Hello and welcome Nitsuj. Well guys we’re here. The final part of Dai’s Adventure. It’s been a long time coming and they said we would never make it but here we are. Here’s the final fun fact for you guys. This one is about Yuji and Akira. If you’re a content creator it’s quite common […]
Tag Archives: Nitsuj
Nintendo’s Cinematic Universe
Hello. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Let’s talk about Nintendo. With the Super Mario Bros. movie being a success and a second movie already in production, it’s fair to say that Nintendo is taking a page out of Marvel and trying to start its own cinematic universe. This sounds like a pretty […]
Project #549: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 7
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s the last part before the grand finale and we’ve got battles going on everywhere. So let’s get right into the action after this fun fact about Dragon Quest. Americans got a free copy of the first game. It’s no secret that Dragon Quest never really took off in […]
Project #548: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 6
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. We’re nearing the end of Dai’s Adventure as the final battle is finally upon us and boy do they stretch it out. But before getting into the review here’s another fun fact about Dragon Quest. This is a big one, it inspired the hardware for the 3DS. If you […]
Project #547: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 5
Hello and welcome Project Nitsuj. It’s time for the second half of Dragon Quest as Dai’s adventure continues. As always, let’s start with a fun fact about Dragon Quest. When the series was first brought over to the West it had to change its name to Dragon Warrior. Why the hell did it have to […]
Project #546: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 4
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the fourth week of our review of Dragon Quest where we’re finally entering the halfway point of the series. Before getting into the review, here’s another Dragon Quest fact for you. It was one of the first games that allowed you to side with the villain. In […]
Chapter 49: A Call to Action
*It was the next morning and Jin was in his bed sleeping before the alarm on his clock went off. With his eyes still closed, Jin grumbled and rolled over to his clock to turn off the alarm. Once the alarm was off Jin rolled back the other side to continue sleeping only for the […]
Ranking the Octopath Travelers
Hey guys. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. JRPGs have come a long way. What was once considered an overlooked and underrated genre of video games has become a hot commodity. With excellent writing, characters, stories, themes, and graphics that get your attention and make you walk away with a new perspective on […]
Project #545: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 3
Hello and welcome to Project. We’re still continuing our look into Dragon Quest the Adventures of Dai with part 3 of the anime. But first, another fun fact about Dragon Quest. The series was actually inspired by Western games. In 1982 Enix sponsored a video game programming contest where the winners would win a trip […]
Chapter 48: Take Back the Kingdom
*Emerging from a manhole on the other side of the kingdom is Dust, Sanada, Gael, Jin, Alita and Hibana’s drone* (Dust): Ahhh~. Smell that fresh air. Feels good to be out of the sewers. I told you we were going the right way. (Hibana): Oh yeah, we’re just about ten miles from where we entered […]