Hey guys Nitsuj here, welcome to another side blog the blogs between the blogs. In case you all don’t know yet, the 3rd season of The World God Only Knows is set to air in July and will be focusing on the Goddess arc of the manga. So this means that they’re going to be […]
Author Archive: Nitsuj
Project #27: The World God Only Knows Season 2
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Most of you might remember my review of The World God Only Knows. It was one of my first reviews and an anime based off one of my favorite mangas of all time. The story of a shut-in gamer who’s forced to help capture dangerous souls from Hell by […]
Project #26: The Top 11 Power Rangers
Hello and welcome to a special blog of Project Nitsuj. When I was kid, before I got into anime before I knew anime existed there were three shows that played a huge part of my childhood. Batman the animated series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers. Out of these three shows Power Rangers had […]
Project #25: One Piece Film Z
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well, I think I’ve made it clear by now that I am a huge One Piece fan. To me, One Piece is the greatest manga in the world and what I consider to be the rightful successor of Dragonball Z. The characters are funny, realistic, and people you come […]
Project #24: Howl’s Moving Castle
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about Hayao Miyazaki. He is Japan’s highest grossing film director and has even earned the title “The Walt Disney of Japan”. He earns this title by creating masterpiece after masterpiece of animated movies that are not only enjoyable for kids but for adults as well. He has […]
Project #23.5: Screw-Ups Part 2
Screw-up 50&51: Negi was never working on any potions when Konoka came in. In the manga chapter for this episode it just starts with Negi and Konoka in the city and the cheerleaders spot them. The whole goddamn opening scene for the anime never happened. Screw-up 52: The cheerleaders never picked a fight with Negi […]
Project #22.5: Screw-Ups Part 1
Hello, Nitsuj here welcome to the side blog the blogs between the blogs. Well, seeing as how I’ve reviewed the first half of Mahou Sensei Negima and pointed out the number of screw-ups the anime made I felt it was only right to tell you how they really happen in the manga. So for this […]
Project #23: Mahou Sensei Negima Part 2
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well as you can see everything went well in court, after I told them what I was doing they sympathized with me and allowed me to go. However, my punishment still continues as I’m force to keep watching this ass of an anime. So let’s get the counter ready […]
Project #22: Mahou Sensei Negima Part 1
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. You know, I remember a while back ago Suede, one of the reviewers for the site said that there are two types of arguments in the world, objective and subjective. Objective means something is absolutely true, there is no arguing it or disagreeing with it because it is true. […]
Project #21.5: Shiny Festa and Puchim@s
Hey guys Nitsuj here and welcome to another side blog the blogs between the blogs. Well, it’s time I finish up the Idol arc by talking about the Idolm@ster OVAs simply known as The Idolm@ster: Shiny Festa. These 3 OVAs came out with the new Idolm@ster game The Idolm@ster: Shiny Festa for the PSP released […]