The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 9

*Two days later in London. Nitsuj wakes up from his bed in the manor. He gets out of bed, grabs a quick shower, brushes his teeth, gets dressed, and heads downstairs to the kitchen* (Anthony): Good morning master Nitsuj. (Nitsuj): Morning Anthony, how are you this fine morning? (Anthony): Excellent sir. Pancakes will be ready […]

The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 8

*Returning to London, Kenji drives the group out of town and they arrive on the outskirts of a manor* (Nitsuj): So, this is where you’re holding up at huh? Surprised it hasn’t come under attack. (Kenji): This land and manor are owned by the royal family. Only a select few are allowed in. *Kenji drives […]

Evolution of Shonen

Hello. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the summer special as well as my review of Food Wars. So this month I wanted to talk about manga and a certain genre of manga that has existed for many years. That genre is of course, […]

Project #443: Food Wars Part 3

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s time to continue our look at Food Wars with season 2. Released in summer of 2016 and following the success of the first season, fans both old and new were excited to see this series return. While only having 13 episodes instead of 24 like the previous season […]

The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 7

*Back in Cincinnati it was nighttime and Danny along with the rest of AIA were still hunting for Cole. It was beginning to rain lightly and everyone was wearing thermal googles to help them see better in the dark. Danny was in the van watching monitors* (AIA Agent): We’ve been at this for hours chief. […]

The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 6

*In an unknown location, Nitsuj’s unconscious body gets taken out of the van and into an elevator. The elevator goes down and stops in an underground facility* (Suspicious person): Take his phone and crack it open. We must make sure he hasn’t shared our secrets with anyone else. *The suspicious people drag Nitsuj’s body off […]

Project #442: Food Wars Part 2

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s time to continue are look at Food Wars. At the end of the last review we saw Souma take his first real lost at the school. It made him realize that he’s a big fish in the culinary world, but there are much bigger fish out there and […]

The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 5

*Back in Cincinnati, Danny and the rest of AIA were on the hunt for Cole. When he drove away, he ran into the AIA’s blockade and totaled his car. He managed to escape the AIA by running into the woods. Danny is now in the woods with his own unit looking for Cole* (Danny): All […]

The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 4

Important Announcement: Moving forward, the posting of this special will be released on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of the summer. Thank you and please enjoy. *It’s a sunny day in London. Nitsuj is at the con meeting by himself with other speakers and reviewers. The AI girls were busy getting upgraded by Chris […]

Project #441: Food Wars Part 1

(Reaper): Hello. Welcome to Project Nitsuj. I am Pandora Chaos Reaper, but you may call me Reaper. It’s been quite some time since we’ve last seen each other. I hope all of you are well. I am sorry to report that my master and the AI girls are away at the moment and will be […]