*Staggers from floor to get to desk* Hello. . .and welcome to Project. . .whatever my name is. Welcome to the first installment of the Ikkitousen arc. Where throughout the month of August I’ll be reviewing the 4 seasons of Ikkitousen the anime and yes. . .it is the worst anime I have ever seen in my life. . .God help me *passes out to the floor*. *One hour and cold shower later* Alright, I’m starting to recover now. You’re probably thinking “Nitsuj is just exaggerating, it can’t be that bad, and he’s just joking to build excitement” no I’m being dead serious here. Ikkitousen or Battle Vixens when translated is by far the worst anime I have ever seen in my life. The anime is based off of a manga by the same name written by Yuji Shiozaki who has also written Battle Club. The story is based off of the popular Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in which the characters are high school students living in modern day Japan who are said to be reincarnations of the historical figures in the novel and are in a turf war with each other for supremacy over the Kanto region (Japan’s largest island, center of power during the Kamakura and Edo period, and where Tokyo is located). In 2003 the anime studio J.C.Staff (Hidan no Aria) decided to turn the manga into an anime because of how popular the manga was becoming. Now at first glance this sounds like a good series, with plenty of fighting, story, and characters to keep you interested and invested into the series but after you see the first episode you’re gonna realize you were taken in as a fool. Let’s not waste any more time and get the arc of hell started this is Ikkitousen. Also, I’m watching the dub.
Opening and Ending Theme
Our opening is “Drivin’ through the Night” by move. I have to admit I kinda of like the song. The beat is good, the singer is lively and sounds good, it’s not something I would listen to on a regular basis but I could see myself listening to this song every once in a while. The ending for this anime is “Fate” by Yukie Ozaki. Once again another good song sung by another good singer. Much like the opening the beat is good but the difference is it’s not as loud as the opening. The singer seems a little more peaceful and calm. But honestly this really doesn’t sound like an ending if anything this sounds like it could work as an opening for the anime as well.
Episodes 1-4
We start this ass of an anime off with the narrator explaining to us the story of our anime which I talked about in the intro. There are 9 schools battling for power and how the students fighting in this great battle are simply known as “fighters” (*sarcasm* oh thank goodness, I thought they were gonna be called something cooler and less cliché). We then cut to the Nanyo High School where we meet unfortunately our main character Hakufu voiced by Carrie Savage. No wait I’m sorry we get a face full of her panties first and then we meet Hakufu. You know what, I’m gonna have some fun with this anime, let’s start a panty counter because I wanna show you guys just how much this anime exploits the panty shot (panty shot:1), keep on checking as you read because that number is gonna keep going up. Hakufu has just transferred into the school where she’s greeted by a majority of the students who begin to fight her (nice welcoming party). She takes them on beating them all up and as she fights you’ll see the first problem with this anime. Our main character is an idiot and no I’m not talking about your classic anime idiot that you see in harem animes I’m talking about a straight up idiot who is dumber then rocks, who is so dumb that she doesn’t even realize when some guy is giving her a feel down on her big breast and body, that kind of idiot. As she fights the next person who steps up to fight her is Gakushuu a giant muscular man (we sure he’s a high school student because this guy seriously looks like a steroid junkie from the NFL) who is one of the strongest fighters in the school and despite his intimidating appearance we find out later he’s actually a very nice guy. He tells Hakufu to kick him as hard as she can to test her strength (Gakushuu’s a masochist, who knew) and she does that but it has no effect on him (we find out later that it does have effect on him so much that he falls to the ground in pain) as he brushes it off, throws her in the air and punches her across the field like volleyball (I normally don’t approve of men beating up on women but in the case of this anime it’s all for the greater good, https://youtu.be/N_q2wBzT6uU, ay). She passes out and wakes up in the infirmary where she’s greeted by her cousin and caretaker Koukin voiced Ted Sroka who’s not really that strong a fighter yet his mission in life is to protect Hakufu from danger (*goes back to watch previous scene*. . .well so far he’s doing a bang up job). She wakes up looking for her bead she lost which proves she’s a fighter and explains to Koukin that the reason she’s here is because her mother wants her to you guess it, take over the country. As she’s looking for it Saji another one of the strongest fighters in school and womanizer comes in and returns the bead that she lost. He’s voiced by Justin Gross (Goh from Angel Tales). How he get it, well he was the guy who groped her at the beginning. They go to his house where we see that Hakufu’s mother, Goei who is a cougar is there waiting for them. She’s there to make sure they don’t have sex while their alone and they drink the night away in order to celebrate their reunion (lady they’re cousins! Even if they weren’t Koukin wouldn’t have the balls to tap that ass and even if he did Hakufu can take him down I mean we just saw her take down 6 guys I’m pretty she can handle herself. But then again she’s an idiot so yeah). We then cut to Gakushuu who finished beating up other fighters in the park where he gets a surprise attack from Ryomou another student from Nanyo who is the 2nd most notable character in this series because of her personality and use of submission moves to beat her opponents (she also wears a maid outfit in a majority of her fights so that’s an eye opener right there and she wears an eye patch but we’ll get to that at a much later time). She’s voiced by Willow Lane. She breaks Gakushuu’s arm and locks in a submission move that causes him to pass out (oh and she’s getting off on this). We end with Koukin taking a bath and Hakufu getting in with him and falling asleep (holy shit the mother was right, they were gonna have sex. Also as for the panty counter were at 27 and believe it or not this isn’t even the worst part).
In episode 2 the leader of Nanyo academy Enjutsu gives the imperial order for students to take down Hakufu and Koukin but really it was Saji who manipulated Enjutsu to give the order. Koukin gets ambushed by some students and Hakufu gets attacked by another strong student named Kannei who is absolutely insane. He fights her but Ryomou who is being manipulated by Saji comes in, takes out Kannei and starts to fight Hakufu herself (man, alliance means nothing in this school does it). Koukin beats the other students after finally getting serious but he gets taken out by Saji who leaves him in a pool of his own blood (again, he’s doing a great job as a bodyguard isn’t he). Ryomou keeps throwing Hakufu trying to paralyze her but she keeps getting back up and fighting (she’s a killing machine I tells ya). After a few harsh words from Saji (who Ryomou has a crush on) Ryomou decides to get serious and she puts Hakufu in a gogoplata hold which causes Hakufu to jizz her panties and faint (I’m not kidding, they even show her jizzing her panties). However, she gets back up after losing consciousness and German suplexes Ryomou on the hard floor causing her to bleed intensely to end the episode (And in case you were wondering where the teachers and principal are in all of this well I have no idea. In fact, throughout this entire anime we never see a teacher at any of the schools. My theory is that the students killed the teachers and principal and took over the school that’s the only explanation I can come up with. Panty count: 66).
Episode 3 cuts to the next day after the events from yesterday (oh what the hell, you don’t drop a scene like that go back and the fill in the blanks). We see in the flashbacks that Hakufu’s ancestral instincts took over her body and she started to attack Ryomou almost killing her and breaking Saji’s arm until she snapped out of it. She doesn’t remember those events from yesterday but she does remember losing to Ryomou and decides to run away from home where she gets picked up by these 2 guys who plan to rape her and like the dumbass she is she goes with them because they promised to feed her since she was hungry (are you fucking kidding me!? How stupid can this girl be!? Were you not taught stranger danger as a kid and even if you weren’t you should know not to trust them!). They take her to a karaoke bar (which she can’t even pronounce; fuck this character) but they get interrupted by another girl fighter named Ukitsu voiced by Amy Treadwell who comes from another school and who we find out later is destined to kill Hakufu (oh thank the good Lord, my prayers have finally been answered, please let it come soon). She beats the guys up and saves Hakufu; as their walking and talking they spot another fighter named Genjou a street fighter who is gun-ho about the basics of fighting and considers the streets his dojo since he’s a street fighter (I hate to tell you this but the streets ain’t your dojo in fact if Capcom has their way it might just be the trashcan soon). He’s fighting some other fighters who are using knives to fight but Hakufu comes in and helps him beat them and starts to feel good about herself again. We end the episode with her going back to school and repairing the damage she caused from her fight, students from other schools receiving the message to take out Hakufu, and Saji goes to meet Toutaku the main antagonist and winner from the previous tournament of fighters which makes him the ruler of the Kanto area. He’s said to be sadomasochist as we see him covered in bandages all the time from the pain he inflicts on himself. We also see that he’s quite perverted as he usually gropes all his female underlings at will and engages in sexual activities with them. He’s also a botanist (panty count: 82).
In episode 4 the schools under Toutaku’s control setup a trap for Hakufu by capturing Koukin (I’m not even surprise anymore, he’s already proven that he’s a useless bodyguard so he might as well be a damsel in distress). She uses her cellphone to contact him after he left in the middle of their training (she knows how to use a phone? Shocking) and receives a message from the thugs telling her to come and save her boyfriend (their cousins man, this anime is already hard to watch, don’t try to force incest into it). After Koukin finds out that they were ordered by Toutaku to attack Hakufu he leaps into action and starts to fight them seriously (you should have been doing that from the beginning you son of a bitch) but their leader Taishiji (one of the top 5 fighters in Kanto) shows up and challenges him to land one hit on him to which he agrees. Koukin manages to land a hit on Taishiji because he’s distracted by Hakufu arriving but he gets hit himself and goes down for the count (even when he wins he loses, it’s unbelievable). He decides to leave since he promised that if Koukin landed a hit he would not fight Hakufu but Hakufu insist on fighting and loses as well (https://youtu.be/qileP4bAzek). Taishiji takes his leave not killing Hakufu because he felt the hidden strength within her but he gets taken out by his boss and his own underling and gets hospitalized where he slips into a coma. While that’s going on Saji gets done talking to Toutaku who puts him in a fight with Ryofu his ex-girlfriend who is a bisexual (0_0 you got hot quickly) and claims that Saji raped her which he somewhat admits to it but he says it isn’t rape since she enjoyed it (hey rape is just surprise butt sex, you hate it at first but after a few seconds you learn to love it). She easily beats him and goes back to Toutaku to give him some chest licking service despite her clothes being half destroyed (well he may be a little crazy but he’s got good taste in women) and he issues the order to start the Fighters tournament (Panty count: 85).
Episodes 5-9
Not much happens in episode 5. We find out that the Fighters tournament to decide the next head of the area will be starting soon and that Koukin, Hakufu, and Ryomou are to represent Nanyo academy in the tournament (wait I’m confuse, I thought the whole story was just a turf war for supremacy. Like, I take over your area and you either join me or get lost. What’s this talk about a tournament? Are you seriously telling me that the deciding factor for the leader of this turf war is decided by some damn Tekken rip-off tournament? No, that’s not how a turf war is fought, you invade the area of your enemy and beat the fucker until he either submits to you or hands the area over to you in a straight up fight. Hell, Baka and Test was closer to a turf war then this anime). Hakufu finds out what happened to Taishiji and goes to his school where she unleashes her hidden power again and completely destroys their leader along with the rest of the school. Ryomou goes to look for Saji and she gets confronted by Ryofu who taunts her by saying Saji was her man which angers Ryomou since she likes him (why!? He’s. . .he’s. . . https://youtu.be/EYWbatgKN4g, what he said. Seriously, why do you like this guy, he’s a manipulative prick who pretty much just uses you to accomplish his own goals. Not to mention he’s a womanizing bastard who gropes women behind your back and has no remorse for the act whatsoever). Also, I hate to go off on a tangent but this is something I feel needs to be address, the fanservice in this anime sucks. I mean sucks with a capital S. Oh, trust me, there’s plenty of fanservice but it’s timed and placed poorly into the anime. In almost every scene we are getting a shot at a girl’s panties or her humongous breasts that we see because her clothes which might as well be made out of wet tissue paper because every time someone hits them their clothes just automatically rip like wet tissue. That’s not how fanservice works, fanservice is all about timing, putting it in the right place at the right time. Take To Love Ru for example (Isis: That anime is pure fanservice) true, but at least the fanservice is done well. It’s timed perfectly to the scene, it comes and flows naturally, and not once do I feel that it’s out of place or over used. Senran Kagura even did a better job with their fanservice, sure they failed on it but I give them credit the timing and placement of it was done well it just didn’t live up to the expectations of the series it was based off of. Here, the anime is convinced that if it doesn’t show a panty shot for at least once a scene the audience is gonna lose interest and turn on something else (Panty count: 107. We’re in the triple digits now).
Okay, picking up where episode 5 left off Ryomou fights Ryofu and gets paralyzed by her (Ryofu wins. Paralyze-ality). But to add insult to injury Ryofu gives into her lesbian lust and has her way with Ryomou (scene here: https://youtu.be/Ku6kP1iGn04, and if you can believe this she ups and forgives her later on for this. See, it just like I said before. Rape is surprise butt sex, you hate at first but after a few seconds you learn to love it). We cut to the next day where Hakufu, Koukin, and Gakushuu go to the first round of the tournament where they fight these two guys from another school whose names and school I don’t care to remember since were not gonna see them again (also this tournament is very well organized, we got refs, cameramen taping all the fights, venues closed off to bystanders and average citizens who are somehow scared but okay with this, and text messages keeping watchers up to date on who wins each match. They’re treating this thing like March Madness). Gakushuu gets taken out because he is a weak ass pussy but Ryomou shows in her maid outfit (why is she wearing a maid outfit while everyone else is wearing a school uniform is beyond me. I guess it’s her battle armor) and takes out the two no name fighters with ease. As Hakufu and Koukin get Gakushuu outside to safety they get attacked by Kannei who has been given orders to kill Hakufu (https://youtu.be/tfslY_AvhLw). We also see that Saji is recovering from his injuries in Ryofu’s house who is nursing him back to health (he’s staying at his ex’s house? The ex who he allegedly raped and is now his enemy? Has he not seen Misery?). We end the episode with Ryomou going to the next match by herself (Hakufu and Koukin are still being chased by Kannei) where we see that her next opponent is Kanu who is hands down the best fighter in this entire series and the only character who doesn’t get on my nerves (Panty count: 144).
Once again not much happens in episode 7. We start off with Saji cleaning Ryofu’s carpet, making her fountain of youth flow. . . he’s eating her out (really Ryomou this is the guy you want to take your virginity). After you’re done pleasuring yourself to that scene we cut to Hakufu who manages to beat Kennei but Koukin’s arm gets fractured (no big lost there he wasn’t doing anything to begin with). They then go to the fight where they see that Kanu has defeated Ryomou but she managed to break Kanu’s arm. Hakufu takes her on and as the fight keeps getting intense she unleashes that powerful entity within her only this time is able to control it somewhat but she still loses to Kanu who decides to dropout even though she still had enough energy to keep on fighting (*smashes desk* why is such a badass girl like you a lesbian). As she leaves she warns Ryomou and Koukin that a dragon resides in her and that they should keep an eye on her. Saji finally decides to leave Ryofu’s house but warns her to be careful because Toutaku has plans to kill her in the near future. Why? Well, according to history Ryofu is responsible for Toutaku’s death in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Toutaku is convinced that history will repeat itself. Once Saji leaves Ryofu decides that she’s going to take over her school and over throw Toutaku (see history is already repeating itself) and we end with some lesbian action between Ryofu and her servant Chinkyuu (Panty count: 190).
In episode 8 Nanyo loses to Genjou’s school and are out of the tournament. We also see that Goei has developed a crush on Genjou and often flirts with him. Ryofu and her sex toy leave Toukatu’s school and vow to return to kill him. Genjou’s school is declared the winner of the tournament since the other school dropped out but rules state Toutaku’s school remains at the top since Genjou’s school didn’t fight in the final match. But their leader, Sousou says they’ll invade the school and kill the bastard in his sleep. Again, not much happens in this episode and it’s around here I found myself asking where the hell the story to this anime is? Yeah, there is literally no relevant story to this anime. How? How do you forget the most important and critical part of any anime. Did they really think they could cover up their mistakes by putting in pointless fanservice (granted the boobs and panty shots were a good distraction but they can cover so much)? Again, going back to To Love Ru even though the story is mostly fanservice there’s at least a story I can follow. I know who the characters are, I know what their motives and objectives are, and I know the situation they’re all in. I mean what’s not like about Rito’s situation; he’s got my envy. Even. . . I can’t believe I’m saying this. . .even Queen’s Blade has a story. . .yes I watched it. Now that doesn’t mean it’s a good anime it just means that they at least knew what they were doing. They know their story is pure smut. They don’t shy away from it at all and don’t try to downplay it but instead embrace it. The story is simple and easy to follow and surprisingly the fanservice is done well for the most part. When Queen’s Blade got started they knew what the story was going to be about, who the characters were, and what their motives and situations were. They knew that if they’re gonna make a pure fanservice anime they at least have to have a story to get the audience interested. Ikkitousen on the other hand, they just put all of their focus into the fanservice and ditched the story entirely, they even messed up on their attempted story by throwing in this whole tournament thing which makes no sense given the whole premise of the show. The show is a turf war between schools whose students are reincarnated versions of historical figures battling for supremacy. Not some lame fighting game rip-off that you guys made up and decided to end within 2 ½ episodes because you didn’t know what to do next (Panty count: 209).
Episode 9 is the fanservice episode within the fanservice anime (fanserviception?). Hakufu, Koukin, and Goei go to a hotsprings in the mountains where they run into Ryomou, Ryofu, and Hakufu’s old teacher. If there’s anything important that we discover in this episode it’s three things. One, Enjitsu is dead and has been dead for months, two, the awakening of Hakufu’s dragon is unavoidable and that she will die (and the bad news?), and three, we find out that Ryofu has a rare medical condition and that she doesn’t have long to live (Panty count: 223).
Episodes 10-13
In episode 10 nothing really happens (I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record but it’s true, there really is nothing of interest happening in these episodes). Hakufu and Koukin go to a water park where we see Koukin is easily aroused by Hakufu (dude that’s your cousin that is messed up man. I don’t care if you guys aren’t blood related you are literally checking out one of your relatives). Chinkyuu goes behind Ryofu’s back and sneaks back into Tokatu’s school to try and steal the Gyokuji, the imperial seal that allows whoever has it to rule over the Kanto area. She gets captured by Kaku (Tokatu’s advisor) and her soldiers who knock her out and have their way with her. Ryofu finds out about this and goes to the school to get back Chinkyuu. Back on Hakufu’s side she unknowingly meets Tokatu who gives her a watermelon and leaves a bruise mark on her shoulder unbeknownst to her and we see Ukitsu showing up to battle Hakufu to release her dragon and kill her (finally, something to root for in this anime. Also, why are they going to fight in the middle of the pool area where are children and innocent bystanders? Take it somewhere else. Panty count: 227)
Things finally start to heat up in episode 11. We start off with Hakufu fainting from the bruise Tokatu gave to her and Ukitsu decides to retreat for the moment (no, she’s bluffing finish her. How dare you cock tease me with the events from the last episode, fuck you). We find out later that the bruise is actually a curse that will continue to spread throughout Hakufu’s body killing her within 3 days and the only person who can remove it is the person who put it on her. So decides to go on a field trip to Tokatu’s school (she actually got on the right train and everything, a part of me was expecting her to go to the wrong school and die) with Ryomou somehow magically catching up to her and joining her on her trip. They arrive at the school where Tokatsu shows Hakufu his big watermelons in the school garden (I think he’s trying to compensate for something). Ryomou tries to take him down with one of her submission moves but it has no effect on him and he threatens to kill her unless Hakufu kills Ryofu who is coming to kill him. We also see that Chinkyuu dies from her injuries in the hospital and Ryofu decides to go and finish things off (their relationship was a short yet hot love). The final thing we see in this episode is Saji taking Koukin to meet the dead Enjitsu where Koukin gets knocked out, reawakens tied up next to Gakushuu where he sees that Enjitsu is dead and that Saji manipulated Kannei to kill Enjitsu which drove him batshit crazy and has been manipulating everyone to attain his goals which is to rule the Kanto region and he reveals his true name, Ouin (panty count: 239).
Ryofu finally shows up in episode 12 and fights against Hakufu where they badly injure each other. Ryomou breaks free of his grip and goes to check on Hakufu who she believes is dead and in a fit a rage tries to attack Tokatu. He grabs her and is about to kill her but Ryofu tackles him to the ground and uses a move that shoots a hole through both of their stomachs. Ryofu dies and so does Tokatu but not before removing the curse he put on Hakufu and warning her about Ouin saying that she must kill him (I couldn’t agree more). The next day Hakufu and Ryomou go to confront Ouin in the mountains who fights against Hakufu to awaken her dragon. The dragon awakens and he uses his powers to take control of her mind and when all seems lost she instantly grabs his neck and starts to strangle him and we see that Tokatu has transferred himself into Hakufu’s body and has taken control of it to kill Ouin (https://youtu.be/kdhhQhqi_AE, panty count: 276).
The fight continues in the final episode with Tokatu still in control of Hakufu’s body. Kannei tries to interfere and gets seriously in the process (later crazy, you won’t be missed). Koukin steps in and tries to snap Hakufu out of it but gets beaten up instead (of course he does, that’s all he’s been good for this whole season). Just when she’s about to kill him Ukitsu shows up and fights Hakufu which gives the dragon inside of her the strength to fight back and expel Tokatu’s control. With his plans ruined and realizing he can’t escape his fate Ouin decides to commit suicide by throwing himself off a cliff but Hakufu, Ryomou, and Gakushuu save him (*karate chops desk* WHY ARE YOU SAVING THIS ASSHOLE!? He used each and every one of you and tried to kill you yet you turn around and save him!? No, how does that make any sense? And believe me this is gonna come back to haunt them). With all that settled Hakufu and Ukitsu finally have their fight the next day (Oh~, this is going to be great *goes to watch scene* they’re both down, they’re not gonna kill each other. Does this mean the dumb bitch is gonna live, https://youtu.be/P3ALwKeSEYs, ARRGH fuck). Yeah, Ukitsu goes against everything the anime was building up and doesn’t kill Hakufu, the two becomes friends, screw their fates, and just fight each other as friends. Through the credits we see that Kaku delivers the Gyokuji to Genjou’s school and joins them where she quickly develops a crush on their leader (way to become a slut in the last episode) and Hakufu is declared the new leader of Nanyo academy and the anime closes with the story promising to continue (panty count: 330)
Final Thoughts
This anime sucks! There is no other word to describe this anime. It has no story, out of control fanservice that becomes distracting and annoying while you watch the show, and characters that are stupid, annoying, and pointless. Hakufu is an idiotic main character who is so stupid that I almost feel embarrassed watching her. And it’s not a likable stupid it’s I really wish this character would go away stupid. Koukin is pretty much useless in this anime, he says he wants to protect Hakufu but every time we see him he keeps getting his ass handed to him and the worst part of this all is he never does anything to improve himself so that it never happens again. We never see him seek training or do some special exercise to improve his strength, he just continues to stand by Hakufu remaining weak, his only purpose in this entire anime is to serve as a meat shield for Hakufu. The rest of the characters are 1-dimensional and don’t really go through that much character development, they’re just each following their own fate and seeing where it takes them. The fight scenes also suck. Seriously, these are some of the worst fight scenes I’ve seen in an anime. In an anime that mostly centers around martial arts you would think they would focus their attention and effort into making the fights instead of focusing on the avalanche of panty shots and boob jiggles that have a mind of their own.
The animation is bad and the music just sounds like they stole it from other animes that the studio owned. As I said before the fanservice is awful, it gets to the point where even I’m insulted watching the anime because of it, this anime was more concerned about giving me a boner then actually entertaining me and it failed in that area as well. I can’t say the story sucks because there is no story whatsoever throughout this anime. Throughout a majority of the anime (I say about 95% of it) I was confused on what was going on and what the anime was focusing on. Even the characters confuse me, I have no idea who any of them are or why they fight. This anime just automatically assumes that we’ve read the book of The Three Kingdoms and just keeps going never stopping to explain anything to us. Sure, there’s a narrator at the end who gives us a brief summary of a character but it goes by so quickly that you never catch who the character is or you forget the character entirely becausethere are so many of them that you’ll ask yourself who is this guy again and why should I care? Finally, the English version of this anime is murder on the ears, the voices are so annoying and don’t fit well with the characters. In fact, the voice actors aren’t even trying at all because they realize how shitty this anime is so I really don’t blame them for just coming in, reading the script and being done with it, I would have done the same thing (actually I would’ve walked out after the first scene of episode 1). The Japanese version is a little better but even then you can tell those guys are hating every minute of it and won’t be putting it on their resume because of the shame and embarrassment they feel (a few really good voice actors actually did the voices for this anime).
Final Score
There’s no defending this anime, the final score for Ikkitousen is our first 1/10 an epic fail of an anime that should not have been created in the first place and should not be watched by the living. And even with this lowest of low scores I still feel as if I’m being generous to this anime. The only thing that I can say is good that this anime gave us (and this is quite the stretch) is that it gave us Kanu and Ryofu who I have to admit are hot but even they’re not enough to save this dick sauce of an anime. I urge you, stay away from this anime at all cost, don’t even think about watching it because everything that is wrong with anime can be found within this series. And if you don’t believe me, well just know that that was only 1 of 4 seasons of shit, I still got three more seasons to get through and I’m gonna need something a lot stronger to get through this month alive. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.
*All videos, music, and pictures used in this blog do not belong to me and belong to their respect owners. All rights reserved*
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