. Second, the song is good. It’s got this calm-before-storm feel to it. I actually do like how it maintains this sense of peace and tranquility despite all the violence going on around it. In a way it’s like a representation of Goblin Slayer’s mind. Despite being surrounded and outnumbered he’s not scared or worried because he knows he can win and will kill them all.

(Nitsuj): For the ending we have “Kasumi no Mukou e” by Yuki Nakashima. Quite the change from the opening and a very beautiful song. If the opening was all about Goblin Slayer’s determination then this ending is the result of that determination. He doesn’t want anyone to go through what he went through. He wants everyone to find happiness as depicted by the priestess, elf, and farm girl.

Episodes 1-4

(Isis): The season starts on an ordinary spring day (according to the anime at least. (Nitsuj): It’s a world full of monsters. There’s nothing ordinary about this day). We see the guild is bustling with new adventurers joining and our favorite goblin slayer, Guts, is taking on requests to slave goblins. After meeting up with the others, they head out to do a bunch of goblin-slaying quests (Seras: Drinks on the guy who kills the least goblins). At the end of the day, they return exhausted. Guts takes a sleeping Hikari back to the guild where he mistakes a new adventurer for a goblin (he smells like one). This kid is a wizard who will be known as Negi, a brat with a mouth who just registered with the guild and wants to slay goblins but doesn’t know the first thing about them (Seras: And yet he runs his mouth like a jackass. It’s like he wants to die. Scene here: Since he has no place to stay, Guts invites him to spend the night at the farm. The next day, we see Hikari try to move up a rank but get denied because they feel that she hasn’t done much. The others suggest she find someone to train, and this leads to Negi talking smack about her and healers in general (Nitsuj: He really does want to die. There’s a golden rule when adventuring: don’t talk smack about the healer. They save your life). Negi finally has enough and says he’s going to slay goblins without anyone’s help but a veteran at the guild has an interesting proposal. Let the kid go goblin slaying with Hikari as the leader of the party.

In episode 2 the group goes on a goblin slaying quest where some goblins have stolen the tools of some dwarfs (Nitsuj: Yeah, you’re probably not going to want those back). They go to their hideout where Hikari does a good job as the leader for the most part. She’s thinking rationally and coming up with good plans. Her only negatives are she gets a little nervous at times, freezes up during the big moments (Nitsuj: I can relate to that. It’s her first time managing others), and she can’t keep Negi in line. Speaking of Negi, he’s pretty much screwing everyone over (Seras: Little shit). He’s constantly complaining, rushing into stuff, not listening and setting off traps like an idiot (are you trying to get everyone killed?). After hearing a scream he stupidly runs off by himself and enters a room where a cleric is being tortured by goblins and a troll (Nitsuj: That girl is alive but she is fucked~ for life). The others come in and save Negi and the girl (honestly, I would have left him there to die). They manage to escape the room and Guts takes down the troll with fire and oil (scene here:, it may not be a goblin but it burns like one). After Guts and Fae catch up to the others the troll reappears with half of its face burnt. They do kill it in a rather cool way and then slay the rest of the goblins with Negi acknowledging his mistakes but refusing to acknowledge Guts (you truly are a fool). After returning from there adventure we get the big reveal that Negi is the little brother of the mage who was killed in the very first episode (Nitsuj: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT~!). Once news of her death spread everyone mocked her for getting killed by goblins and Guts takes his leave. You can tell this reveal really hurts him. Yes, it was a mercy kill but it was still someone’s sister. It was a life he failed to save and he has to live with that (scene here:  

Not much happens in episode 3 we see Guts and a few other veteran adventurers train Negi and some of the other young adventurers of the guild (Seras: We’ve got to keep them alive otherwise the guild’s image is going to be bad). There’s a few lighthearted scenes such as Guts going out to drink with the guys and opening up to them (scene here: Near the end of the episode the goblins have attacked near the training grounds using tunnels (Nitsuj: It’s slaying time).    

In episode 4 Guts tells his group of trainees to huddle up while he goes to investigate the town (Nitsuj: If he’s not back in 15 minutes he’s either killed all the goblins. Or he’s been raped to death). He meets up with the other adventurers and they form a plan to go down into the tunnels and fight the goblins. However Hikari believes that the goblins aren’t here to attack them but rather the new adventurers (they would be easy targets. They don’t know the first thing about goblins, they underestimate them, and they lack battle experience. Put them in a high tense situation like this and they’ll be easy pickings). Hikari volunteers to go and protect them by herself (Seras: She’s grown) and Guts allows it. Sure enough, the goblins were targeting these new adventurers and some of them get killed off before Hikari arrives with Negi and other adventurers who were staying late to do some night training (scene here: We do see Negi more mature this time around as he follows orders, protects everyone, and uses his magic wisely. Guts and the others fight the goblins in the tunnels and decide to just flood them out with water from the lake above them (scene here: The next day Hikari goes up a rank for her leadership skills and Negi decides to leave and go on his own adventure. He even does the impossible and makes Guts laugh (scene here:, it’s like seeing Batman laugh. It’s shocking and heartwarming but at the same time scary).

Episodes 5-8

(Seras): In episode 5 Fae has received a letter asking her to return home for the marriage of her sister and cousin (Nitsuj: Didn’t know she lived in this world’s version of Alabama). She invites everyone to the wedding including Momo and the receptionist who has a crush on Guts (I’m going to call her Sarah. (Isis): That’s a good name for her). Before leaving for the wedding they do a quick goblin slaying quest where they rescue some priestesses and find some stone tablets the goblins were after. They take the tablets to church at Water Town where the Sword Maiden tries to get Guts to stick around and spend time with her (Nitsuj: You’re trying too hard Maiden). Guts takes his leave to hang out with the guys and then the next day they begin rowing down the river to elf territory. Once they enter the territory they can sense something is off and boulders start to rain down on them to end the episode.

At the start of episode 6 the group is being attacked by goblins but through their combined efforts they manage to escape. Once they reach a safe location they set up camp and girls play in the river giving us some fanservice (scene here: (Isis): Got to admit. I didn’t think a series like this could pull off fanservice. (Nitsuj): If it’s an anime there’s a way). The next morning they finally get discovered by Fae’s cousin (Isis: We shall call him, Theo). We get a funny bit where Theo tells them they killed the remaining remnants and then walks in on the girls half-naked to make sure Fae was okay (Nitsuj: I especially like how Guts and the guys weren’t fazed when Theo pulled his sword out on them. Like they know they could take him down with ease if they have to). Theo takes them to the village (Isis: Nice place) where we get to meet Fae’s sister (Nitsuj: We’re calling her Shamir) who’s a little racist and thinks Fae should stop adventuring with the others as it raises some eyebrows among the elves (scene here: As they talk the village gets attacked by. . .a brontosaurus (this world has dinosaurs in it?).  

Episode 7 opens up with the group taking on the brontosaurus. We do find out that a goblin rider is controlling it (Isis: Not too well I might add). They take out the rider, immobilize the dinosaur, and heal whatever injuries it might have. The next day, they head out for the goblin’s nest via river. In a clever moment they actually use Ryu’s skeletons as decoys to make it down the river safely. They reach the nest which is a fortress and inside they find out that the goblins were planning to poison their river supply (lil fuckers. Scene here: Guts comes to the conclusion that the goblins are being led by a shaman and before continuing their extermination they decide to rest.    

The battle against the goblins begins in episode 8. To my shock it’s actually the priestess who hurts the shaman the worst (and she does in the most priestly way possible). Using the purify skill she purified the impure blood in the shaman pretty much replacing all of his blood with water and almost killing him (scene here: (Nitsuj): Holy shit, that is amazing. I have never seen a monster get hurt like that). The shaman would taint his blood again to save his life but it’s too late. Goblin Slayer and the others flood the temple and wish out all the goblins to kill them. After that, there’s the wedding which was nice (scene here: and we find out what that tablet from a few episodes back was saying. Apparently, a gate to Hell is being opened (Isis: This really is Doom minus the guns).   

Episodes 9-12

(Nitsuj): At the start of episode 9 Guts and the others have taken on a quest to exterminate some sea goblins causing trouble. They find out that it wasn’t sea goblins but instead sea serpents. Despite being annoyed and disappointed that it’s not goblins, Guts helps the others take down the sea serpents with ease (scene here: In the second half, the Sword Maiden returns with a quest. She wants Guts to escort her to a meeting (Seras: You’re still trying too hard). The road to the meeting is being blocked by goblins and thanks to her trauma she’s too afraid to go by herself (talk about convenient). Guts accepts the request and gets his group together. They all head out where no goblins attack them during the day. At night, it’s a different story (Isis: I’m beginning to think they’re nocturnal. Scene here: The goblins attack at night but they’re able to hold them off quite easily despite their numbers. While they kill a good number of them, Guts knows that more of them are still out there and they have this hand-shaped tattoo on their back. The next morning they reach the capital.

In episode 10 we start by focusing on a noble girl who we find out later is the princess and wants to get out and go adventuring but her brother forbids it. So she sneaks out at night (Isis: Teen rebellion at its finest) and steals clothes from adventurers (Seras: You know they could kill you over something like that). The clothes she settles on are Hikari’s clothes which she stole at a bathouse. Hikari is distraught by this because she took her treasured chainmail the first thing Guts praised her on. The next day she attempted to leave the kingdom via wagon only to get attacked and captured by goblins (yeah, she’s gonna get raped). The king (her brother) can’t mobilize the army given the fact that she’s a thief and fled the castle of own will (Seras: The last thing he needs is other nations talking shit about him). He needs a tight-lipped adventurer who will take the mission and won’t say anything to anyone (Isis: And then they heard the Doom music). Enter Guts and the others who say they’ll take the quest (man, imagine being so deprived of doing what you enjoy that you bust into a meeting of VIPs and wholeheartedly accept their quest).

Episode 11 sees Guts and the others on the goblins trail where they arrive at a mountain that has a large dungeon. They put together that the princess hasn’t been killed or raped yet and is instead a sacrifice for some ritual (Seras: Which I’m assuming requires her to be pure. Minus the gloves. (Isis): You know). Once they enter the dungeon they’re immediately attacked by goblins but manage to fight their way down to the main hall where they are conducting a blood ritual. Hikari manages to stop the ritual by turning the blood into water and then Guts kills the priest goblin by causally walking up to it, kicking it in the balls, and clubbing it to death (scene here:, you love to see it).       

In the final episode, one of the goblins used their final breath to enact the ritual and transforms into a giant hand of a greater demon (scene here:, this is what they were trying to summon? (Isis): They really are crazy idiots). The giant hands tries to freeze them to death but when that fails it decides to take a more physical route and attack them directly (Seras: When did this become Smash Bros.? (Nitsuj): Actually the hands would be like: Ha! Not so bad now are we?). Using quick thinking they trap it in the elevator where it gets smashed to death (scene here: After this they make it outside where they see a whole army of goblins waiting for them. Seeing this as the end of the line, they all prepare to go out, but all of a sudden they’re saved by the Sword Maiden who brought paladins to fight (she came to save her goblin-slaying daddy). Actually, in all seriousness, this is a pretty inspiring scene. She’s still scared and you can see her trembling at the mere sight of the goblins. But despite this she’s fighting through her fears and trauma to protect the one who gave her courage and understands what she’s been through (scene here: After the rescue we actually do see the masterminds behind this whole ordeal get taken out by another masked helmet-wearing hero known as the Diamond Knight. Everyone returns safely where Hikari finds out that the princess became a devote follower of the Earth Mother because she wants to be just like Hikari. As for Guts, he returns home to Momo where he says things don’t change but he’ll keep marching forward doing what he believes is right.   

Final Thoughts

(Isis): And that was the second season of Goblin Slayer. Overall it’s not as strong as the first season, but it’s still a good season.

(Seras): This season does a good job focusing on more characters and showing Guts’s human side. It’s kind of cute seeing him hanging out with the guys and sharing a drink with them. If not for Hikari and the others I don’t think this is something he would have ever done in the past.

(Nitsuj): The new character Negi seemed like a waste. I was hoping he would stay with the group but nope, they get rid of him. I wanted him to get put in his place and realize just how dangerous goblins can be. He does learn a little humility by the end of his departure but I just feel like he was let go too quickly.

(Isis): I like how they showed the goblins in a more dangerous position as they’re performing rituals, using underground tunnels, and even manipulating the guardian of a forest to their will. It backs up what Guts has been telling people this whole time. Goblins are more clever than the average adventurer thinks and if underestimated they will kill you.

(Seras): Despite being a different studio the animation still looks the same however, I do think the fight scenes received a slight downgrade. They don’t look as gory and messy as the previous season.

Final Score

(Nitsuj): My final score for Goblin Slayer S2 is a 7/10.

(Seras): I have to go with a 6.5/10.

(Isis): I’m giving it a 7.5/10. So if we combine those scores we get a 21/30 which averages out to 7/10 according to our scale.

(Nitsuj): That sounds about right. In the end this is a solid season. There’s nothing all that great about it but there’s nothing bad about it either. It’s a good season with some good focus on the characters and developing them. If you like the first season we think you’ll enjoy this season.

(Seras): Well, that does it for us. Thanks for reading.

(Isis): And we’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj as Aniween continues.  


*Nitsuj starts convulsing in his seat before he falls to the ground*

(Seras): A taser in the seat. Very innovated.

(Isis): Technology is truly amazing.

(Nitsuj): I feel it in my ass!

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