Project #611: Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well guys, it’s Aniween time again and you know who is excited about this month of thrills and terrors.

*A gong rings and in walks Seras with Yin-Yang*

(Seras): It’s time Nitsuj. It’s time.

(Nitsuj): Yep, back by popular demand, it’s Aniween with Seras.

(Seras): And my friends who wanted to enjoy the horror-theme palooza.

(Yin-Yang): Today, we’re focusing on zombies.

(Nitsuj): During the early 2010s the world went through a zombie phase. With shows like The Walking Dead and games like The Last of Us and Resident Evil being big hits it was almost impossible to avoid getting caught in this wave.

(Seras): Anime would also ride this wave and gave us two zombie-themed animes. The first was Highschool of the Dead an ecchi/action survival anime.

(Yin-Yang): And the second was Kore wa Zombie-desu a slice of life high school comedy following the life of a boy who became a zombie.

(Nitsuj): Both animes were big hits and after these two Japan didn’t do another zombie-centered anime until last year when they gave us Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead.

(Seras): Based off a manga written by Haro Aso in 2018 and still going to this day, Zom 100 is the middle ground between H.O.T.D and Kore wa. It had action, comedy, ecchi moments, and the drama you would expect to see in these zombie stories while still adding something new and refreshing.

(Yin-Yang): In 2023, Bug Films one of the newest anime studios to form made their name known with this anime as it was their first major project.

(Nitsuj): The anime was a big hit being named one of the best animes of 2023. Even when episodes got delayed several times due to production issues, everyone was still talking about it and couldn’t wait for the next episode. Let’s start Aniween off right and take a look at Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead.

Opening and Ending Theme

(Seras): The opening is “Song of the Dead” by KANA-BOON. One of the best openings of 2023 and for good reason. It’s catchy, upbeat, fun, and you never get tired of hearing it. The song just encourages you to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

(Nitsuj): The ending is “Happiness of the Dead” by Shiyui. Gonna make a lot of people mad here, I didn’t care for this ending. Now I don’t hate this ending. Hell, I don’t even dislike it. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just didn’t really get into it as much as everyone else did. I like how it’s upbeat and carries the same themes as the opening. Enjoying life and spending it with friends and those you care about.

Episodes 1-4   

(Yin-Yang): The anime opens up with our main character Akira voiced by Shūichirō Umeda watching a zombie movie and thinking how great it would be if a zombie outbreak really did happen (Seras: How do you know it’s not already happening and you’re not a zombie?). We see Akira lives the hard life of a white-collar worker working for a black company. Long hours of work, low pay, abusive chiefs and overtime (scene here: Akira hated his job but what could he do? His conscience won’t let him quit (Nitsuj: Japanese mindset right there) and he didn’t have time to find another job so he was stuck in this hellhole. Akira was miserable that even thoughts of suicide started to creep into his mind (Nitsuj: If it got him out of work I’m sure he would have taken it). One day, when he went to talk to his apartment manager about bike space at his apartment, he walked in to see him getting eaten by a zombie. Eventually, he gets chased by a whole horde of zombies (reminds me of the zombies from 28 Days. Fast bastards). At first, he’s scared but then when he realizes this means he doesn’t have to go to work anymore he is suddenly happy (happier than he’s ever been in his entire life. (Seras): And all it took was a zombie apocalypse. (Nitsuj): Quite sad when you think about it). For the first time in a while, Akira feels alive (he’s no longer colorblind) and is able to escape the zombie horde (Nitsuj: He moves well for an overworked employee. Scenes here: and He decides to use this time to do everything he’s ever wanted. The first thing he does is go confess to his coworker (Seras: Who was having an affair with his boss. (Nitsuj): Eww. How did she put up with that sardine man slobbering all over her?). He makes it to her apartment where his boss is there and he verbally hands in his resignation letter before throwing him out the window because he was a zombie (scene here: Akira just did what everyone has dreamed of doing at some point in their life). Unfortunately for him, the girl he likes has also turned into a zombie and he takes his leave (scene here: After peddling to a dollar door he decides to make a bucket list of everything he’s ever wanted to do and sets out to accomplish them before he gets turned into a zombie (Corbin: I have a list similar to his. *Corbin hands Nitsuj his list* (Nitsuj): It just says sex. A hundred times. (Corbin): No more. No less. Care to help me get started, Seras? *Seras slices Corbin in half with her scythe* (Corbin): I love it when you tease me like this).   

In episode 2 Akira’s new life begins and the first thing he does, clean up his apartment (scene here: I have to admit, there is some humor in the fact that society as he knows it has crumbled and yet he’s treating it like a normal day in paradise. (Nitsuj): Let’s be honest. I’m sure a lot of people would. I probably be one of those people). He decides to spend the day laying around in his room but he’s out of beer and needs to make a run. While his neighbors in the building over are playing out a zombie movie scenario, Akira heads to the convenience store for some beer where he runs into an athletic girl getting supplies as well. Akira tries to exchange information with her, but she’s not interested in teaming up with someone who’s so shortsighted (Nitsuj: The man just spent three years of his life working in hell. Let him enjoy the little things. That’s like the major theme of Zombieland, enjoy the little things). After the two survive a zombie encounter, they go their separate ways with Akira upgrading from his bike to a scooter to a motorcycle (Seras: Give that man a Lexus LFA Nürburgring Edition). Akira makes it back to his apartment where he sees his neighbors are gone (Seras: Yeah, they’re dead) and starts making his list on what he wants to do. In the second story, we focus on the athletic girl who seems to have ties to America and studies the zombies to better plan out her movements. We see how she’s puzzled by Akira and how a guy like him has been able to survive this apocalypse this long (Seras: It’s only been like two days).

Episode 3 sees Akira go to Shinjuku (Nitsuj: The place where the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games are based on). He’s here to rescue his good friend Kencho voiced by Makoto Furukawa (Saitama from One-Punch Man), a friend from college and was the one who encouraged him to quit his job. He works as a real estate agent and when the whole zombie outbreak happened he got trapped in a love hotel and in the bondage room with a chained-up zombie (I have so many questions. Most of them pertaining to the zombie). When they last met they had a bit of an argument so it’ll be interesting to see what’ll happen when they meet again. Meanwhile, in the serious zombie scenario, we see a bunch of hosts defend their club from zombies until the ace of the club is the last one standing (Nitsuj: How is that not a movie? Hosts vs Zombies. I don’t care how stupid it is I would go and see that. (Yin-Yang): And yet you wonder why Hollywood keeps making dumb movies). As the host gets ready to accept his death he gets saved by Akira who lured the zombies away with a loud noise. With the zombies distracted Akira reaches Kencho where the first thing he does is apologize. He was jealous of his success and should have quit his job like he said. Kencho also feels bad because he saw the mental and physical toll the job took on Akira and did nothing to help him. The zombies return and they escape to the roof where they’re trapped. Their only choice is to jump over to the other roof which is far away. Akira makes the jump but Kencho doesn’t think he can make it. Believing that he’s going to die he confesses that he didn’t like his job either. He lied to people, tricked them into bad contracts, and felt empty inside. The truth is he always wanted to be a stand-up comedian. Akira tells him not to give up on the dream and this encourages Kencho to go for the jump all while butt-naked (scene here:  (Seras): Good~. Let the fanservice flow through you). Kencho barely makes it with Akira pulling him to safety. That night, they drink until the sun comes up all while butt naked.    

In episode 4 Akira and Kencho are going TV shopping. After escaping an exploding gas tank truck they make it to an underground mall (scene here: and wind up trapped in a convenience store with other survivors (Nitsuj: Three girls and one white collar. (Yin-Yang): Surprise he hasn’t taken advantage of this scenario. (Seras): Sometimes you’re too scared to act). The girls introduce themselves as Reika, Maki, and Yukari (And the white collar? (Nitsuj): What about the white collar? (Seras): Ha! I was thinking the same thing) who are flight attendants. This works in Akira’s favor as he’s always wanted to wine and dine with a flight attendant (of course given the situation of the world the wine and dine experience will have to be altered). While Kencho gets lucky with Maki, Akira strikes out with the other two after attempting to snort tequila. He gets checked on by Yukari and the two seem to hit it off despite the fact that she has a boyfriend (Nitsuj: Yeah, he’s dead). We find out that the white collar got bitten and finally turns into a zombie. He bites Reika who in turn bites Maki and Kencho manages to kill them both. While Akira and Yukari are talking, she gets bit by the white collar and will turn into a zombie. She tells Akira to run encouraging him to find his own dream to strive for (scene here: Akira meets back up with Kencho who snagged the TV for him (Nitsuj: Is it wrong to say that makes this situation a little better?). They then escape and make it back to their getaway.   

Episodes 5-8

(Nitsuj): Episode 5 sees Akira fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a hero. In a very smart move Akira and Kencho (sporting a new blonde look) go to the aquarium where Akira acquires a swimsuit the same kind of suit divers wear to protect themselves from shark bites (Seras: It’s essentially modern-day chainmail). When a group of passengers on a bus get attacked by zombies, Akira saves them with the suit protecting him from zombie bites (Yin-Yang: But, you know, it’s still a bite. It’s going to hurt like hell when he’s bitten). Everyone retreats to the safety of the aquarium (wow, a full house on a weekday. And it’s not even summertime) where Akira reunites with Shizuka the athletic girl from episode 2. Shizuka voiced by Tomori Kusunoki (LLENN from SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online) abolishes Akira for leaping into action without any plan and putting himself in danger concerning the ones that care about him ( Akira admits that she’s right and starts to wonder what being a hero is. Before he has the answer he and Kencho notice a bunch of water on the floor and go to investigate where they discovered a zombified shark with legs (Seras: Uhhhh~, what?). Yes it turned out the shark ate zombies which in turn made it a zombie (Yin-Yang: What about the legs? (Nitsuj): Damn it Yin-Yang I’m a reviewer not a marine biologist). They run up to the second floor where they run into more zombies (Seras: You guys here for the Penguin exhibit?) who get eaten by the shark (Seras: Ah~, the shark feeding event. Classic). They make it to the emergency stairs but Shizuka gets left behind and about to be shark food (scene here: Akira jumps in to save her saying sometimes you don’t need a reason to save someone (sometimes you just got to wing it and hope for the best). Putting their heads together they manage to deliver an electric punch which knocks out the shark and they all escape the aquarium (scenes here: and Shizuka gives him her information and takes her leave to survive another day. As for Akira and Kencho, they’re off to Gunma to see Akira’s parents.

In episode 6 Akira and Kencho are on their way to Gunma but they’ll need something more secure than a motorcycle in order to reach Gunma safely. They decide to get an RV and head to the convention center where they run into Shizuka (the universe is shipping her with Akira). They invite her to go to Gunma with them but she declines. However, they manage to convince her to team up with them when it gets discovered that she doesn’t have a license (Seras: Have you seen Japan’s roads? It’s a nightmare and with their excellent public transportation it almost seems pointless to have a license). While the guys goof off Shizuka takes this seriously analyzing which RV would suit their needs best. As they argue on which one to take the zombies appear and they hop into the first RV they see (which incidentally looks like the RV from Persona 5 Strikers). They hit the road where they fall into a spike trap and get boxed in by Akira’s chief and his baseball team. Akira freezes in front of him remembering all the mental trauma and verbal abuse he took from him (Yin-Yang: It’s a hard scene to watch as up until this point Akira has been so free and full of energy. But when the fear of his old life comes creepy back in he freezes up remembering that nightmare). Naturally, the trap was set by him in order to make people indebted to him and force them into labor (Seras: Diabolical but brilliant). Wanting to save his friends, Akira agrees to work for his chief for two days. We actually do see how they use the zombies as force labor as well and the chief’s mental hold on Akira continues to control him (like Yin-Yang said it’s a sad scene as Akira begins to fall back into his old life. In his heart, he knows he’s not that corporate slave but the mind just can’t forget the fear he lived through for years).              

Episode 7 sees us still at the truck stop where Akira is reverting back into his old self (Seras: You hate to see it). We get to learn more about Shizuka’s past. We find out that her dad was a big-shot financier in the States and expected her to be perfection personified. Strive for greatness and discard anything that would be seen as useless (Yin-Yang: Oh great, he’s one of those dads). After rescuing and nurturing a sick dog, Shizuka wanted to be a doctor but her dad said no saying they don’t make a lot of money (dude, doctors are some of the highest-paid people in the world, And if you’re a doctor in medicine and surgery then you are set for life). He found the dog and had it put down (oh you sick bastard) and then kept controlling her life saying it was all for her benefit ( Scene here: Returning back to the present, the two days of labor are up and as our trio gets set to leave Akira says he’s staying in order to repay his chief (Seras: For what!? Years of mental and verbal abuse? Get the fuck out of here with that BS and get on the goddamn RV!). Finally seeing enough Shizuka speaks not just for Akira but for everyone who finds themselves in a situation where their self-worth is being destroyed by others (scene here: This manages to bring Akira back to his senses and he tells his chief off (Yin-Yang: In the politest way possible. (Nitsuj): Personally, this would be my way: Before they can leave a zombie gets inside their facility and all hell breaks loose. Sadly, if you were expecting the chief to get turned into a zombie you’re out of luck as Akira saves the bastard (Seras: One thing. That’s all I wanted to see this episode. Scene here: However, this does open up everyone’s eyes to how ridiculous this whole situation is and they all leave him (he won’t last a day out there on his own).  

In episode 8 Akira and the others have finally reached the Gunma prefecture. It’ll still take them an hour to reach his parent’s house but along the way, they see a survivor trapped by zombies. Akira dawns his hero uniform and gets ready to save them only for that person to save themselves by wearing some samurai armor and slashing down their opponents with a naginata and other assorted weapons (Seras: They just became my favorite character. Scene here: The samurai reveals themselves to be Beatrix ( a Japanese otaku from Germany who came to Japan just as the outbreak was happening (Yin-Yang: Quite the welcome if you ask me). She’s voiced by Minami Takahashi (Megumi from Food Wars). She was trying to deliver a truck of fish to Takasaki in order to have a chef whip her up some sushi. Wanting some sushi too, Akira agrees to help out. They make to Takasaki but see that the place is overcrowded with zombies (time to do some euthanizing). They gather up zombies and burn them alive with Molotov cocktails (Seras: Burn baby, burn). With the zombies gone they deliver the sushi and celebrate with delicious food (the taste of victory is always great). In the second half the group arrives in a hot springs town to soak away their fatigue (scene here: Unfortunately, zombies also want to relax and the baths and don’t want to share with humans (Yin-Yang: Fucking racists). The group get stranded on a mountain and have to wait until morning for them to clear out. That night, Shizuka and Akira manage to find a natural hot spring where they share a nice moment together before Kencho and Beatrix show up to soak in the baths as well (scene here:

Episodes 9-12

(Seras): Episode 9 opens with Akira and his dad. We see that the last time the two saw each other it didn’t end on good terms. Akira’s dad wasn’t really all that impressed with Akira’s achievements not because he was being mean or saw them as meaningless but because Akira didn’t seem like he was following his dream and living life to the fullest (yeah, he got into a good college and got a corporate job, but was that the job he wanted or was he just settling? (Nitsuj): Judging by the first episode, he was settling and undermining his value). Akira didn’t understand his dad and saw his words as meaningless because he was wasting his time as a farmer. Akira and the others are just outside of his hometown but the tunnel leading to it has been closed off and filled with zombies (pour some gasoline inside and barbeque some zombies). Thankfully, Akira doesn’t recognize any of the zombies inside which means his town is safe (hopefully). With no other choice, they go by foot through the forest and over the mountain to reach the town. While in the forest, they run into a man building a treehouse to protect him as well as honor his son. Akira helps him complete the treehouse as this was something he’s always wanted to do (Nitsuj: Same here. Unfortunately, there weren’t that many stable trees except in the forest behind my house and my mom was afraid of wild animals getting me). After completing the treehouse, they reach Akira’s hometown where the place is still intact and we meet Akira’s parents (Yin-Yang: Wow, not the people I was imagining). We see Akira try to have a serious moment and thank his parents for everything they’ve done for him but Akira’s dad punches him (Nitsuj: We don’t have serious moments here, son) and heads out to work in the fields. Akira has a hard time trying to repay the love of his parents (Nitsuj: Good luck. One lifetime isn’t enough to repay them for everything). We do find out that some of the residents are from the city who fled to the town to escape the zombies and four of them led by a guy named Higurashi are bad news. Just like Akira, he too has a bucket list and while Akira’s list is fun and filled with stuff to make you smile, this guy only seems interested in doing some rotten stuff like firing a gun, forcing himself on a woman, or smacking your spouse.

In episode 10 we see everyone adjusting to life in the village. Kencho befriends a girl who lost her family and Akira gets dreadlocks (Yin-Yang: He looks good. That’s a very hard look to pull off). We do find out that Higurashi went to the same university as Akira and Kencho before dropping out. That night, Akira shares a drink with his dad and bonds with him about following your dreams. But the moment gets interrupted by Higurashi and his gang. They increase the voltage of the electric gate to the village trapping everyone inside and release the zombies because Higurashi is a dick and wants to turn everyone he hates into zombies (Nitsuj: And let me guess, despite having little to no interaction with Akira he hates him? (Yin-Yang): It’s like you’ve seen a movie). Higurashi is an empty shell of a man. He’s an introvert, he lacks ambition, and doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. He saw Akira as the same as him, but Akira was happy and enjoying life (because he never gave up. He may not have known what he wanted to do with his life but he decided to live in the moment and enjoy the life he had right now. Higurashi seems to have the mindset of a Twitter user. If I don’t like something you can’t like it. If I’m a piece a shit you’re all pieces of shit as well).     

In the final two episodes, it’s Akira’s gang vs Higurashi’s gang. As everyone hides inside from the zombies, Akira makes it to his parents to protect them and the others prepared to die. However, Akira’s dad pulls him back in and heads out to fight telling Akira that if he wants to repay him and his mom then live a good life to the fullest (Nitsuj: That’s all any parent wants for their child. Live a good life that makes you happy). We see how Higurashi’s friends play the victims in their lives blaming everyone but themselves for their misfortune when in truth it’s their own fault (Yin-Yang: I hate when people play the victim card and don’t try to do anything to fix it). They each get defeated and become zombie food while Akira’s friends come out on the other end as the winners (scenes here: and Akira’s dad does a good job fighting off the zombies by himself but Higurashi comes in and captures him. He threatens to throw Akira’s dad to the zombies unless Akira comes out and offers himself in his place. Wanting to save his dad, Akira opens the door and allows himself to be bitten by the zombies. Once he comes out we see he’s been zombified (Yin-Yang: Oh no~. Now I have to think of an honorable way to kill you). As Higurashi gloats over his victory, Akira pulls him down to reveal he’s not a zombie. Make-up, done by a professional who was working on a zombie movie ( Also, we see how Akira extended the hand of friendship to Higurashi back in college but he ran away (so he had a chance to make a friend for life but he chose to run away. Yep, I have no sympathy for this character). Higurashi does get bitten by a zombie and runs away where he drowns himself in the river (scene here: With Higurashi and the others defeated, everyone now tries to escape the village. Beatrix manages to open the gate for them allowing everyone to escape the village but they run into another, the bridge is out and the zombies are closing in on them. Luckily, they get saved by the man in the forest who was building the treehouse. He makes them a bridge and they all manage to escape the zombies. A few days later and the villagers manage to get the zombies back into the tunnel and seal it off to reclaim the village. Akira and the others decide to leave the village with Akira deciding he’s going to find a cure and end this zombie apocalypse.

Final Thoughts

(Nitsuj): Zom 100 was great. It breathed new life into the zombie genre and was a funny enjoyable ride from start to finish.

(Seras): The anime does a good job balancing the funny moments with the serious moments but not making these serious moments too long or distracting.

(Yin-Yang): The characters are all great. Akira’s rebirth from corporate slave to energetic survivor was delightful and inspiring. I think everyone who’s ever had a job can relate to Akira so to see him come alive when the outbreak begins was heartwarming despite the society as he knows collapsing. The other characters also go through their own change. Except for Beatrix but to be fair she was already great and didn’t need to change. Just like Akira these guys were dead inside but through their interactions with each other they’ve started to enjoy life again and do the things they’ve always wanted to do.

(Seras): The rest of the characters they meet in their travels are all trying their best to live out their life in these unprecedented times. Like I said I really don’t feel any sympathy for Higurashi in his gang. These are people who had a hand extended to them but chose to run away or not change for others. Rather than blame themselves they blame everyone and everything around them and that doesn’t sit well with me. They could have changed but they chose not to and now they suffered for it. I hate how they try to redeem this character at the end. No, he doesn’t deserve it. Fuck that guy and his friends.

(Nitsuj): The animation is great. I love how colorful and lively it is despite the anime being about a zombie apocalypse. Every scene is just exploding with color and has great detail thrown into it. You can tell this was an anime everyone enjoyed working on and wanted to make it look as great as possible. To that I say mission accomplished. The anime doesn’t have that much zombie bashing which I’m weirdly okay with that because they managed to do everything else so well and made it more about the comedy than the action. The music is great and while these zombies aren’t anything new from what we’ve seen their designs are good and pay homage to classic zombie we see in movies and video games.

Final Score

(Nitsuj): My final score for Zom 100 is an 8/10.

(Yin-Yang): I give it a 7.5/10.

(Seras): I’m also giving it a 7.5/10. Not every villain needs to be redeemed.

(Nitsuj): So we end up with a 23/30 and averages out to a 7.6 out of 10. And going by our system that evens it out to a 7.5/10 and we’re giving it the a must watch stamp of approval.

(Seras): Animes rarely tackle zombies but when they do they always do a good job with them.

(Yin-Yang): And this one is easily one of the top 3. I really do hope they make a second season and continue.

(Nitsuj): I’m sure they will. But until then, thanks for reading and we’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj as Aniween continues. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Yin-Yang and Seras): High Low!

*Yin-Yang sweeps the legs of Nitsuj while Seras strikes him with a lariat*

(Yin-Yang): And that’s how we became tag team champions.

(Shizuku): Leg drop!

(Nitsuj): AHHHH~!

*Shizuku does a leg drop on Nitsuj’s chest*

(Seras): Tune in next week when Shizuku joins us.

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