Record 5: The White Tiger Order

(Morrison): The White Tiger Knights. Better known as the White Knights. They’re the oldest order within the kingdom of Brister. They started off as a town watch who would lock away criminals and occasionally subdue the town drunk after a long night of partying. For some of the townsfolk, they were just seen as a group of individuals with nothing better to do with their time, but whenever public safety was at risk they were there to help out and restore order in any way they could. Their actions and bravery didn’t go unnoticed by Nathan Brister. He knighted these brave men and women who watched the town and established the order naming them the White Tiger Knights in honor of their bravery and fierce determination to protect what they loved. The order quickly became the town’s officers who would uphold the law and maintain public order.

Today, the White Tiger Knights are still around. While their look may have changed and they’ve grown in size their mission remains the same: To Serve and Protect. The order acts as a police force within the kingdom of Brister stopping local crimes and maintaining public order. There are over fifty precincts within the order scattered throughout the kingdom to serve as a beacon of safety and protection to the citizens of Brister. For years the order has been under the command of Korone Percival, an elf with exceptional abilities who has brought crime down 88% under her leadership and has even established special divisions within the order to handle the more serious crimes that plague the kingdom. Her child-like antics and demeanor can be off-putting at first glance, but when it’s time to get serious no one is more dangerous than her. One of the best things to note about this order is its diversity. The order is filled with humans, elves, demihumans and most recently merfolk. Making them the most diverse order in the kingdom and serving as an inspiration to the other orders to get more diversity in their ranks. The citizens of Brister can rest easy knowing that the White Tigers are on the move and protecting them day in and day out.

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