Chapter 24: The Aftermath of Battle

*After what seemed like days of fighting in the city, the battle between Brister and Hargus was finally over. The results of the battle were Brister’s victory and the complete surrender of Hargus. All Hargus soldiers laid their weapons down at the demand of their commander who had agreed to Amarti’s terms of their surrender. […]

Project #494: Fate/Apocrypha Part 2

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second half of the Summer of Fate where we’re in the middle of taking a look at Fate/Apocrypha. (Yume): When we last left Fate/Apocrypha Shiro in a not so surprising twist reveals himself to be the villain of this anime. (Neo): Shiro has taken the command […]

Chapter 23: The Truth Behind Khaos

*Sanada, Morgan and Gael stood there speechless at what they were looking at. In a pod surrounded by mechanical bodies was the burnt body of an actual demihuman. Gael grabbed his head with one hand as he concentrated on the magic aura* (Gael): I sense sadness, anger and betrayal emanating from this body. (Sanada): Does […]

Project #493: Fate/Apocrypha Part 1

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second half of The Summer of Fate. (Neo): After the success of Unlimited Blade Works, the fandom of the Fate series was on the rise and Type-Moon struck while the iron was hot with videogames. The biggest one being the mobile game Fate/Grand Order. (Yume): […]

Chapter 22: The Dark Secret of a Scientist

*In an undisclosed location underground, two members of Blood Moon were standing outside of a sleek metal door. One of them was wearing a black/white mask of a monkey and the other wore a mask of a horse. As they stood there guarding the door, Gael came limping toward them with his clothes tattered, his […]

Project #492: Fate/stay night Part 2

(Neo): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second half of our review of *sigh* Fate/stay night original. (Yume): *Chuckles* I can tell you’re looking forward to this, Neo. (Nitsuj): Last time, we ended with Shirou and Saber managing to defeat Rider thus bringing an end to Shinji’s run in the war, but […]

Chapter 21: A Raid on Hargus

*On top of a large building, Dust, Ryuuji and Jin were looking down at the conference center of Orion which is where Hargus had set up its main base of operations* (Dust): Hargus has set up quite a base. Gun turrets, Heavy armored units with flamethrowers, and anti-air cannons to suppress air attacks. They’ve got […]

Project #491: Fate/stay night Part 1

(Yume): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome everyone to next part of the Summer of Fate. When talking about a series with multiple animes and spin-offs and it’s always important to take a look at the beginning. That’s why this week, we’re taking a look at the original Fate/stay night anime. (Nitsuj): But don’t […]

The Rewatch: Ufotable

Hello everyone. It’s Justin and welcome to the Otaku Mind. When it comes to anime the two most important aspects are story/characters and animation. It’s been debated on which one is more important, some say it’s animation others say it’s the story/characters. Personally, I think the story/characters are the most important as those are the […]

Chapter 20: The Samurai and The Dog

*While Raika was busy fighting against Aika, Sanada and Gael were fighting each other in the streets of Orion. Sanada wielded his sword against Gael’s bo staff made of light. The two would cross weapons with each other, parrying each other’s attacks where Sanada’s sword held up against the weapon of light. Every now and […]