The Top 11 Anime Waifus

Hello, Justin here, and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Happy Valentine’s day to everyone out there. Hey, do you have a waifu? Over the years people have been taking women from anime and declaring them their waifus. Why you ask, because that woman represents everything they look for in a significant other. A person who […]

Project #268: The Top 11 Hottest Anime Girls (2018 ed.)

Nitsuj. Valentine’s Day. Let’s do this. These are the top 11 hottest anime girls 2018 edition. #11. Tsubaki from Soul Eater Out of all the female characters in Soul Eater I think Tsubaki might be my favorite just for her personality alone. She is very accepting of everyone and everything around her. She […]

Project #267: Trinity 7

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Last week I said I had seven things to take care of and one of those things was taking a look at a series that has a pretty good fanbase despite having faults. No, not SAO. I’m talking about, Trinity 7. Trinity 7 is a serious that has a […]

Project #266: Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about Maruyama Animation Produce Project Association aka MAPPA. Over the years MAPPA has become one of the best anime studios in Japan, producing high quality anime that everyone can’t help but respect and like. The studio was founded in 2011 by Masao Maruyama the same man who […]

Project #265: My Little Pony the Movie

*Nitsuj walks through the house while humming the opening to ACCA 13 when all of a sudden someone throws a DVD through his window. He goes to see the DVD and gets a shocked look in his eyes when he sees the movie is the MLP Movie* (Nitsuj): Oh come on! This isn’t even an […]

Project #264: The Top 11 Anime Endings of 2017

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Today, we’re giving our final shout out to 2017 by taking a look at the top 11 anime endings. Why top 11? Because just like someone else I too like to go one step beyond. Much like openings have gotten better and creative over the years, the same can […]

The Top 11 Games of 2017

Hey guys. Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. 2017 was a great year for the gaming industry. Nintendo released the Switch which was a huge success, Sony released a slew of exclusives which were all great, and Microsoft. . .they officially announced the death of the Kinect even though we already knew it […]

Project #262: The Top 11 Anime of 2017

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Happy new year everyone and I like always with the new year we’re celebrating by taking one final look at 2017 and naming our top 11 anime of the year. Why top 11? Because just like someone else, I too like to go one step beyond. Sit back and […]

Project #261: Arslan Senki Part 3

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome everyone to the final review of 2017, Arslan Senki S2. Coming out in 2016 roughly a year after the first season ended, season 2 is also known as the Dust Dance Storm and serves as a sequel to the first season. This time produced by Linden Films and […]