Record 4: The Red Vermillion Order

(Morrison): Outside of the walls of Brister are settlements. Small towns and cities composed of citizens who prefer the fresh outdoors and a more rural lifestyle. In return for taxes as well as goods, it falls on Brister’s knights to protect these settlements from bandits and Eclipses. Enter the Red Vermillion Knights. Also known as the Red Knights, this order is considered the largest order within the kingdom of Brister. Their mission is to protect and maintain order within the settlements outside of Brister’s walls. Whether it’s stopping the occasional bandits from causing havoc or stopping a rampaging Eclipse in the area, the Red Knights are trained and prepared to fight whatever dangers come their way. This is thanks in large part to their commander, Arslan Geraint the Sky King. Along with being an accomplished doctor and fighter he is also very familiar with the land outside of Brister. Oh, and one last thing before I forget, the order has also seen its fair share of legends pass through. One of them being the Blazing Knight himself who many consider to be the greatest knight of all time.

As I mentioned earlier Brister is always growing and building new areas to expand the kingdom. The Red Knights serve as scouts for the kingdom who help clear the area of any Eclipses allowing new settlements to be built. They also go on treasure hunts searching for lost ruins, exploring abandoned mines, maintain a friendly relationship with the locals and mapping out the area for future settlements or kingdom expansions. While the order works primarily outside the kingdom, their HQ is located within the Wall just like the Blue Dragon Order. It’s here that new recruits learn about the different settlements and do training with each other along with a world-class training facility. Both orders do an excellent job sharing the Wall and training together. Along with being the biggest order it’s also the most popular order within the kingdom. For a lot of knights, they’ve spent most of their lives within the walls of Brister, so as you’d imagine finally getting the ability to go out and see what lies beyond the walls is a thrilling experience. However, one should not underestimate the dangers that lie beyond the walls. Still, if you like the outdoors, have a thirst for adventure, and want to see what lies beyond the walls then the Red Vermillion Order is for you.

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