Shadow Eye Vol. 4 Preview

(Hibana): Remember to follow the script. We can’t make a move until the actual goods are in your hands. (Dust): Don’t worry. This isn’t the first arms deal I’ve done. (Morgan): I don’t doubt it. *Dust ends the call and sits on a chest waiting for Jamie to show up. All of a sudden, two […]

Shadow Eye Vol. 3 Preview

(Aitana): We’ve got company, and it’s not the good kind. *Popping out from the bushes and behind boulders were Eclipses in the form of mountain lions. There were seven total by Aitana’s estimates and they were slowly approaching the two demihumans. Aitana smiled and pulled out her macuahuitl to prepare for battle as the Eclipses […]

Shadow Eye Vol.2 Preview

(Ivo): What are you idiots doing!? Get up there and stop him! (Driver): Sir, shouldn’t we keep the other knights at bay? (Ivo): Don’t worry about them! This elf is way more dangerous! Now shut up and drive! The rest of you, kill that elf! *The four drivers of the vans hearing Ivo’s orders loud […]

Shadow Eye Preview

*It is nighttime in the kingdom of Brister where a female rabbit demihuman with brown hair and her little daughter with brown hair as well have been cornered in an alleyway by five human supremacists wearing masks to cover their identity. The mother demihuman holds her child close to keep her safe all while looking […]

Jin Hephaestus: The Makings of The Maker

*In the kingdom of Brister lies the Landshill Academy, the prestigious knight academy that takes the young men and women of the kingdom and turns them into knights. It’s a tough 3 years of training but those who graduate from the academy are then accepted into one of four knight orders and given a job […]

Sanada Kudoyama: The Wind Samurai

*In a mountainous region where storm clouds are forming and thunder can be heard, two spies from the kingdom of Brister are running away from mercenaries hired to kill them. The spies are a man named Zeke with blue hair and green eyes while the other is a short young dark-skinned merfolk girl named Sera […]

Raika Sharara: The Ranger of Lightning

*Out in the clearing of a forest with red leaf trees, just miles outside of a nearby village in the kingdom of Brister, thirteen poachers are loading up a bunch of foxes into their trucks. The foxes were part of an animal protection program in the area and were worth a fortune. One fox that […]

Morgan Lanchester: The Scholar of Ice

*It’s a bright sunny day in a forest where a group of college students are studying some ruins just outside the kingdom of Brister. Watching over them were some knights who went deeper into the ruins and their teacher, Professor Morgan Lanchester. Morgan had developed a reputation as being a tough but fair teacher who […]

Jade Xochitl: The Stone Wolf

*Out in the wastelands at night a group of human bandits have set up camp along the road near some cliffs blocking anyone from passing through safely. They rob and murder anyone and have also captured demihumans which they intend to sell off in the slave market. The ringleader for this group of bandits was […]

Zia Aeberos: The Warrior Songstress

*It’s a quiet night in the capital of Brister as down by the pier a car pulls up to a warehouse. Exiting out of the car is a group of four lion demihumans. three of the lion demihumans were wearing brown jumpsuits while their leader who has brown hair, yellow eyes, and wearing a white […]