Record 1: The Kingdom of Brister

(Morrison): The Kingdom of Brister. Considered one of the most prosperous kingdoms in all the land. The kingdom was founded centuries ago by Nathan Brister. What originally started off as a small settlement for pioneers would grow to become a city for travelers and adventurers in the area and finally a kingdom serving as a haven for people to find work and start families. To this day the kingdom is still ruled by the Brister royal family who rule with kindness and the responsibility to protect the people of their great kingdom. The kingdom is home to multiple races. From humans to elves to demihuman and most recently merfolk. While there is the occasional prejudice the kingdom works hard day and night to remedy this foolish hatred and create a kingdom where all are accepted and welcomed no matter who or what they are. The kingdom also provides affordable living accommodations for all. Whether you prefer living in city urban areas, downtown, city townhouses, or the suburbs, Brister has you covered.

While the kingdom has had its fair share of wars and battles over the years, whether it be from Eclipses, foreign countries, or even those within trying to seek power, the kingdom has always managed to persevere and come out stronger than ever. This is thanks in large part to its protectors, the knights. If there’s one thing Brister has developed a reputation for it’s the training and nurturing of excellent knights. Young men and women who chose to use their skills and talents to serve and protect the kingdom that they live in. They are the pride and glory of Brister who train rigorously every day to make sure everyone can feel safe and live their lives peacefully. There are four orders of knights within the kingdom. There’s the Blue Dragon Knights, Red Vermillion Knights, White Tiger Knights, and Black Tortoise Knights. Each order serves an important function to the kingdom, but we’ll save that for another time. Just know that Brister is a fantastic kingdom open to all and all are welcome to stay.

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